Speaking of the flowers of the motherland, it seems as if I smell the fragrance and see the harvest; thinking of the beautiful hope, there is a heavy responsibility on my shoulders, and affectionate blessings arise in my heart. ■A few days ago, Gou Jingming was entrusted by his c

Source China Military Network Comprehensive

We often say, "Children are the flowers of the motherland" and "Children are the hope of the future." In this festival that belongs to children, we in the military camp place more tenderness on the lovely children and think more of the military children far and near. Speaking of the flowers of the motherland, it seems as if I smell the fragrance and see the harvest; thinking of the beautiful hope, there is a heavy responsibility on my shoulders, and affectionate blessings arise in my heart. Please pay attention to the article published in the "Liberation Army Daily" published today -

The companionship of military parents and military mothers is the best "June 1" gift for military children. Photographed by Liao Jian

That compound, those military children...

■ Gou Jingming

A few days ago, he was entrusted by his comrades to take his 5-year-old son Lele to the military kindergarten to participate in a military poetry singing competition. When I heard a child reciting "On the Military March" by Tang Dynasty poet Wang Changling , for some reason, my eyes became wet, and my thoughts flew back to my colorful childhood in the compound more than 20 years ago. .

In the consciousness of military children, home is not only a small family of three people, but also a collective of more than a hundred people.

At that time, my father was a soldier in the Henan Armed Police Corps. My family lives in a tube building in the corps compound.

Zhao Peng, who lives above my house, and I are brothers who stir up trouble in the same pot. Before he comes down to play with me, he always jumps up and down on the floor of his house. I can receive the "signal" immediately downstairs. One time, he came to see me while I was eating the instant noodles my mother cooked for me. That brand of instant noodles comes with a bag of sesame oil seasoning, which can make ordinary instant noodles full of color and flavor. It was considered a rare food in the 1990s. Zhao Peng was so greedy that he circled around my bowl to smell it. When my mother saw this, she passed the face from my front to Zhao Peng without saying a word. Zhao Peng picked up the bowl and ate it all in one breath. Because of this, the boat of our friendship almost capsized.

Living in a large courtyard, we are really like a family. Every evening, every family sets up a gas stove in the corridor to cook. Your fried pork with carrots, my spicy and sour potato shreds, his mapo tofu... The whole corridor is filled with smoke, and the flavors of various foods are mixed together, which is the taste of everyone in the family. From then on, the military children who ate "hundreds of family meals" developed a true relationship that did not rely on blood ties to maintain ties.

Who said that in the army, there are only straight lines and squares? The anecdotes in the compound weave together the laughter and laughter of the military children.

Influenced by their parents, the children in the compound all have a martial arts complex. Boys from every family have a BB pistol and love to play fighting games when they meet.

That winter, we plotted to attack the mountain. Whoever planted the red flag on the rockery in front of the building would be the general. As for the intention, in today's terms, it is called "to increase the sense of presence".

" cuckoo ! Cuckoo!" As night falls, the birds chirp. According to the established plan, the "Investigation Staff" Longlong stepped forward to talk to the sentry and tried every means to attract the other party's attention. On the other side, the "Commander-in-Chief" Maohai led the team and waited for opportunities to "break through".

Unexpectedly, Longlong's father came home after working overtime and happened to meet the sneaky Longlong. Without saying anything, he kicked Longlong in the butt. Longlong, who was carried in the air, cried and shouted: "The yellow sand will wear golden armor in a hundred battles, and Loulan will not be returned until it is broken." Mao Boy saw that the situation was not good, so Sayazi ran away. Without a leader, the operation failed.

After this incident, Longlong became famous and replaced Maobai as the "boss" of the children. "On the Military March" became the third Tang poem I learned after "Thoughts on a Quiet Night" and "Compassion for the Farmers".

It seems that it is especially easy to form "revolutionary friendships" in the army compound. There are passionate friendships with boys, and childhood sweethearts with girls.

My neighbor Yueyue is an eccentric girl who is particularly popular with the adults in the compound. But I am an honest person, and because I have thin skin and tender flesh, my uncles and aunts always call me "Tang Monk".

