I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly "increase their worth". As an owner, what I really think in my heart is: I would rather get sick than let the dog get sick!

2024/05/2102:03:32 housepet 1232

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of the price of buying a dog, but are afraid that the dog will get sick and constantly "increase the value" of ourselves. As an owner, what I really think in my heart is: I would rather get sick than let the dog get sick! I have been raising dogs for many years and consulting with veterinarians at major animal hospitals. I have personally come to a conclusion: All pet products in can be replaced by higher-end human products (including medicines) , which is what my title calls "high replacement" ā€, you can also understand it to mean safer, more efficient, cheaper and more cost-effective than the original pet products.

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly

In fact, when using human drugs for dogs, you only need to pay attention to two issues, dosage and palatability ; because human drugs are not designed for pets, there may be situations where the palatability is not good, and pets at home do not I'm willing to eat it, but let's look at it from another perspective, why is it not palatable? Isn't it just because there are no miscellaneous food attractants and other ingredients randomly added to the medicine? Think about it, right?

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly

It is not impossible to raise a dog at a low cost. The most important thing is to use the right method. Below I have compiled a list of "high-alternative" essential medicines for raising dogs. These types of medicines are available at home. Keep it on hand, so you donā€™t have to worry about your dogā€™s minor illnesses or pains.

-1, dog cold

I wonā€™t mention the medicines for pets here. I will only talk about alternative medicines for humans. Generally, dog colds mostly occur in the summer. The reasons are long-term air conditioning, too frequent bathing and viral infections. As a result, the dog will behave listlessly, completely different from usual. Here you can feed the dog cold granules, pay attention to keeping the dog warm, and promote blood circulation. Of course, you can also seek medical treatment in time ( Take medicine or send it to the doctor. See your doctor ). The medicines I choose here are: Isatis root, Ganmao Ling , Shuanghuanglian and . Here I just went to a certain website to check the prices. They are: Isatis root 13.8 yuan/box. , Ganmao Ling 12 yuan/box, Shuanghuanglian 17 yuan/box , by the way, it is recommended to buy the children's version of human medicines. As for the measurement, you can make specific conversions according to the weight of the children and your own dog.

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly

-2, Dogs cough and runny nose

There are actually many types of dog coughs, generally divided into dry coughs and wet coughs. Dry coughs are characterized by short and crisp sounds, while wet coughs are characterized by muddy sounds, phlegm, and loud noises. Some dogs have a lot of wet cough. Here you can feed some loquat paste and fruit root . Please refer to the metering table for the specific dosage. Dogs generally have high drug resistance, so medium and large dogs can actually refer to the adult dosage. Small dogs can use a child's amount. Here are the prices on a certain website: Chuanbei loquat paste 40 yuan/bottle, and fruit root root 40 yuan/box .

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly

-3, diarrhea and diarrhea in dogs

The causes of diarrhea in dogs are often caused by colds, imbalance of intestinal flora, uncontrolled feeding by the owner, resulting in dogs overeating , and sudden changes in food; Dogs often show anorexia, lack of energy, shapeless stools and watery stools. They can defecate 5-6 times a day. In severe cases, they will have bloody stools. If it is very serious bloody stools, I still recommend sending them to the doctor in time.

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly

If there is no blood in the stool If it is another situation, I will first recommend fasting for 12-24 hours, and then give medicine to stop diarrhea. Pay attention to keeping the dog warm and feed it appropriately Mommy Loves Probiotics , the medicine I highly recommend here is montmorillonite powder . This medicine is a miracle medicine for dogs with common diarrhea. Use the adult dosage for medium and large dogs, and use the children's version of montmorillonite powder for small dogs. The dosage for children is sufficient. Here, please refer to the price on a certain website: Montmorillonite Powder 21 yuan/box, Mommy Loves 18.9 yuan/box .

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly

In fact, there is a traditional method for dogs who often have diarrhea. You can try it. Diarrhea is most likely caused by an imbalance of intestinal flora in the dog's stomach. We owners can take something that dogs can eat and put it in our mouths. Chewing enough to contain our saliva and then feeding it to the dog can actually improve the dog's intestinal flora to a great extent! I donā€™t tell ordinary people.

-4, skin diseases

If the environment where dogs live is too hot or very humid, skin eczema and inflammation will occur. It is more common in long-haired dog breeds. Golden Retrievers are multi-haired dog breeds. The skin will appear in flaky strips or strips. For irregular redness and swelling that keeps scratching, it is recommended to take terbinafine hydrochloride tablets internally and erythromycin ointment externally. Of course, if these are not available, you can use the universal miracle medicine: iodophor !

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly

There are so many ways that iodophors are useful for pets. Many pet doctors are unwilling to talk about it, because they wonā€™t be able to sell pet medicines if they are mentioned, such as toe inflammation, skin diseases with small scratches, and so on. You can apply iodophor, and it usually takes a few days and a week to heal. Remember, it is iodophor, not iodine. Iodine is harmful to the skin, and it will be very painful!

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly

Here are the prices on a treasure: terbinafine hydrochloride tablets 46 yuan/box, erythromycin ointment 3.5 yuan/box , iodophor 5.5 yuan/bottle.

-5, dog ear mites

If a family pays great attention to dog hygiene, ear mites will rarely occur. If a dog is infected with ear mites, the secretions in the dog's ear canal will increase, usually It is dark brown, and in severe cases there may even be purulent secretions. It is recommended that dog owners clean the dog's ear canal and use medication 2-4 times a day for more than half a month. The recommended drugs are ear drops and levofloxacin hydrochloride. Ear drops ; here is the price on a certain website: ear drops 9.8 yuan/4 bottles of , levofloxacin hydrochloride ear drops 15 yuan/box.

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly

In fact, in addition to medicine, dog diet is also a major factor in maintaining health. Regularly eating high-salt human or dog food will damage the dog's kidney health and aggravate the tear stains and hair loss. The staple food of dog food should be combined with some vegetable and meat supplements. The dog's nutrition will be more balanced and sufficient!

Of course there are many other "high-replacement" drugs, and I won't talk about one by one here. Fish oil is also a good thing for dogs, but can I say that all pet fish oils are garbage ? Just the kind with high content for human consumption is fine. If you have any questions, please leave a message below to ask me!

I believe that we dog owners are not afraid of expensive dogs, but are afraid that the dogs will get sick and constantly

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