The "Bichon Frize", nicknamed Marshmallow, has a sweet and cute appearance, a soft and cute personality, and is very lovable, so many people keep Bichon Frize. Bichon Frize meets different owners in different families and leads different lives. If your Bichon Frize has the follow

2024/06/0605:35:32 housepet 1970

The " Bichon Frize ", nicknamed Marshmallow, has a sweet and cute appearance, a soft and cute personality, and is very lovable, so many people keep Bichon Frize. Bichon Frize meets different owners in different families and leads different lives.

If your Bichon Frize has the following characteristics, it means he is very happy in your home!


=A little fat on the body and looks chubby=

In our words, people who live a happy life eat well and drink well, and have a little fleshiness on the body. In fact, the same applies to dogs.

If the Bichon Frize eats and sleeps well in your home, lives a comfortable life, is good in all aspects, and looks plump overall, it means that it is living a happy life in your home.

On the contrary, if a dog lives with anxiety for a long time, how can he have fat on his body?


=Proactively expose the belly for you to touch=

For dogs, the most vulnerable part is the belly, which is generally not exposed actively. The same is true for Bichon Frize.

If the Bichon Frize takes the initiative to expose its belly for you to touch when you want to pet it, it means that it feels safe and trusts you in this home.

If Bichon Frize takes the initiative to let you rub its belly, it means that it is living happily in your home.


=Good walking posture and windy=

We can also tell whether Bichon Frize is living a happy life from its walking posture.

For example, when walking the dog, if the Bichon Frize holds its head high, it can be seen that it has grown up being pampered by its owner, and it walks very confidently and leads the way.

On the contrary, if Bichon Frize walks with his head down and looks around cautiously, it may mean that he is not living a happy life.


=Take the initiative to share with you=

In daily life, if Bichon Frize takes the initiative to share his food or toys with you, he thinks that the owner loves him very much, which makes Bichon Frize feel very happy.


=Can sleep on the owner’s bed=

We can also tell how the dog is living from the place where it sleeps. For example, if a Bichon Frize sleeps on the table or in a corner for a long time, it means that it has been living in fear and anxiety for a long time.

Bichons who live a happy life will take the initiative to climb into your bed and sleep in various postures. This shows that the owner loves them and makes them feel at ease.


If the Bichon Frize likes to sleep in the corner when he gets home, this is normal. The owner needs to wait for the Bichon to adapt, spend more time with him, and reward him with some snacks when interacting, so that the Bichon will trust you more.


=Can eat all kinds of delicious food=

If Bichon Frize can eat enough every day at home and can also eat all kinds of delicious food, and whatever he eats tastes good, it means that Bichon Frize has a good life as a child and is living a good life in your home. happiness.


For the sake of Bichon Frize's health, you cannot feed it casually. It should be noted that Bichon Frize is prone to tear stains. You must pay special attention to your diet and do not eat too many foods high in oil and salt, otherwise it will aggravate the tear stains.

Therefore, in addition to taking good care of Bichon Frize's eyes, owners should also pay attention to a light diet. For staple food, you can choose a dog food that can clear away heat and reduce fire and feed it to manage the tear stain problem. Please refer to these for details!


Conclusion: Does your Bichon Frize have the above characteristics?


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