At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous

2024/06/2421:44:34 housepet 1059

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves hunted the sheep.

Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but there were so many wolves that some of the shepherd dogs had already died under the wolves' mouths, and they were retreating steadily.

At this moment, a shepherd dog rushed out of the wolf pack and ran into the distance, quickly disappearing into the night.

The shepherd dogs fell down one by one, and the sheep screamed, frightened like ants on a hot pot and fled in all directions.

In this tragic situation, the sound of dogs barking was heard in the distance. The shepherd dog from before came back and joined the fight against the wolves again.

"Woof woof..." Not long after the shepherd dog returned, dogs barked in the dark night, and wild Tibetan mastiffs came running wildly.

In a second, they joined the ranks of fighting against the wolves like thousands of troops.

Under the moonlight, wolves howled and dogs barked for a long time in the vast prairie, staged an earth-shattering wolf-dog battle.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

The spring breeze blows all over the ground, and the grassland is full of green. It is a good time for grazing.

Tian Chao is 33 years old and is a large sheep farmer. He raises 500 sheep in his pasture.

Tian Chao basically lives alone on the ranch for the whole year. Sometimes he really misses his wife and children, so he stays at home for two or three days at most and then hurries to the ranch. This is their family's only source of income, and if anything happens to them, it's the end of the world.

As time went by, Tian Chao gradually got used to it and no longer felt lonely. He takes his sheepdog and drives the sheep under the blue sky and white clouds every day, which is also very pleasant.

Moreover, there are other herdsmen nearby, and they gather together to drink and brag in their spare time.

In the summer of 2011, Tian Chao took his sheepdog with him as usual, driving the sheep to the prairie for grazing. He used his hands as a pillow and lay on the prairie, enjoying the beauty of nature.

The sheep were bleating not far away, and from time to time, the barking of three shepherd dogs was heard. At that time, some sheep were disobedient and started running around.

Tian Chao's three shepherd dogs are Golden Retriever, German Shepherd and Border Collie , named Xiao Huang, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai respectively.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

Seeing Xiao Huang, Xiao Hei, and Xiao Bai managing the sheep diligently, Tian Chao stood up, stretched out, and began to sing loudly.

As a Mongolian man, Tian Chao also has a ‘golden voice’. Whenever they sing loudly, the sheep will always stop to graze and all look here, shouting "bleeping", and the golden eagles soaring in the sky will also make their chirping sounds, as if they are singing. Dubbing for it.

Three shepherd dogs will also come to Tian Chao, sticking out their big pink tongues and tilting their heads to listen carefully. They are the most loyal audiences. At the same time, they will not forget their work, turning their heads from time to time to look at the grazing sheep to prevent them from running around.

When it was approaching noon, Tian Chao came to the forest area. He found a big stone covered by the shade of a tree. He took out the lunch he carried and started eating.

At the same time, the three shepherd dogs would follow. They also knew that when it was time to eat, Tian Chao would not hesitate to throw away a few pieces of dry food and dried meat.

When it comes to food, the three shepherd dogs never compete with each other. They are very obedient. After eating, they go back to take care of the sheep.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

Tian Chao, who is full, will lie on the stone and take a nap.

"Aww..." After squinting for a while, Tian Chao heard the howling of wolves and the barking of dogs. He thought the sheep were being attacked and quickly looked at his own sheep.

The sheep were also a little panicked after hearing the howling of the wolves, but they calmed down after hearing the barking of three shepherd dogs, with their 'bodyguards' beside them.

At the same time, the three shepherd dogs also became alert, whining continuously in one direction, because the howling of wolves came from there.

After seeing that his sheep were fine, Tian Chao breathed a sigh of relief, but he immediately became worried: "Did other herdsmen encounter wolves?"

Everyone was grazing on the same prairie, so there was no reason to ignore anything that happened. Tian Chao Chao left Xiao Bai here to guard the sheep, then called Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei and ran in the direction of the howling wolf.

The howling of wolves and the barking of dogs continued, and the barking of dogs was a little urgent. Tian Chao couldn't help but speed up his pace. Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei followed closely behind, shouting "woof", seeming very anxious, but Tian Chao was only so fast, and they didn't want to leave their master behind and run over to check first.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

Soon Tian Chao came to a mountain col and saw a heart-wrenching scene.

