Did you know that the IQ of a poodle is equivalent to how many years old it is?

2022/03/0823:19:24 housepet 442


Let me briefly introduce what a poodle is. The poodle is a kind of smart dog among small and medium pet dogs. There are three varieties of poodles, they are giant poodle Canine, miniature dog, medium dog. These three are very smart,

Did you know that the IQ of a poodle is equivalent to how many years old it is? - DayDayNews

1. The IQ of the poodle is equivalent to that of a five- or six-year-old child

Did you know that the IQ of a poodle is equivalent to how many years old it is? - DayDayNews

You may not believe it. It is said that the IQ of the poodle is only equivalent to that of a three-year-old child, but it is true, it has been confirmed, and everyone will find that the poodle can understand some of the words the owner says, respond to your words accordingly, and it can respond to the owner. A quick response to the specified instructions given, that says it all.

2. The second IQ among dogs

Poodles raised by many people are very difficult to train. Most poodles do not respond to their own commands, which means that they do not understand your commands. , Many people are very angry and helpless, and don't know what to do. In fact, it's not that it doesn't like this, but it simply doesn't understand what you want it to do, but there are still some poodles who are very well-behaved and proficient. It can respond to the owner's instructions, and its IQ is second only to and bianmu among pet dogs.

Did you know that the IQ of a poodle is equivalent to how many years old it is? - DayDayNews

3. The character is friendly and clingy, but also coquettish and cute

The dog's character is just because of the dog. Many poodles are very clingy and like to be with their owners, but if they are often subjected to If the master is neglected, his personality will change greatly, he will feel sad, and sometimes he will deliberately do something to attract the master's attention.

Did you know that the IQ of a poodle is equivalent to how many years old it is? - DayDayNews

4. Character defects

Compared with other dogs, the poodle's character is too protective of its owner.Jealousy, if the owner is nice to other dogs, it will be jealous, which also causes the poodle to have aversion and hostility to creatures other than itself, so the owner usually takes him out to play more, touch other things, let it able to let go. Well, these are the understanding of poodles, so what kind of pet dogs do you like? With pets, I hope everyone treats pets well and loves them


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