The word "treat each other with sincerity and sincerity" often describes the iron-clad relationships between countries and between people. I said above that the ancients invented the idiom "the liver and the gallbladder take care of each other" which is quite insightful. We can s

After reading the picture above, do you rice roll fans understand anything?

The word "honest relationship" often describes those iron-clad relationships between countries and between people (seemingly mainly men).

In terms of feeling, two or more parties who are sincere and sincere need components and capabilities to match , and it is often a relationship between important people. The liver and gallbladder grow together and are inseparable. The ancients used the phrase "the liver and the gallbladder are inseparable" to describe the iron relationship. I think it is quite insightful.

But does the weight and importance of liver and gallbladder match ? From the perspective of science students studying biology, this is really worth talking about.

The liver covers the gallbladder

The previous title has already said my answer. The gallbladder is just the little brother of the liver. Why is this?

Let’s first take a look at what the liver and gallbladder look like:

Image source: WebMD. LLC.

I said above that it is quite insightful that the ancients invented the idiom "the liver and the gallbladder should be in harmony" (I didn't know it meant killing chickens, ducks, pigs and cattle) Seeing the liver and gallbladder together, is there human anatomy in ancient China...), we can see from the picture above that the liver and gallbladder grow together, and the gallbladder lies quietly under the care of the soft liver In the embrace of the liver.

But looking at the size, the liver is divided into left and right lobes and is huge. The liver is one of the largest organs in the human body. The weight of an adult's liver can reach 1.5 kilograms (think about how much it costs to buy three kilograms of pork liver at the wet market!).

The size of the bile is very small. It can only store 30-50 ml of bile on a daily basis, and the weight is only one tael.

The liver and gallbladder are very different in size, so Mr. Enthusiast believes that "the liver and the gallbladder are in harmony" is really not accurate, and " the liver covers the gallbladder " is the truth.

It is like a hen covering a chick:

Picture author: Srigan Roy Choudhury

From a physiological function point of view, the liver is one of the most important metabolic organs of the human body. It performs blood purification, elimination of endotoxins, synthesis of vitamins and hormones, and secretion of bile. extremely important functions.

But what about courage? It only functions to temporarily store bile and can only store 30-50 ml at a time.

How much bile does the liver secrete in a day? The answer is: 800-1000 ml!

Therefore, the gallbladder is actually more like a small temporary storage room of the liver, which temporarily stores a small amount of bile.

People can be brave, but they cannot be brave.

Chinese people use "guts" to describe a person's courage. Does that mean that the more courage you have, the more courage you have? Regarding this issue, Mr. Enthusiastic can only say "hehe" first, hehe.

A person's courage (guts) has nothing to do with the size of his courage!

Not to mention a dime, not even a penny matters!

pictures come from the Internet

Moreover, people can have no courage!

A few days ago, Mr. Warm-hearted and his junior fellow from the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery at Beijing 301 Hospital returned to Tsinghua University to visit a teacher who had just experienced an acute attack of cholecystitis.

Cholecystitis often occurs due to gallstones . Although it is very common, it can be very painful when it occurs acutely!

The junior brother carefully read the teacher's medical records and made a lot of suggestions. He also gave the teacher and me some popular science about the gallbladder: If cholecystitis recurs, stones are difficult to pass, and the gallbladder's contraction function is not good, you can consider removing it!

cut off the guts? !

Yes, if the gall does not work well and even causes diseases (including gallbladder cancer) to people, then you can get rid of it!

But the gallbladder is an organ in the body. What will be the impact of cutting it off?

First of all, those who are brave can rest assured that the courage will be cut off. You can be as bold as you want. As long as you don't scare yourself and feel that you have no courage, you will be afraid of anything.

I digressed, but back to the subject:

Because there is no 30-50 ml of bile stored in the gallbladder, when people who have had their gallbladder removed eat high-fat foods, the fat cannot be emulsified quickly and they will feel nauseated and uncomfortable. This experience will be very bad. Therefore, -cut foodies should eat less high-fat foods.

In fact, normal foodies should eat less high-fat foods, so the impact is not too big, right?

In addition, without the storage buffer of the gallbladder, the bile secreted by the liver continues to flow into the intestines every day. This requires people who have had gallbladder removal to not only adjust their eating habits, but also make some lifestyle adjustments. These adjustments are not big, and are often just restoring and maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Moreover, the body will also adapt to the state without gallbladder, and will even allow a certain part of the bile duct to partially perform the function of the gallbladder through compensation.

Apart from that, there are no serious life-threatening side effects from removing the gallbladder.

Moreover, what Mr. Enthusiastic wants to tell you is: In some hospitals, gallbladder removal can be done in outpatient clinics. You can register on the same day and the surgery will be completed on the same day, and those who don’t have the guts can go home.

Picture source: ADAM

When you see this, you know that someone will say:

This, this, this, Mr. warm-hearted, my courage is too low, right? No, next time I have to cut my liver!

Ah, this reader, please don’t do anything stupid. If your liver becomes diseased, you can cut off a little bit, but if you cut it all off, even the gods can’t save you!

All in all, Mr. Enthusiastic would like to tell everyone: without the liver, the gallbladder is useless, but without the gallbladder, , a healthy liver can still be vigorous and vigorous.

The liver and the gallbladder are so incompatible with each other. It is said that "the liver and the gallbladder are in harmony with each other." The liver is really at a disadvantage. I feel sorry for the liver!

It's just that the ancients didn't understand them as we do now, and there were no "pseudo-Virgo" science men like Mr. Enthusiastic to study them in depth. Therefore, the "heer and gallbladder" that has been passed down through the ages has been passed down.

Then why is it reliable to say that "liver intestines are in harmony with each other"? How do liver and intestines correspond to each other? Please read the next article:

How strong is the relationship between liver and intestines?

This article is reproduced from Shandong Longchang Animal Health Products Co., Ltd. ( Please indicate the source for reprinting. Thank you