Down the mountain, four wolves were besieging a group of wild mastiffs. At this time, the wild mastiff's hair was knotted with blood, and he was panting violently with his mouth wide open.

It did not choose to escape, but kept roaring at the four wolves, because there was a small Tibetan mastiff under it. The little Tibetan Mastiff's head poked out from the gap between the big Tibetan Mastiff's front legs and howled.


The four wolves howled almost at the same time, and then their wolf fangs began to bite the wild mastiff mother and her son, intending to give the Tibetan mastiff a fatal blow.

It only takes a few seconds for a series of events to occur, but within these few seconds, the lives of the wild mastiff mother and her son were threatened.

"Xiao Huang, Xiao Hei, come on."

Looking at the big wolf that was about to attack, Tian Chao didn't hesitate and immediately gave the order to Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei who were roaring at the side.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

After hearing this command, Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei rushed towards the col like bullets, and the two guys scrambled to get first.

The wolf dog that was about to attack was attracted by the barking of the dog. When it saw Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei rushing over, it let out an angry roar. It was obvious that Chen Yaojin was very angry at the "Chen Yaojin" who came out of the way. The two wolves instantly Turning their attention to Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei, the other two wolves continued to attack the wild mastiff.

The wild mastiff also saw the strangers of the same kind who were rushing to help. It growled low and, before the big wolf could make a move, it took the lead and pounced on one of the wolves.

At this time, Xiao Huang and Da Hei also arrived and struggled with the big wolf.

"Xiao Huang, Xiao Hei, bite to death..."

When the two sides were fighting fiercely, Tian Chao was on the way, shouting loudly. After hearing this, Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei suddenly exerted their strength, and the two big wolves were instantly at a disadvantage.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

On the other side, the besieged wild mastiffs have fallen into a disadvantage. One of them wanted to bite the little Tibetan Mastiff, but the big Tibetan Mastiff also stopped him. Tian Chao also arrived at this time, lifted a stone and threw it at the big wolf.

The two big wolves that were besieging the wild mastiff gave up on the wild mastiff and began to kill Tian Chao. There was no trace of fear on Tian Chao's face. He rolled up his sleeves and prepared to fight.

"Woof woof." Seeing their master being attacked, Xiao Huang and Xiao Hei came to Tian Chao's side to protect him. The four wolves gathered together again. At this moment, the sound of a dog barking came again, and it was Xiaobai. After hearing the cries of Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang, it abandoned the sheep and ran over.

The four wolves looked at Xiao Bai running over, then looked at the man and three dogs in front of them, and ran away with a howl. Xiao Hei and Xiao Huang wanted to pursue them, but were stopped by Tian Chao.

When Tian Chao came to the wild mastiff, his heart felt cold. At this time, the wild mastiff was covered in blood, lying on the ground, its belly was rising and falling, and it was whining.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

The little Tibetan Mastiff looked at Tian Chao walking over, barking, full of vigilance.

The Tibetan Mastiff turned his head to look at Tian Chao, and finally let out a wail, not fiercely, but with a little pleading in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I will help you take good care of the child."

After Tian Chao finished saying this, the wild mastiff looked at the little Tibetan mastiff, trying hard to lean its head there, but it had no strength and moved to He stopped moving halfway, and his stomach stopped rising and falling.

Sighed, Tian Chao squatted down and stretched out his hand to the little Tibetan Mastiff, "Come here, little guy, I will take you home."

The little Tibetan Mastiff kept leaning on the big Tibetan Mastiff and kept making vigilant calls. .

Looking at the alert little Tibetan Mastiff, Tian Chao felt helpless and took a photo of Xiao Huang beside him.Xiao Huang immediately understood, ran over, bit the little Tibetan Mastiff, and came back with it in his mouth. Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai also got close to him, making the little Tibetan Mastiff howl in fright.

Tian Chao pushed the three big heads away, picked up the nervous little Tibetan Mastiff, stroked its head, and comforted it carefully. Perhaps sensing Tian Chao's kindness, the little Tibetan Mastiff gradually calmed down.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

After returning to the ranch, looking at the unfamiliar environment, the little Tibetan Mastiff was very nervous and barked uneasily, as if calling his mother.

