Many pet owners will "judge the dog by its appearance" when raising dogs. When they see that the dog is good-looking and well-behaved, they choose to raise it, and this can easily lead to pitfalls. Today I’m going to tell you that no matter how well-behaved the following five typ

2024/05/2618:28:32 housepet 1426

Many pet owners will "judge the dog by its appearance" when raising dogs. When they see that the dog is good-looking and well-behaved, they choose to raise it, and this can easily lead to pitfalls. Today I’m going to tell you that no matter how well-behaved the following five types of dogs look, I advise you not to keep them, as they are recognized as white-eyed wolves!

Many pet owners will


What does the Corgi look like? That's a well-known cuteness. Not only does it have short legs, but it also has a fat butt. No one can resist the way it runs.

Although Corgi looks quite well-behaved, it is recognized as a white-eyed wolf and is not too wary of people. Sometimes when people have food in hand, they will just follow people away.

Many pet owners will


Samoyed is so cute. When facing you, it seems that it is always smiling. With its white hair, many people will be confused by its appearance.

But no matter how good it looks, it cannot deny its identity as a white-eyed wolf. Once it goes out and its pet owner is not around, it will definitely go to find another "owner".

Many pet owners will


Husky looks handsome and well-behaved, and can bring a lot of joy to its owners, but it is still a white-eyed wolf.

will not only quarrel and argue with the "rice class leader", but will also be extremely enthusiastic when seeing anyone. If someone touches it, it will just leave with them!

Many pet owners will

④Border Collie

Border Collie is the IQ in the dog world. It is very simple to train, and even better if it is paired with snacks.

But a border collie with such a high IQ is also a white-eyed wolf. Whenever there is danger, instead of protecting his master, he will even run away first, leaving his master as a shield for him!

Many pet owners will


Alaska looks innocent and super well-behaved. He does whatever he is told and never refuses. But after raising him, you will find that he is also a white-eyed wolf.

Because it is not wary of anyone, as long as it is good to it, it is its owner, and it can really run with people in minutes!

You should pay attention to the daily care of Alaska. It sheds a lot. In addition to brushing its hair more often, you also need to add more nutrients to ensure the health of its hair.

Many pet owners will

Conclusion: Have you ever raised these white-eyed wolves in ?

Many pet owners will

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