There are roughly three common forms of pet fraud, namely pet rescue fraud, pet sales fraud, and pet adoption fraud. Today we will explain in detail these three forms of pet fraud, and introduce in detail how to operate and prevent each type. 1. Pet rescue fraud This form of frau

2024/05/1914:49:33 housepet 1395

There are roughly three common forms of pet fraud.

They are pet rescue fraud, pet sales fraud, and pet adoption fraud.

Today we will explain in detail these three forms of pet fraud,

each will be introduced in detail on how to operate and how to prevent it.

There are roughly three common forms of pet fraud, namely pet rescue fraud, pet sales fraud, and pet adoption fraud. Today we will explain in detail these three forms of pet fraud, and introduce in detail how to operate and prevent each type. 1. Pet rescue fraud This form of frau - DayDayNews

1. Pet rescue scam

This form of fraud is actually a way of online fraud .

is however very localized and requires local or offline cooperation. Of course, some clever local cooperation is omitted.

The form of fraud is to register a pet rescue organization. Of course, most registrations are not required.

Then take photos yourself or find some very miserable pet photos online and send them to your various accounts.

Of course, they will also enter various pet groups.

will post these photos, saying that they rescued them, and act indignant, and then a few caretakers will cooperate.

's short-term scam basically started soliciting donations at that time. Of course

said that he was a student and had no money. How much would it cost to send this dog or cat to pet hospital for treatment.

Long-term people will basically start to pay for rescues themselves, and publish photos of rescues.

pets will slowly recover photos, and the support is mainly for praise and other support. After

becomes famous, he will start to build his own groups and form multiple groups to publish rescue information.

will not raise funds at first. This is the stage of raising pigs. When they reach a certain scale, they will be fattened and slaughtered together. Of course, in the long term, even Killed many times and cut the flesh for a long time (now called leeks).

There are roughly three common forms of pet fraud, namely pet rescue fraud, pet sales fraud, and pet adoption fraud. Today we will explain in detail these three forms of pet fraud, and introduce in detail how to operate and prevent each type. 1. Pet rescue fraud This form of frau - DayDayNews

is localized, and will even find several local pet hospitals to cooperate in the acting.

looks for dogs and cats that have been injured by cars. If they can’t find them, they buy a healthy dog ​​or cat, and then break their limbs, blind their eyes, and other disguises. For rescued abused animals, the pet hospital issues various fake diagnosis certificates, and the prices are several times or even more than ten times inflated (usually it is said that the rescued dogs have canine distemper , parvo and other diseases that cost a lot of money. In fact, it must be gone).

Brother Zhu has participated in several rescues (Brother Zhu is also one of the people who were deceived).

At the most, there was a group, one dog was rescued, and there were hundreds of donations on that day, worth more than 80,000 yuan. This is A group, what if there are multiple groups, such as seven or eight, such as a dozen.

The scammer will also update the rescue and treatment process, but he must not have spent a penny on rescuing the animals. The money obtained by

is the boss behind the scammer, who is also the leader behind the scenes, the organizer, the cooperative trust, the cooperative pet hospital, etc. Divide the rest.

As for the rescued pets, they will definitely die, and many souvenirs must be obtained in a sensational way.

Only when the rescued pets die can the hearts of those who love pets in the group be shocked. Next time, it will be faster and more expensive to save the pets. many.

Of course, sometimes the rescued animals do not have to die.

For example, when rescuing a group of pets, it is too troublesome to kill them all, so they send them to a real local rescue organization with a rescue base (that is, they have a good reputation, and they charge the rescue fee. Now, the studios that are being rescued are really rescued by agencies).

There are roughly three common forms of pet fraud, namely pet rescue fraud, pet sales fraud, and pet adoption fraud. Today we will explain in detail these three forms of pet fraud, and introduce in detail how to operate and prevent each type. 1. Pet rescue fraud This form of frau - DayDayNews

There used to be a lot of scammers like this, and they reached their peak about seven or eight years ago.

Let’s put it this way, 99% of the various pet rescue organizations on the market are scammers, and the remaining 1% are really being squeezed by scammers. Can't go down anymore.

The largest pet rescue organization in Brother Zhu’s city could not persist.

At that time, there were more than thirty pet rescue organizations in the city, and only two were not scammers.

However, if the pets rescued by these scammers are inconvenient to be disposed of,

will be sent to the base of the largest pet rescue organization in the city. You have to accept all kinds of miserable pets, but the organization cannot persist after accepting so many pets.

This kind of fraud has basically disappeared now.

Because the country focused on cracking down on a number of them in those years, the media also exposed a lot of them.

Prevention methods:

This kind of scam is difficult to guard against. The good thing is that the country has strict control over online fraud.

However, the management of domestic pet rescue organizations is not that good. Just be more careful when encountering similar scams.

There are roughly three common forms of pet fraud, namely pet rescue fraud, pet sales fraud, and pet adoption fraud. Today we will explain in detail these three forms of pet fraud, and introduce in detail how to operate and prevent each type. 1. Pet rescue fraud This form of frau - DayDayNews

2. Pet sales fraud

Pet sales scams are false sales of pets.