Tian Chao gave the little Tibetan Mastiff a bath first, then fed him some goat milk, and then handed it over to Xiao Huang, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, thinking that it would be no problem for them to take care of the little Tibetan Mastiff.

But Tian Chao obviously thought wrong, or he looked down upon the three guys, because they completely regarded the little Tibetan Mastiff as a toy and did not treat it as a cub at all.

Think about it, Xiao Huang, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are all males, so how can they take care of puppies.

When Tian Chao went to check, he found that these three guys blocked the little Tibetan Mastiff in a corner and studied it curiously. The little Tibetan Mastiff was so frightened that it put its tail between its legs and howled. pole.

"Get out of here." Tian Chao drove the three big guys away and carried the little Tibetan Mastiff to his room, thus avoiding a 'disaster'.

Under Tian Chao's careful care, the little Tibetan Mastiff grew up healthily and became very strong. It also had its own name, called: Xiao Hui.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

When it was three months old, Tian Chao began to train Xiao Hui and herding skills. Xiao Hui is very smart, and under the leadership of Xiao Huang, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, he quickly becomes a qualified shepherd dog.

Xiao Hui is otherwise fine, but he is a bit naughty, and he is a descendant of a wild mastiff, so he is also a bit wild. He sometimes plays with the lambs, and his mouth is neither gentle nor heavy, so he was taught a lesson by Tian Chao several times. It did work, as he would run far away when he saw a lamb, but he harmed other people's lambs, which gave Tian Chao a headache.

One day, Tian Chao missed his wife and children and planned to go home. He was afraid that Xiao Hui would cause trouble here, so he planned to take Xiao Hui back.

But something big happened the day I returned home.

Tian Chao went out in the morning and arrived home in the evening. Since the young couple hadn't seen each other for a long time, they went to bed early to rest after dinner.

But at this moment, the cry of Tian Chao's 4-year-old son suddenly came from outside, accompanied by the sound of a dog barking. What's going on with

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews


Xiao Hui bit his son?

Tian Chao’s first reaction was at this time, but he thought it was unlikely.

Just when Tian Chao was about to get out of bed to check, Xiao Hui ran into the house with blood stains on the corners of his mouth. Xiao Hui came to the bed and kept barking, as if something had happened.

"Ah." Tian Chao's wife screamed, because anyone who saw this scene would think that Xiao Hui bit the child.

"It's all your fault. I asked you to tie it up, but you didn't. You said it doesn't bite."

Tian Chao's wife cried and hit it: "If something happens to my son, I'll see what you do. "

At this time, Tian Chao didn't care anymore and ran out without wearing any shoes. When he came outside, he saw his son lying in the yard crying loudly. Tian Chao quickly ran over to check and found a lot of blood coming out of the child's head.

At this time, Tian Chao's wife also ran out. Seeing the blood on the child's head, she picked up the stick on the side and hit Xiao Hui, but was stopped by Tian Chao.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

"It was bitten by your son, and you still protect this beast?" Tian Chao's wife roared.

"The most important thing is to treat our son's injuries first." Tian Chao said and ran out with his son in his arms, and his wife quickly followed.

At the age of 10, the bleeding from the injury to Tian Chao's son's head was stopped and bandaged. There was nothing serious.

"Doctor, don't you need any rabies vaccine ?"

When the doctor asked them to go back, Tian Chao's wife couldn't help but ask.

"Rabies vaccine?" The doctor was a little confused, with a confused look on his face, "Your child has not been bitten by a dog, why do you need a rabies vaccine?"

Now it was Tian Chao's wife's turn to be confused, what's going on.

At this time Tian Chao said: "Do you know why I stopped you just now? The child accidentally fell and hit his head. Xiao Hui found out and informed us later."

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

The moment he picked up the child, Tian Chao I discovered it, but I was worried about the child's safety and didn't have time to explain. Tian Chao's wife blushed after hearing this: "I'm worried and anxious..."

After staying at home for three days, Tian Chao rushed back to the ranch with Xiao Hui.

A year has passed and Xiao Hui has grown up. As a wild mastiff, it has become more and more ferocious and has caused a lot of troubles.

