Will a dog be "dead" after being bitten by a tick? You should know the correct way to remove ticks!

2020/04/2405:48:04 housepet 1412

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Ticks are an incompletely metamorphic animal, and they are generally found in wild grass and wild animals. The female ticks secrete toxins into the blood circulation when they suck blood on the dog, which can cause death in the dog.

Will a dog be

Harmfulness of ticks: When the tick sucks the blood of the female dog, the toxin of the female dog’s blood is secreted by the female dog’s neurotoxin from the tick’s blood circulation. Affect the release of acetylcholine, resulting in motor nerve dysfunction, and ultimately muscle paralysis.

Because the respiratory muscles will also be paralyzed, causing difficulty in breathing, increased carbon dioxide content in the body, decreased oxygen content, and death due to acidosis, while mature female ticks can cause dog death.

But there are many types of ticks. Not all ticks can cause paralysis, and not all dogs will get sick after infection. The key lies in the dog's resistance and the number of ticks.

Will a dog be

How to pluck the tick:

1, find the tick

Find the tick in time and pull it out. The pet owner should understand. In order to solve these hateful ticks, people have tried many methods, such as water, fire, soap, etc., to try to make the ticks consciously loose their mouths and fall. However, these methods can only get rid of ticks and cannot prevent them. Ticks may produce extra saliva or vomiting fluid due to irritation, which increases the possibility of dogs being exposed to the virus.

Will a dog be

2, tweezers to pull the tick

Its practical tweezers are the most effective and easy-to-use method. This method is mostly used in pet hospitals, using a small pair of tweezers. Clamp the head of the tick accurately, and then pull it off as a whole to ensure that the tick is pulled off as a whole and will not squeeze the tick's body.

Will a dog be

3. Use alcohol

Apply alcohol to the tick to relax its head or die. After a few minutes, use pointed tweezers to remove the tick. Clamp the tick from the mouthparts and pull it quickly to remove the tick. This method is the most rapid and effective, but it requires technology. If the operation is not good, only the tick’s body will be pulled out, but the mouthparts will remain in the dog’s skin.

Will a dog be

4, topical anthelmintic

Use an external anthelmintic (big pet or Flaine) to apply to the back of the dog’s neck to let the worm die and then fall. After removal, apply anti-inflammatory drugs to the damaged part of the skin to keep the area clean. It should be noted that the dead bugs are best to wait until they fall off automatically. Don't pick them up in a hurry. Failure to clean them will cause skin inflammation.

Will a dog be

Work after plucking a tick:

Record the time when the dog has a tick, the time of plucking the tick, and the place where it is parasitic. Take a picture. If the dog becomes unwell within a few days after the tick is removed, send the dog to the pet hospital and inform the doctor of the above information. Do not crush the pulled tick immediately. At this time, the tick still has the ability to release germs. It is best to put the tick in a sealed container before throwing it away.

Will a dog be

Daily prevention method:

For those dogs who love to play in the bushes, it is necessary to do a good job of deworming. Doing deworming means adding a protective barrier. . When you go out, spray an insect repellent spray to prevent the dog from being bitten. In the bath, use insect-killing soap or de-worming medicinal bath for prevention. Wear a collar with deworming drugs, but buy good quality, so as not to affect your dog's health.

Will a dog be

Daily feeding method:

1. In fact, the best prevention method is to prevent the dog from playing in the grass. This requires the owner to properly train the dog to obey the order. buildIt is recommended that dog snacks such as chicken jerky can be used as a reward when training dogs, which can supplement nutrition and increase the dog's interest in training.

Will a dog be

2. Choose high-protein dog food as far as possible to provide sufficient nutrition for dogs and ensure their health. Recommend this "Non-Greasy Natural Dog Food", which uses crushed fresh meat and is rich in animal protein, which can meet the nutritional needs of dogs. It contains EPA and DHA, both of which are unsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3), which is good for dogs. The dog's hair has a brightening effect and enhances the dog's immunity.

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Conclusion: Do you know how to tick a dog?

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