Find pictures or videos online, saying that you have a pet with a particularly rare coat color, and the price is relatively low.

A large number of people who want to keep pets with this coat color or breed will contact to buy.

Because these people usually send messages to various platforms, many people will usually contact to buy.

Then there is no guaranteed transaction. You must pay money before shipping.

Many people like it, and the price is so low. They are eager to grab it (scammers have tricks to trick them into paying as soon as possible), and many people actually pay immediately.

began to use various reasons to delay the delivery time. Only when

was forced to be particularly anxious, they would get a fake order number or send something else to the real delivery order.

It's not suitable for express delivery. It will talk about long-distance buses and so on.

There will definitely be problems with the buses or loading into the wrong car, because if it can be delayed for one day, many people will take the bait and pay.

There are roughly three common forms of pet fraud, namely pet rescue fraud, pet sales fraud, and pet adoption fraud. Today we will explain in detail these three forms of pet fraud, and introduce in detail how to operate and prevent each type. 1. Pet rescue fraud This form of frau - DayDayNews

Usually scammers start to run away at this time.

Of course, I have also seen express delivery and found the body of a long-dead pet, promising to reissue it and then delaying it.

This scam is very simple and very old,

but the effect is very good. In a certain pet dog bar, someone sold a rare purebred dog at a very low price. In one day, more than 70 people paid for it, and the price was several thousand yuan.

This kind of deception is still very common.

Last month, guinea pig groups, hamster groups, and chinchilla groups have all seen this scammer, and some people have been fooled.

Prevention methods:

The most important thing is not to be greedy for small gains. When you see a particularly rare variety that is particularly cheap, you must be alert first.

And try to guarantee the transaction as much as possible. I still recommend face-to-face transactions for live animals.

There are roughly three common forms of pet fraud, namely pet rescue fraud, pet sales fraud, and pet adoption fraud. Today we will explain in detail these three forms of pet fraud, and introduce in detail how to operate and prevent each type. 1. Pet rescue fraud This form of frau - DayDayNews

3. Pet Adoption Scams

It is also common for pets to be adopted to defraud breeders out of their pets.

Some profiteers use this method to replace purchases. The routine of

is also relatively simple.

packages himself as a novice who is willing to learn, and at the same time shows that he is very rich.

Learning with an open mind will make people have a favorable impression of him. A novice is to prevent his wrong words from being exposed.

saying he is rich is a hint to everyone that he has the ability to provide a good breeding environment for his pets.

Then, if someone has a new pet,

will actively contact them and express their intention to adopt them.

There are roughly three common forms of pet fraud, namely pet rescue fraud, pet sales fraud, and pet adoption fraud. Today we will explain in detail these three forms of pet fraud, and introduce in detail how to operate and prevent each type. 1. Pet rescue fraud This form of frau - DayDayNews

They will also find various luxury cages, toys, etc. pictures and videos from the Internet and post them in the group.

The main purpose is to get pets for free or at a lower price than the market price.

Because most pet owners find adoption for their newborn pets or pets that can no longer be kept,

they do not do it to make money, but mainly want to find them a good home and a good environment.

So many people think that the environment is good, and the other party spends so much money to provide a good environment, food, etc.,

think that their children have found the best adopter, and they can rest assured if they leave it to him.

Under normal circumstances, we don’t talk much about the cost.

When we talk about the cost, it is usually very low, and it even comes with a lot of supplies, food, snacks, etc.

There are generally two methods of dealing with pets acquired through fraud.

Young pets are directly resold for high prices, while adult pets are used for breeding.

This scam is the most troublesome,

because this scam is not illegal and does not involve crime.

Pet rescue scams and pet selling scams are both typical scams. After

calls the police, the police will definitely open a case for fraud (the amount is huge), but pet fraud is difficult to deal with.

Prevention method:

Identification is very difficult, because scammers think that people are professional,

But there are ways, that is, pictures and videos can be found elsewhere, but video calls are difficult to fake (Brother Zhu has personally experienced it This kind of fraud, the scammer stole the friend's QQ and sent a video call invitation to Brother Zhu. After passing it, it turned out that it was indeed my friend, but it was a bit blurry. He didn't answer my questions where he was talking, and he hung up quickly, and then text I came here to borrow money. Later I found out that it was a friend who was videotaped while videotaping with someone else, but this is easy to see). Just ask for a video call with the adopter, show you the other person’s breeding environment, etc., and randomly point out a place for the other person to come close to. Just watch it.

There are roughly three common forms of pet fraud, namely pet rescue fraud, pet sales fraud, and pet adoption fraud. Today we will explain in detail these three forms of pet fraud, and introduce in detail how to operate and prevent each type. 1. Pet rescue fraud This form of frau - DayDayNews

Based on my more than ten years of experience in the pet industry,

introduced the three most common forms of pet fraud.

hopes to give some warning to all friends who have pets. It would be better if

encounters similar things or if people can be more alert and avoid being deceived.

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