You must know that there are many ranches nearby, and each ranch has sheepdogs, so some fights between the sheepdogs are inevitable.

One day, Xiao Huang, who loved to go shopping outside, was beaten up by several other shepherd dogs and chased back to the pasture in a very embarrassed state.

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai naturally couldn't sit idly by when they saw their brother being bullied. When Xiao Huang saw his brother coming to help, he stopped running and started to confront him.

was just going through the motions, waiting for each other to call each other for a while, waiting for their respective masters to come back, and then went home obediently. But Xiao Hui was a bit ungrateful and rushed forward.

When Xiao Hui was still young, he was often bullied by other shepherd dogs and was often protected by Xiao Huang, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai. Although they often bully Xiao Hui, other dogs are not allowed to bully him.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

Now that Xiao Hui saw that his former protector was being bullied, he naturally couldn't bear it anymore.

The shepherd dogs chasing Xiao Huang were not bad, and they started fighting with Xiao Hui. Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai and Xiao Huang naturally couldn't stand aside and rushed forward.

Fortunately, Tian Chao, who heard the dog barking, dared to come over in time, thus preventing a tragedy from happening.

Later, Xiao Hui gave Tian Chao more and more headaches. As long as a shepherd dog barked at them, Xiao Hui would act like a fool. He would just rush forward and do it. He didn't care whether he could beat him or not. Anyway, he couldn't because of his momentum. lose.

Tian Chao had taught this guy many times, but it just didn’t work. He couldn’t do it like a tiger, and he wanted to send him away directly.

It wasn't until they were grazing again that the matter was resolved, which made Tian Chao happy and a little sad at the same time.

One afternoon, Tian Chao was lying on the grass watching four guys grazing. Suddenly he heard a dog barking and secretly barked something bad, and then he saw Xiao Hui rushing out.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

"Damn it." Tian Chao couldn't help but cursed, and then shouted Xiao Hui's name, but the idiot didn't listen at all.

Tian Chao looked over and found two wild mastiffs not far away. He was afraid that Xiao Hui couldn't defeat them, so he wanted Xiao Huang and the other three to go too.

But he was stunned the next second. He saw that Xiao Hui did not fight with the two wild mastiffs. They were wagging their tails and sniffing each other's bodies, just like good brothers who had not seen each other for many years. What's going on with


The two wild mastiffs left after a while, and Xiao Hui also ran back. But after that, as long as he didn't graze, Xiao Hui would run away and even didn't come back for two days.

Tian Chao guessed that Xiao Hui might have found a group of wild mastiffs. Wild mastiffs live in groups, just like wolves.

"Is there a relationship between the two wild mastiffs I saw before and Xiao Hui? Are they brothers?"

Tian Chao began to have wild imagination, but he could not deny this bold conjecture, because Xiao Hui was here I haven’t come into contact with the Tano Mastiff group this year, and that was the first time.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

Tian Chao gradually came to think so, because when he was grazing again, Xiao Hui appeared again, followed by several wild mastiffs.

Xiao Hui came to Tian Chao and crazily pressed against his body, as if saying goodbye.

Tian Chao stroked Xiao Hui, feeling happy and uncomfortable at the same time.

After coming here, Xiao Hui no longer lives at Tian Chao's house, but he still comes over from time to time, and also appears when Tian Chao is grazing.

Sometimes Xiao Hei, Xiao Huang and Xiao Bai will follow Xiao Hui out, but they will come back on time when it is time to graze.

Another year has passed. The relationship between Xiao Hui and Tian Chao has not become estranged because of the passage of time, but has even become closer. Of course, Xiao Huang, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai are also indispensable. Every time they meet, One person and four dogs were extremely excited.

In the winter of this year, there were heavy snowfalls for several days, which affected our lives. Especially for some carnivorous wild animals, they cannot catch food for several days due to environmental problems.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

In order to survive, many animals set their sights on the cattle and sheep in the pastures, and two groups of wolves set their sights on Tian Chao and the pastures around him.

On a snowy night, many people went to bed early because of the cold weather. In the quiet night, the shepherd dogs all started barking. One after another, the herdsmen came out to check. They found that at least one of them had appeared. There are at least hundreds of wolves.