Once, I was playing with burning ants downstairs with a magnifying glass, and I met Uncle Liu who loved teasing children the most.I saw him draw a circle on the ground with the key, and shouted at me: "Tang Monk, come into the circle for me, and stay there!" This joke, which was neither big nor small, frightened me, so I had to be obedient. He squatted motionless in the circle. Just when I was helpless, Yueyue jumped out from behind the big tree and shouted to Uncle Liu: "If you dare to bully him again, I will tell my dad that you will fail the five-kilometer test!" Yueyue's Dad is the staff officer of the headquarters, and they organize the physical fitness assessment of agency cadres every quarter. Uncle Liu was angry and laughed, and strode away.

I have to admit that since then, I have had an inexplicable dependence on Yueyue. When we go out to play together, I always hold her little hand tightly. Later, my mother very "unkindly" spread my little secret in the courtyard. From then on, the "affair" with her continued until I was 17 years old and went to college.

years later, as we have grown up, although some of us are prosperous and some are in decline, the good tradition of supporting each other has always been preserved. Everyone does not change their attitude towards their former playmates because of different circumstances - "Brother, if you have anything to say, just say one word - help!"

People and things in the army seem to have a powerful educational function, which makes us Understand what responsibility and mission are

There was something in the compound that I didn't understand for a while. Why do family members always put their legs around the back seat, touch the ground with one foot, and then step back to pedal past the watchtower when riding a bicycle? I ran to ask my mother. My mother asked me, "Are you tired of standing guard for us, uncle? Should you show respect?" Oh, I understand.

Uncles are cute and respectable, but we still like to play pranks from time to time. Once again, we constructed an elaborate trap under the horizontal bar on the training ground. A soldier came and fell into the bar before he even got on it. In the distance, we laughed loudly. Later we found out that the uncle had an old injury and sprained his foot this time, aggravating the injury. The doctor at the outpatient department asked him how he was injured, and he only said that he was not careful. Of course he knew it was us little brats who did it... We felt guilty for a long time because our uncle couldn't walk for more than a month; we were even more moved for a long time because his uncle was so generous and didn't like to complain.

I can’t remember which year, a vicious incident occurred somewhere. Officers and soldiers from all units were ordered to assemble in the compound, board the train and set off. We stood quietly on the side of the road, watching one truck after another roar past. At this time, no children were playing or laughing. In that solemn atmosphere, I vaguely felt justice, responsibility, honor and mission.

"Uncle, uncle, dad said you don't wear the military uniform anymore, are you a deserter?" Lele, who had already stepped off the podium, looked at me with wide eyes, as if questioning. This sudden sentence made me wake up from my childhood dream and return to reality.

Yes, why did you change your job? Born and raised in a compound, all the people and things they come into contact with are related to the compound. Military children have a deep imprint of being a soldier, so that the germination of a soldier's heart is so natural that the choice of military career is so natural. of course.

I couldn’t explain the full meaning of “one in three hundred thousand” to Lele, so I asked this military child born in the new era with red eyes: “Lele, do you want to be a soldier when you grow up?”

“Then Of course!" Lele said without thinking.

Every little flower in the army blooms with hope

■Huang Jianxin

We often say, "Children are the flowers of the motherland" and "Children are the hope of the future." In this festival that belongs to children, we in the military camp place more tenderness on the lovely children and think more of the military children far and near. Speaking of the flowers of the motherland, it seems as if I smell the fragrance and see the harvest; thinking of the beautiful hope, there is a heavy responsibility on my shoulders, and affectionate blessings arise in my heart.

Children are a pure, innocent and energetic group. Among this ethnic group, military children are a very unique group. Because their parents are in military uniform, these children are connected by blood and life to the army as soon as they are born.Some of them were born in military camps and grew up in courtyards, accompanied by the cry of military bugles and babbling in military songs. They can imitate "one, two, one" as a toddler; some have followed their parents to borders, islands, and plateaus since childhood. , Gobi, walking through the vast snow line, listening to the wind and rain at the outpost, and having the experience of "joining the army" when they were young; some have been separated from their parents for a long time, their father is in the military uniform, and their mother is in that photo, but there is always something in their dreams Their majestic and valiant bodies; also, as the youngest "candidates" in the "big test" of military adjustment and reform, they moved with their parents several times during the withdrawal, merging, demotion, reform and transfer of defenses, and they have always been die-hard "military fans" "Military fans."

