Many friends who have cats have cat odor occasionally coming into their homes. What should I do if my house smells bad due to cats? Don't panic! These things can help you get rid of odor, they are cheap and easy to use. 1. Toilet water and white vinegar. Pet owners mix toilet wat

Many friends who have cats occasionally have cat odor coming into their homes. What should I do if my house smells bad due to cats? Don't panic! These things can help you get rid of odor, they are cheap and easy to use.

1, toilet water, white vinegar

Pet owners mix toilet water and white vinegar in a ratio of 1:1, add some water to dilute it, then put it in a spray bottle and spray it several times on the smelly areas. It is particularly effective in deodorizing.

2, candle

In a smelly room, light a candle and then close its window. After igniting it for a period of time, extinguish it, and a little smoke will be produced. The carbon dioxide in the smoke has an adsorption effect and has the effect of getting rid of cat odor.

3, tea leaves

Tea leaves also have a deodorizing effect. You can soak some tea leaves in a basin and put them indoors. The powdered tea leaves can be sprinkled in the room, which can also absorb odors in the home.

4, activated carbon

Activated carbon has an adsorption effect. If your home smells bad, buy some activated carbon and place it in a smelly place. Leave it for a week and the smell will be basically gone. However, it is important to note that activated carbon needs to be replaced regularly as their adsorption effect will weaken after a period of time.

5, pet disinfectant

There are many specialized pet disinfectants on the market, such as active zinc pet disinfectant, biological enzyme pet disinfectant, etc. Pet owners can buy them to eliminate odors, and they are quite convenient.

How to reduce the odor at home after raising a cat:

① Clean cat supplies regularly. Daily necessities that cats use for a long time, such as cat litter, cat toys, etc., are best cleaned every week and exposed to more sunlight to kill bacteria. You can use baking soda to mop the floor.

② Let the cat go to the toilet in the designated place. cat litter and should be replaced every few days to reduce odor. The cat's poop must be dealt with in time, otherwise odor will occur.

If your cat often poops and urinates, you can train it and induce it to go to the litter box to defecate. When training, pair it with some snacks for better results.

③ Change the cat’s diet. If your cat's poop smells strong or smells bad, it's most likely caused by a dietary problem. It is best for pet owners to change their cat’s food to one that is easy to digest, which can improve the problem of feces odor and constipation.

Conclusion: What are your methods for removing cat odor?