Many people may have seen the scene where dogs’ buttocks are connected together and are inseparable, but they may not know what they are doing. Dogs’ buttocks are mating with each other. This phenomenon is the dog’s reproductive strategy. , because dogs mate less often but for a

Many people may have seen the scene of dogs with their butts connected together, making it difficult to separate them, but maybe they don’t know what they are doing? You will have the answer after reading the following.

Dogs mate butt-to-butt. This phenomenon is the dog's reproductive strategy. Because dogs mate less often but for a long time, so the butt-to-butt time will be longer, and it will last about 10~ About 25 minutes.

Why do dogs have such strange mating methods?

Because the male dog’s genitals have bones, during mating, the male dog’s genitals can enter the female dog’s body more easily. After being stimulated, the male dog’s genitals will expand rapidly, and the genitals will be stuck inside the female dog’s body. There is still time to wait until mating. Only when it's over can we separate. This is why you should not interrupt a mating dog as it can cause them to get injured.

What will be the impact if a dog is interrupted during mating?

can cause physical injury to dogs: Dogs are suddenly frightened and mating is forced to stop, which is very harmful to the body. Male dogs may suffer from penile bone fractures, smooth muscle strains and other problems; female dogs may suffer from uterine suspensory ligament damage, vulva damage and other problems, which may be fatal in severe cases.

Dogs will bite when they are angry: If a dog is not interrupted, he will feel in a good mood. If a male dog is unhappy, he may get angry and want to bite. At that time, he will still be in danger. So if you see dogs mating on the road, be careful not to interfere with them.

It’s too late: If you are a dog owner and don’t want to see your dog mating with wild dogs outside, it’s really useless to interrupt them, because the dog has already gotten pregnant at this stage. It's possible, and it's useless to interrupt.

During the estrus period, dogs lose a lot of nutrients, become more irritable, and have little appetite to eat. The owner can feed it some goat milk powder to supplement nutrition.

If you don’t want your dog to mate with dogs outside, neutering is the most effective way. Moreover, neutering your dog can also improve problems such as random urination and unwillingness to go home.

Some dogs become inactive after being neutered. If the owner still feeds them so much food, the dog will soon become "fat". Overweight dogs will have a great impact on their health. Pets should pay attention to this. It is recommended that neutered dogs be fed low-fat dog food.

Conclusion: Has your dog been neutered?