It is these children who have the excellent genes of patriotic devotees flowing in their blood. Their young hearts are rooted in the ignorant understanding of the military life of a generation. Their minds are haunted by the magnificence of riding a whale and crossing the sea from heaven to earth. ideal. Due to the limited conditions of the military station and the special nature of their parents' jobs, these military children may not receive more comprehensive and meticulous care, and may even lack a relatively stable and good learning environment. However, the red influence and green influence they received in their childhood, as well as the lessons learned from every word and deed in military camp life, have become their life consciousness in learning from the military and will also become high-quality nutrients for their thriving growth.

Young flowers need sunshine, rain and dew, and the hope of growth cannot be separated from watering and fertilizing. If the helplessness of "a child holding his clothes and asking why it's too late to return" is really unavoidable for soldiers, then the perseverance of "devoting one's youth to one's life and one's life to one's children and grandchildren" is at a time when "soldiers have become a profession respected by the whole society." The new era should and must be celebrated. We can look forward to the fact that military children, as little military dependents, will usher in more blessings on the road to growth and success.

Mr. Lu Xun said: "The situation of children is the destiny of the future." May every little flower in the army bloom with hope, and may each hope converge into the rising red sun and happy mileage of young China!

Helping my mother take care of my younger brother

Yan Liang

Late at night, I used the dim light to change my son Yan Yingong’s diaper, but I didn’t know that his baby’s urine was all over my face!

When my wife turned on the light and saw how embarrassed I was, she smiled from ear to ear. The son might be afraid of being punished, so he sat on the pillow and cried.

Crying and laughing, my daughter Yan Lingtian, who was sleeping next door, opened the door and entered the room. She saw her brother wet the bed, so she turned and walked into the bathroom, quickly brought warm water and handed over a towel... The wife said with relief that her daughter is becoming more and more sensible. I am helping my mother take care of my younger brother.

That night, I couldn't sleep, and the scene of my daughter helping the adults always appeared in my mind.

In order to "reward" my daughter, I decided to use my vacation time to be her growth mentor: when my daughter likes to dance, I will clap and sing to accompany her; when my daughter practices painting, I will sit upright and act as a model; no matter how many trivial matters there are, I will always find time to teach her. She reads and writes; no matter how late she sleeps, I have to get up on time to send her to school...

On the way to school, I wanted to carry my daughter on my back, but she said to me seriously, "Dad, don't take her to school anymore." I am a three-year-old child, but others are already five years old. Outsiders will laugh at us. "My daughter's "sudden growth" is surprising.

That day, she specially pulled me into the class and proudly declared to my friends: "Don't say that I am a monkey baby that jumped out of a rock from now on - this is my father, he is protecting the family and the country. People's Liberation Army! "

I still couldn't make it to spend the Children's Day with my children during this vacation. On the day I left home, my daughter gave me a painting of hers: Under the slanted sun, a fat mother with two children, one big and one small, was looking for Dad Gao in the distance...

Yes, as a border guard soldier , I will inevitably be absent from my children’s growing up moments, and I can only watch them from afar on the other end of the phone.

Two days ago, I had just finished my morning exercises. My daughter, who is used to getting up early, started a video and complained to me about Yan Yingong with red eyes. “Dad, my brother was disobedient last night and kept making trouble.What she said next surprised me, "Mom was so sleepy that she seemed to be asleep. I kept looking at my brother and coaxing him to sleep..."

In the wife's view, her daughter not only looks like her father, but also She has inherited the good character of a soldier and is very responsible. She "watches her brother sleeping like a sentinel."

Admittedly, her daughter still doesn't know the true duties of a soldier, but she knows that "Dad is there to deal with bad people and protect good people." A hero, so he rarely goes home. "She said more than once, "I am a sister and I am stronger than my brother, so naturally I have to protect him. "

My daughter not only acts as a protective umbrella for her younger brother, but also wants to be her mother's little assistant. No, she said to me in the video: "Dad, it doesn't matter if you come back or not, I will help my mother take care of my younger brother." After a few seconds, she may have felt that her words were too loud, so she added, "It's just that my brother is fat and naughty, and I can't hold him." "

At this time, she raised her lips towards her brother, instantly making Yan Yingong laugh.

It's strange to say that older sisters are sometimes more capable than adults when raising their younger brothers. My wife described some puzzling scenes to me: The son cried and couldn't be coaxed no matter what, but when the daughter came back from school and casually held hands and kissed her face, he burst into laughter. No other friends could take away the son's toys, and only the daughter could use them as she pleased; the wife worked hard to Teaching my son to speak has had little effect, but he is willing to learn the language from his sister and can call me daddy at more than seven months old...

