It is the nature of dogs to be lively, so it is common for them to make mistakes. However, the way to punish the dog after making a mistake is very important. Many dog ​​owners get angry and start fighting directly. This is not advisable. Please correct it quickly.

2024/06/2916:01:32 housepet 1836

It is the nature of dogs to be lively, so it is common for them to make mistakes. However, the way to punish dogs after they make mistakes is very important. Many dog ​​owners get angry and start fighting directly. This is not advisable. Please correct it quickly.

It is the nature of dogs to be lively, so it is common for them to make mistakes. However, the way to punish the dog after making a mistake is very important. Many dog ​​owners get angry and start fighting directly. This is not advisable. Please correct it quickly. - DayDayNews

1. Correct after making a mistake

Correcting a dog after making a mistake will not make it long-lasting. For some small things, the dog's memory is relatively short. You cannot wait until it makes a mistake before correcting it. You must follow the principle of first time. The first moment it makes a mistake, let it know: NO!

It is the nature of dogs to be lively, so it is common for them to make mistakes. However, the way to punish the dog after making a mistake is very important. Many dog ​​owners get angry and start fighting directly. This is not advisable. Please correct it quickly. - DayDayNews

2. Unclear attitude

Many dog ​​owners have unclear attitude after the dog makes a mistake. The dog learns what the owner expresses through the tone of voice. When the dog makes a mistake, it should stop loudly and its body movements should clearly show A no-no attitude tells the dog that it is making a mistake through its tone and actions.

It is the nature of dogs to be lively, so it is common for them to make mistakes. However, the way to punish the dog after making a mistake is very important. Many dog ​​owners get angry and start fighting directly. This is not advisable. Please correct it quickly. - DayDayNews

3. Imprisoning a dog in a small dark room

Imprisoning a dog in a small dark room will only make the dog afraid of you and afraid of you in the long run, making the dog drift away. It does not allow the dog to understand that it was imprisoned because it made a mistake.

It is the nature of dogs to be lively, so it is common for them to make mistakes. However, the way to punish the dog after making a mistake is very important. Many dog ​​owners get angry and start fighting directly. This is not advisable. Please correct it quickly. - DayDayNews

4. A “filial son” emerges from under the stick

Some scoundrels said: When my dog ​​makes a mistake, he gets it after a beating. Although the words are humorous, they are not advisable! This can easily cause the dog to become frightened, mentally unhealthy, and refuse to interact with its owner. You can use newspapers and other soft things instead of punching and kicking, which will be more effective. Don't fail to hit the vital point.

It is the nature of dogs to be lively, so it is common for them to make mistakes. However, the way to punish the dog after making a mistake is very important. Many dog ​​owners get angry and start fighting directly. This is not advisable. Please correct it quickly. - DayDayNews

5. Standing with hind limbs erect

Many people on the Internet share funny videos of corporal punishment of dogs by forcing them to stand with both legs. In fact, it is not funny at all when you really understand it. Standing for a long time and too often will affect the dog's body, leading to patellar dislocation, and in severe cases, paralysis.

It is the nature of dogs to be lively, so it is common for them to make mistakes. However, the way to punish the dog after making a mistake is very important. Many dog ​​owners get angry and start fighting directly. This is not advisable. Please correct it quickly. - DayDayNews

6. Give the dog some candy immediately after being slapped

Is there any dog ​​owner who, after punishing the dog, feels sorry for the dog again after the anger subsides, and immediately takes out the snacks to reconcile with the dog? Giving the dog a snack immediately after punishing it will make the dog think that the problem is not big anyway, and he will do it again next time. Snacks are used to reward when the dog behaves well. Try to prepare the snacks that the dog likes to eat when training. One command and one reward will make a big improvement.

It is the nature of dogs to be lively, so it is common for them to make mistakes. However, the way to punish the dog after making a mistake is very important. Many dog ​​owners get angry and start fighting directly. This is not advisable. Please correct it quickly. - DayDayNews

7. Not feeding

You cannot punish the dog by not feeding it. Food is the dog’s daily source of nutrients. Lack of nutrition will cause the dog’s physical weakness , and in serious cases, it can lead to illness. Owners can choose a nutritionally comprehensive dog food as a staple food to prevent the dog from failing to keep up with its daily nutrition. You can try the following ones.

It is the nature of dogs to be lively, so it is common for them to make mistakes. However, the way to punish the dog after making a mistake is very important. Many dog ​​owners get angry and start fighting directly. This is not advisable. Please correct it quickly. - DayDayNews

Conclusion: Are you still punishing your dog in the wrong way?

It is the nature of dogs to be lively, so it is common for them to make mistakes. However, the way to punish the dog after making a mistake is very important. Many dog ​​owners get angry and start fighting directly. This is not advisable. Please correct it quickly. - DayDayNews

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