The appearance of hundreds of wolves made the sheep and cattle agitated. The shepherd dogs also felt like they were facing a powerful enemy. They howled one by one, echoing the howls of the wolves, making an invisible confrontation.

The herdsmen also had solemn expressions and quickly gathered together to think of countermeasures. It was obvious that these wolves were well prepared. They could not fight alone and could only practice their skills.

In the strong wind, herders gathered together with tools and their sheepdogs. They now shined strong light on the wolves.

The wolves were in panic at first, but under the command of the alpha wolf, the wolves quickly calmed down, and due to the weather, the effect of bright light was not very great.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

At the same time, the shepherd dogs who often fought with each other in the past also gave up their barriers and formed a pair of dogs on their own. There are only about twenty shepherd dogs, which are somewhat insignificant compared to the hundred wolves.

The shepherd dogs did not back down. They stood in front of their owners and the cattle and sheep, vowing to fight to the death against the wolves. This was their duty.

The herdsmen have called for help, but the weather is bad and it will take at least an hour for the rescue team to arrive.

But the wolves obviously would not give them so much time and had already begun to attack. Facing the attacking wolves, the shepherd dogs barked urgently, but they did not rush forward, but stood in front of the herdsmen.

The battle was about to break out. Seeing the shepherd dogs retreating steadily, the herdsmen also rushed forward with tools, because they understood that when the shepherd dogs fell, they could not come back. Moreover, herder dogs are not only shepherd dogs, but also good partners for herdsmen. They cannot bear to see the sacrifice of their partners.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

Tian Chao also rushed towards the three wolves besieging Xiao Hei with an iron rod.

Although the herdsmen have joined, they are not yet a match for the wolves. At this moment, a yellow shadow suddenly broke away from the wolves and rushed into the night. It was Xiao Huang.

Looking at Xiao Huang running away, Youlang wanted to stop him, but was stopped by Xiao Bai.

Xiao Huang, who escaped from the battle, ran wildly in the wind and snow, leaving behind plum blossom footprints.

"Woof woof..."

In a forest, Xiao Huang stopped and shouted anxiously. At the same time, a response came from the forest, and then a wild mastiff ran out. Who was it if it wasn't Xiao Hui?

Xiao Huang barked a few times and then ran towards the pasture. Xiao Hui barked a few times and followed him, but there was a commotion in the woods behind him. Wild mastiffs rushed out one after another. They looked over fiercely and saw the number. No less than a pack of wolves.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

In the pasture, the herdsmen were all injured, and only a dozen sheepdogs were left.

"Damn it, I'll fight for you." A man looked at the four wolves that were attacking his shepherd dog and rushed forward with red eyes.

The herdsmen were already furious, but some sheepdogs were still falling down and wailing.

As time passed, the herdsmen became a little desperate.

At this moment, countless dogs barked in the distance, and both the herdsmen and the wolves looked over.

In the cold wind, a group of wild mastiffs no less numerous than wolves were running towards here. In front of them were a large golden retriever and a Tibetan mastiff, which were Xiao Huang and Xiao Hui.

At night, two groups of wolves quietly appeared near the herdsmen's sheep. Under the command of the two wolf kings, the two groups of wolves began to hunt the sheep. Facing the wolves, the shepherd dogs and the herdsmen tried their best to resist, but the wolves were so numerous  - DayDayNews

The group of wild mastiffs were just like Xiao Hui, each one was a fool and pounced directly on the wolf dog.They are very smart, first solve the siege of the sheepdogs prairie wolves .

The barking of dogs, the howling of wolves, and the shouting of people represent the unrest of this night.

The battle lasted for a full twenty minutes and ended with a tragic victory for the wild mastiff. The snow was dyed red. Some herdsmen shouted for survival after the disaster, and some cried loudly.

An hour later, the rescue team arrived, and they shed tears when they saw the tragic scene.

In nature, all things have feelings. Although they cannot speak, it does not mean that they do not understand.

hopes that everyone will be kind to all things in nature, including flowers and plants. In fact, protecting them is protecting us.

Even if you don’t bother to protect, please don’t hurt us, because everything is closely related and one day it will affect us.

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