Bully dogs with "short lifespan" usually have these four characteristics. Does your dog have them?

Bully: Originated from the United States, its average lifespan is 15-20 years, but many shit shoveling officers don’t know that a bully with a short lifespan will have the following four characteristics, take a look at your home Do dogs have them?

4 characteristics of bully dogs "not long-lived"

Feature 1: The quality of hair is "horrible"

Regarding the bully dog's hair, I believe many pet owners see it as short-haired Dogs, so they don't pay much attention to its hair, but in fact, whether the 8000 is nutritious enough, you can tell by looking at the hair. If the bully dog ​​is not nutritious enough, then the quality of the hair will be very poor.

Bully dogs with insufficient nutrition tend to have shorter lifespans. Therefore, if you want bully dogs to live longer, you must pay attention to their diet and maintain a comprehensive, balanced and adequate nutrition;

Taking it out in the sun can make the hair absorb the calcium in the sun and make the hair healthier!

Feature 2: Physical "struggle"

A healthy bully, it rarely gets sick, and is in good spirits;

but a short lifespan Bully dogs, its body immunity and resistance will decline, so it is easy to have colds, fever and other problems!

Feature 3: The body is "unsightly"

A bully with a short life span has an abnormal body.Some are skinny and some are fat!

First of all, a healthy bully looks relatively strong. If the bully looks thin, it means that it is malnourished or has parasites in its body, which causes it to live not long;

if If this happens to your bully, it is recommended that the owner deworm it regularly, and choose some dog food with high meat content and comprehensive nutrition to feed it, so as to help the bully to supplement the nutrients needed by the body!

But if your bully is fat, it means that it usually eats too much, or it may be caused by the food it eats too greasy, which will shorten its life span;

It is suggested that the owner should control its diet and replace it with a low-fat dog food to help it recover to a normal body. This topic will not be discussed here. Interested pet owners can click the blue font below. , learn about

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Feature 4: The stomach cannot bear to look directly at it

A healthy bully can eat, drink and sleep well every day Good;

But a bully dog ​​with a short lifespan will often have various gastrointestinal diseases, such as: blood in the stool, diarrhea, diarrhea, constipation and other problems, which are all important reasons for its shortened lifespan!

If your bully also has this condition, the owner should take it to the pet hospital for treatment in time, and remember to feed it pet probiotics 2-3 times a week , It can take care of and regulate its gastrointestinal health!

But feeding bullies with probiotics,It is best to choose some with more bacteria, because the more bacteria, the better the conditioning effect. This topic will not be discussed here. Interested pet owners can click the following blue font to understand Check it out

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Conclusion: Do you have bullies or other dogs?

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