The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and many mooncake manufacturers have begun to warm up, so it is more cost-effective to buy mooncakes at this time. Many items have discounts. Among them, I recommend these 5 high-quality mooncakes with high prices and low prices. , and it’s

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"5 high reputation" mooncakes, whether you have money or not, you should buy more for your family to try, it is quite satisfying. The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon, and many mooncake manufacturers have begun to warm up, so it is more cost-effective to buy mooncakes at this time. Many items have discounts. Among them, I recommend these 5 high-quality mooncakes with high prices and low prices. , and it’s quite satisfying, so I can buy some for my family.

Whether you are a friend from the south or a friend from the north, it is recommended to buy some and try it. When I came across these 5 mooncakes, no matter how low my monthly salary is, I have to stock up on them. Everyone in the family, young and old, likes them. They taste really good. Next, let’s take a look at which 5 mooncakes they are.

NO1: Zhiweiguan, a time-honored Chinese brand, Zhiwei Xiaoyue Gift Box

is more cost-effective when buying mooncakes or buying them in gift boxes. You can eat a variety of flavors. This Zhiwei Xiaoyue gift box has 6 mooncakes, including egg yolk lotus paste, rose bean paste, and black sesame. Walnut red bean, xylitol mincemeat, custard liqueur and brown rice soy milk truffle heart Taiwanese Momoyama skin . Today's mooncakes are not just food, they are also a once-a-year treat.

Dismount when you smell the fragrance, and stop when you know the taste. It is rare to know the taste, and everyone eats and drinks. Among these, I prefer the custard mooncakes, which are delicious, soft and glutinous and particularly satisfying.

NO2: Daoxiangcun Mooncake Gift Box

is also a time-honored brand. Daoxiangcun mini mooncakes are more suitable for us to eat when we usually work. It has a very small net content of 35g/piece, and the flavors are mainly egg yolk lotus paste and egg yolk jujube paste. host. The egg yolk jujube paste is very delicate in shape, with thin skin and lots of fillings. The egg yolk lotus paste is soft, delicate and delicious.

uses traditional craftsmanship to create the taste of childhood. Every bite tastes like home. You can take a box home to accompany your family, or you can buy it as a gift to friends. It is quite cost-effective.

NO3: Yipin Cantonese Double Yolk Lotus Seed Mooncake

As an old brand established for 39 years, their mooncakes are also worth buying, especially the Double Yolk Lotus Seed Mooncake, which is golden in color, soft and crispy, and has a thin and soft skin. It's very delicate in the mouth, and the fillings are generous. It has a truly soft texture, sweet but not greasy.

When you buy, you can choose the gift box, which is the two flavors of double yolk lotus paste and Hayo egg yolk bean paste. This is also a classic model of this company. In the past sales season, 25,000 mooncakes could be sold per hour, which is enough Witness its quality.

NO4: Jiangnan Zhuangyuan Liuxin Custard Mooncake Gift Box

You will fall in love with this Liuxin Custard Mooncake after taking one bite. It is overflowing with milky fragrance and has a silky texture. Liquid custard mooncakes are made with carefully selected egg yolks, mellow coconut milk, and high-quality condensed milk. The sweet and fragrant egg yolk flows out from the thick and smooth lotus paste in your mouth, and the collision of each egg yolk on the tip of your tongue makes you fall in love with it immediately.

It is different from other mooncakes. It has a natural color and looks yellow. It gives people visual enjoyment before eating. On weekends, it is fun to share mooncakes with your family.

NO5: Hong Kong Xilaishun Classic Mooncake Gift Box

is also in a gift box. You can choose which flavor according to your needs. It has traditional nut flavor, classic egg yolk lotus paste flavor, and secret nut flavor. In addition, there are also There are crispy chestnut flavor and oatmeal and red date flavor. The taste of each one is different. For example, the nut flavor is very delicate and has a long-lasting fragrance. It is like egg yolk and lotus paste. You will feel like eating it in your mouth. Salty, sweet, delicate and refreshing feeling.

comes in a gift box with 9 cakes and 5 flavors. This one is more cost-effective, and you can also eat different flavors. I highly recommend choosing this one.

Nowadays, mooncakes are the most affordable. Most of them are sold for sales. You can choose whatever flavor you like. It is delicious and will satisfy your craving. Don’t miss it.

[This article was originally created by "Xiao Tan Shi Ke" and may not be deleted or copied without permission. Infringement will be prosecuted]