At this time, my daughter took the lead in calling me "daddy" on the other side of the screen, and my son also shouted after me. Such a tender scene was too tear-jerking. When I turned off the video, my nose felt sore and my vision was hazy...

I have a poetic "electric heater" at home

■ Li Xuezhi

The vacation is over, and my lover Sun is going back to the army

Listen. At the sound of his father coming downstairs, the boy curled his lips and quickly ran to the window, shouting: "Dad, come back, come back!" "Old Sun's back went further and further away, turning a corner and no longer visible. Two huge teardrops rolled down the boy's face, and then he burst into tears uncontrollably: "Dad, don't go. Don't go..."

That night, the boy didn't eat, and stared at the light in a daze. When asked, he said, "I miss my dad. "But as soon as he turned around, he said he had a solution, and he lay down on the desk and started writing and drawing. It wasn't until Lao Sun made a video call that he happily told his father that he had cured his "love sickness" . He showed his father the diary - a small green figure with a few lines of pinyin written crookedly beside it: "Spring is coming/Dad puts on a green military uniform/He is going to sprout." "He also said that he had developed a new type of weapon, which his father had never seen before: "There are many buds on the tree and bullets/shoot towards the blue sky/!

Lao Sun gave the boy a thumbs up: "Dad misses you too! Dad also planted a lot of bullets for you in the greenhouse, and you can make many weapons." "Picked up a cucumber: "Mace! "Lifting the eggplant: "Grenade! "...The little guy jumped for joy and cheered.

Before going to bed, the kid secretly told me that next time his father comes back, he will plant a "kiss" in the dimple of his father's left cheek - keep it a secret!

As a well-known The "Army Sister-in-law Gyro Mom" ​​is troubled with everything. I hold the "World Circle" and step on the "Hot Fire Wheel" all day long. I wish I could grow three heads and six arms. But the boy is a "warm man" who knows how to replace his father in various ways. I feel sorry for my mother.

After getting ready and going to bed, I was already a mess. Hearing my sigh, the boy took the initiative to slap my shoulder with his little fist. Say: “Mom/I turn off the light/and you light up the whole world. "My heart twitched a few times. Unexpectedly, the little mouth came to my ear again: "Mom/I will close your eyelids/blow out your eyes/feed your ears/and you will fall asleep. Bar? When I heard this, I opened the quilt with a "hufu": "Son, you were hit in the waist by poetry!" Turn on the light quickly, Mom will write it down for you! "After hearing this, the boy danced with joy.

Seeing that my mood improved, the boy produced two pieces of chocolate out of nowhere: "Mom, this is for you - to make you happy." As I ate the soft chocolate, I shed tears and rewarded this "electric heating treasure" A solid hug.

In the autumn of 2017, Lao Sun was admitted to the hospital due to illness. The boy helped his father to the bathroom, only to hear a childish sigh inside: "The spring is silent and the trickle flows!" The people outside laughed instantly. The extremely embarrassed Lao Sun laughed and scolded: "Smelly boy!" After flushing the water, the boy said that he also wrote a song "Fountain". Lao Sun thought that his embarrassing toilet incident was going to be exposed again, so he stopped him with a wink. The boy didn't care: "The willow tree is a fountain/when the wind blows/crash/sprays all over the roof."

Everyone in the ward applauded the boy, and now he became more energetic and said that he had been "making" these days. A "Comfort Poem" for Dad. "The ginkgo tree is a safe/with many gold coins in it/the wind enters the raindrop password/'tick-tock-tock-tick'/and sweeps away the gold coins/the sparrows are chirping in pursuit." Lao Sun listened to the boy's poem and smiled repeatedly. Praise: "Good son! That's great! You are better than dad!" Looking at his dad's smiling face, the boy looked satisfied: "Dad, I know you are unhappy when you are sick, I just want to make you happy!"

boy's The "electric heating treasure" temperament instantly captured a group of nurse sisters. Holding the big red apple rewarded by his sisters, he took a "click" and continued while eating: "I want to eat the earth! - The apple is the earth/I took four bites/and it turned into four oceans." Lao Sun Laughed, the nurses laughed, and the old man who had just finished the operation in the clinic also laughed. Everyone said that this medicine and that medicine are not as effective as the boy's poems!