Giant pandas rolling and "playing" in the snow, forest musk deer strolling in the snow obediently foraging for food, red pandas, national first-class protected animals, giant civets...are they super cute and star-like?

2024/06/2322:30:32 housepet 1478

The giant panda rolling in the snow and "playing treasure"

The forest musk deer strolling in the snow The forest musk deer

The obedient foraging The red panda

The national first-level protected animal The giant civet


Isn't it super cute? Super star-like?

These precious pictures appeared in the recent infrared camera monitoring data of Sichuan Heizhugou National Nature Reserve

On July 13, the reporter learned from Sichuan Heizhugou National Nature Reserve that Sichuan Heizhugou National Nature Reserve had recently retrieved After preliminary screening of a batch of infrared cameras, the data showed that giant pandas were playful and innocent, and red pandas and forest musk deer were eating leisurely. The video was very eye-catching. The most valuable thing is that this is the first time that the giant civet, a national first-level protected animal, has "appeared" in the reserve. These video data fully reflect the biological diversity and good ecological environment of Ebian.

Giant pandas rolling and

Giant pandas rolling and

Giant pandas rolling and

Giant pandas rolling and

Giant pandas rolling and

Sichuan Heizhugou National Nature Reserve belongs to Emian Yi Autonomous County in terms of administrative division. It spans Hongqi Town, Heizhugou Town and Lewu Township of Emian Yi Autonomous County to the north and east. The Heizhugou area is one of the most complete and primitive ecological communities in China. There are many types of national first- and second-level protected animals and national first- and second-level protected plants in the area.

In recent years, the Sichuan Heizhugou National Nature Reserve Administration has continued to strengthen the protection of biodiversity in the nature reserve and surrounding . Strengthen daily patrol monitoring, promptly understand and grasp the interference of human or natural factors on wild animals and plants in the reserve, the dynamic changes of the ecosystem, and the status of animal and plant resources in the reserve, so as to ensure the security of resources in the reserve. We will improve the management and protection system, conscientiously implement the resource management and protection responsibility system, cooperate with relevant departments to severely crack down on illegal activities that damage forest resources, and do a solid job in the monitoring, prevention and control of wild animal epidemics in protected areas and surrounding areas. Make every effort to do a good job in scientific research monitoring work, increase training and investment in the use of scientific research monitoring equipment, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with universities, scientific research units and other protected areas, and deploy infrared cameras in protected areas every year to dynamically monitor wildlife resources and establish information management system and improve the scientific research monitoring system. Increase community co-construction and co-management, strengthen contact and coordination with towns and villages surrounding the reserve, establish a good relationship between mass prevention and protection, effectively resolve conflicts between reserve management and community economic development, and achieve harmonious and win-win goals.

Source of information: Sichuan Heizhugou National Nature Reserve Administration

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