We have sorted out several combinations of feeding dogs. In addition to dog food, occasionally feeding some nutritional supplements is more beneficial to the health of dogs - ✅UUB dog food has 78% meat content and 38% crude protein. There is a lot of freeze-drying inside, and the

2024/05/2300:00:32 housepet 1993

has sorted out several combinations of feeding dogs.

In addition to dog food , occasionally feeding some nutritional products

is more beneficial to the health of dogs


✅UUB dog food

78% meat content

38% crude protein

Open inside A lot of freeze-dried ,

smells very good,

78% meat content satisfies the dog's carnivorous nature,

the dog is chubby and not picky about food at all


has a high total amount of active ingredients

relieves joints Pain

Good palatability and easy to feed

Quail eggs yellow

Higher B2 content than egg yolk

Makes the hair more shiny

It is also good for the skin


✅k9 dog food

37.9% crude fat

29.1 % Xiang Dan Zi

This smells fishy

However, dogs love to eat it

It is not greasy and very fresh

The particles are slightly broken

But the price is really unacceptable

✅ Trace elements

are suitable for the lack of pigment in the nose

and For dogs with pica ,

can supplement trace elements in an appropriate amount

✅ Fish oil

moisturizes the hair, strengthens the joints, and can also protect the heart and brain

You can choose this single package

which is not easy to oxidize and has a higher value


✅ Aififei dog food

38% crude egg from

20% crude fat

This content is quite rich in meat.

Grain-free formula, no need to worry about allergies.

It is also good for the dog’s stomach

✅ Probiotics

Reduce indigestion , relieve constipation and diarrhea, and protect the dog's gastrointestinal

#dog food

We have sorted out several combinations of feeding dogs. In addition to dog food, occasionally feeding some nutritional supplements is more beneficial to the health of dogs - ✅UUB dog food has 78% meat content and 38% crude protein. There is a lot of freeze-drying inside, and the - DayDayNews

We have sorted out several combinations of feeding dogs. In addition to dog food, occasionally feeding some nutritional supplements is more beneficial to the health of dogs - ✅UUB dog food has 78% meat content and 38% crude protein. There is a lot of freeze-drying inside, and the - DayDayNews

We have sorted out several combinations of feeding dogs. In addition to dog food, occasionally feeding some nutritional supplements is more beneficial to the health of dogs - ✅UUB dog food has 78% meat content and 38% crude protein. There is a lot of freeze-drying inside, and the - DayDayNews

We have sorted out several combinations of feeding dogs. In addition to dog food, occasionally feeding some nutritional supplements is more beneficial to the health of dogs - ✅UUB dog food has 78% meat content and 38% crude protein. There is a lot of freeze-drying inside, and the - DayDayNews

We have sorted out several combinations of feeding dogs. In addition to dog food, occasionally feeding some nutritional supplements is more beneficial to the health of dogs - ✅UUB dog food has 78% meat content and 38% crude protein. There is a lot of freeze-drying inside, and the - DayDayNews

We have sorted out several combinations of feeding dogs. In addition to dog food, occasionally feeding some nutritional supplements is more beneficial to the health of dogs - ✅UUB dog food has 78% meat content and 38% crude protein. There is a lot of freeze-drying inside, and the - DayDayNews

We have sorted out several combinations of feeding dogs. In addition to dog food, occasionally feeding some nutritional supplements is more beneficial to the health of dogs - ✅UUB dog food has 78% meat content and 38% crude protein. There is a lot of freeze-drying inside, and the - DayDayNews

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