"The Tigers in the Jungle Are Their Clan" Series 6 Headline Column Note: This article is the preface to "The Tigers in the Jungle Are Their Clan", written by Luo Yuan, the original title is "The new generation of warriors of the Republic will come from here" (7) Have a grateful h

"He Qizong, the Tiger in the Jungle" Serial 6

(7) You must have a grateful heart and repay your kindness with a spring of water

He Qizong looked back on his life path and lamented that there are indeed many "noble people" in his life. Help him never forget it.

During the Battle of Walong, Dong Zhanlin (third from right) led his subordinates to conduct on-site investigation. The submachine gun-wielding guard He Qizong

was first of all his teacher, Dong Zhanlin. He Qizong always considered Dong Zhanlin to be his "initial teacher" in combat command.

11 Army Deputy Commanders Zhao Fushun and Zhang Jinghua can also be said to be the "elegant people" who played a supporting role in the "joint points" of his growth process. He respected all the successive directors of the training department as division commanders.

He Qizong often said that what allowed him to show his talents in combat command was the support of Qiao Minglai, commander of the 31st Division, and Li Shengcai, commander of the 93rd Regiment.

He Qizong (second from right) takes a group photo with the leader of the 93rd Regiment Li Shengcai (third from left) and some cadres

He has never forgotten to support his Bole and his comrades who helped each other. Although he is in a high position, he still remembers the importance of being a recruit when he was a recruit. The old squad leader who gave him the last spoonful of rice in the pot has not forgotten the old leader who taught him how to fight step by step, the comrades who showed courage when he was in trouble, and the martyrs who " one general will succeed and ten thousand bones will wither" them.

As a general who fought on the battlefield, his promotion process was inevitably accompanied by the losses of his subordinates and the bloody sacrifices of his comrades.

For example, once when he was in danger during a battle against Vietnam, He Qizong's guard Sheng Changxingfei stepped forward and pinned him down, and flying shrapnel hit his arm. It can be said that without the bloodshed and sacrifice of our comrades, He Qizong would not be what it is today. What is comrade? Comrades-in-arms are life-or-death friends. You can take a bullet for me, and I can take a bullet for you.

He Qizong knew that without the bloodshed and sacrifice of his comrades such as Zhou Deming and Lan Shihong, the 1108 Highlands would not have been conquered.

Without the bloodshed and sacrifices of comrades such as Ma Ping and An Zhongwen, we would not be able to conquer Yinshan.

Without the blood and sweat of the soldiers on the front line of the Laoshan position and the Laoshan spirit of "people are in the position," there would be no rock-solid Laoshan defense.

He Qizong was infinitely grateful to those comrades who sacrificed heroically and were injured on the battlefield. Whenever he recalled them, he felt extremely sad. Those comrades who were buried on the border of southern Xinjiang always occupied an important position in his heart. .

" Behind every successful man, there is an excellent woman." He Qizong made great achievements in his military career, and there was also an excellent woman who silently supported him behind his back. In military terms, she established a solid foundation for him. family "base".

He Qizong was deeply grateful for his wife's hard work and dedication. When he could not take care of his family and country, he could only thank and assist this virtuous wife in his own unique way. At the family banquet for He Qizong's 60th birthday, he raised a full glass of wine and said affectionately to his wife, Ms. Wang Zhongfang: "We have joined hands until now. We respond with the same voice and understand each other with the same heart. In my military medal "Half of me, half of you!"

A person who knows how to repay kindness will be rewarded by his conscience, and a person who repays a drop of kindness with a spring will repay it.

He Qi Zong never forgets the Bole, mentor, guide, martyrs, comrades, and relatives in his life... It is precisely because he has not forgotten these people that they have also made him successful and pushed him to the peak of life. The

era created a generation of new China’s generals like He Qizong. At that time, it was proposed that the army should be rejuvenated and a group of outstanding cadres with both ability and political integrity should be employed. Practice has proved that the decision is correct.

11 Military Training Team, He Qizong performs an assassination demonstration during training

After the test of Vietnam border operations since 1979, this group of cadres has thrived. They have been baptized by war and trained in military academies. can run well on the battlefield. Move, rush forward, energetic and vigorous. They can be on duty day and night, sleepless for days and nights, and never get tired or dragged down. They have the courage to accept new things and learn war in war.

What is even more valuable is that many of their cadres have personally led main attack companies and interleaved companies on the battlefield, becoming the backbone of our army that can fight and win wars.

Now, as they age and withdraw from the military, can a new generation of generals emerge?

Young friends, young commanders and fighters, we should take a good look at the suffering and glory of the old Red Army and the Old Eighth Route Army, and study the military history of the People's Liberation Army and the Volunteer Army. We should also read the history of the People's Liberation Army and the Volunteer Army. The life insights of the new generation of Republic warriors who have just stepped out on the battlefield to defend the border. They will tell you how to be a man, how to be a soldier, how to fight, how to serve the country, and how to succeed. This is my original intention and expectation for writing the preface to the book "What is the Origin of Tigers in the Jungle".

(To be continued)

Cover of "What is the Clan of the Tiger in the Jungle"