The victim, Zeng, female, 30 years old. On May 31, the group administrator said that he could scan the QR code and download the "Dip Technology" APP to make orders. The victim made more than 100 yuan on his first order, and immediately received more than 100 yuan and got a rebate

1. Order fraud rebate category

The victim is Zeng, female, 30 years old. On May 30, 2022, the victim Zeng was pulled into a strange WeChat group by a WeChat friend. Then the group administrator invited everyone to do promotional tasks for "Wanda". After completing the tasks, they immediately distributed red envelopes. The victim received 200 yuan that day. On May 31, the group administrator said that he could scan the QR code and download the " Dipu Technology " APP to make orders. The victim made a purchase of more than 100 yuan on the first order, and immediately received more than 100 yuan and a rebate. He was convinced, and then he I placed three orders but could not withdraw the money. The APP staff lured the victim to continue to place orders on the grounds that the victim had made a mistake and needed to place a few more large orders before withdrawing cash. The victim swiped orders many times under the guidance of the other party, but was still unable to withdraw cash. When he realized that he had been cheated, he reported the case to the Public Security Bureau. The victims were defrauded of a total of 492,988 yuan. (The victim did not download and install the national anti-fraud APP when he was defrauded)

2. Fake online investment and financial management

The victim is Wang, female, 58 years old. From March 19 to April 5, 2022, the victim added a friend who claimed to be a veteran through WeChat, and established initial trust through chat. The friend recommended a profitable financial management website to the victim, allowing him to The victim created an account by himself. After recharging money on the website many times, the victim found that the money in the account could not be withdrawn. At this time, the victim realized that he had been cheated and called the police. The victim made a total of 39 transfers and was defrauded of a total of 2,437,272 yuan. (The victim did not download and install the national anti-fraud APP when he was defrauded)

3. Loan and credit card agency

The victim, Yang, is a 54-year-old male and a public servant. On March 31, 2022, the victim received a strange phone call. The other party claimed to be a customer service staff of " Jingdong Financial " and asked the victim if he needed loan working capital. Then the victim added the other party's Alipay friend and followed the other party's instructions. The victim followed the instructions and paid a membership fee of 10,000 yuan. The other party asked the victim to transfer money one after another on the grounds that the victim's bank card number was wrong and he had to pay a deposit. The victim realized that he had been cheated and called the police. The victim was defrauded of a total of 16,000 yuan.

4. Characteristics of the case

1. The types of fraud are diverse. At present, there are more than 10 types of telecom network fraud cases known, among which four types of cases include fraudulent bill rebates, pig-killing disks (fake online investment and financial management), loans, agency credit cards, and fake resellers and logistics customer service cases, accounting for most of the county's fraud cases. 94.29% of the total number of cases.

2. Fraud methods are constantly being updated. Criminals will keep up with social hot spots, tailor their deception plans for different groups, use telecommunications equipment to change their modus operandi, and fabricate all kinds of false information to lure people into being deceived. Each deception will be discovered soon after it becomes popular. They will come up with new tricks to make it difficult for people to guard against, and they will be deceived if they are not careful. There are even cases where some victims are deceived a second time.

5. Preventive measures

No matter how many ways there are and how complicated the tricks are, as long as we understand the truth that "pie in the sky will not fall into your trap", don't be greedy for petty gains, and don't believe others' words easily, fraud will not happen to you. While increasing anti-fraud propaganda and strengthening crackdowns, the public security organs remind the general public to be more vigilant and please remember and practice the following anti-fraud skills:

(1) Remember the "ten rules"

1. Anyone who claims to be required by the public security law to remit money or to If you transfer money to a "safe account", please don't trust

2. Anyone who recruits people to make online orders, please don't participate.

3 Anyone who needs to return a refund for online shopping must do it on a regular platform.

4. Anyone who takes out a loan on the Internet If you need to pay money first, don't believe

5. Anyone who buys game equipment for private transactions, don't believe

6. Anyone who claims to be a leader (boss) and asks for money transfer, don't believe

7. Anyone who recommends investment and financial management to online friends, be cautious. Consider

8. Anyone who asks for a card number and password verification code must verify it carefully

9. Please do not click on any link posted by an unfamiliar text message

10. Never send money, send money face to face

(2) Download the " National Anti-Fraud Center APP" in time ” and turn on the incoming call warning function.The National Anti-Fraud Center APP is a mobile phone anti-fraud protection software launched by the Ministry of Public Security. When you receive a phone call or text message suspected of fraud, or you download and install the fraud-related APP on your mobile phone, it will intelligently identify it and provide timely warnings. When you find clues about fraud in your life, you can also report it to the public security agency through the APP in a timely manner.

(3) Increase the intensity of anti-email fraud propaganda. The whole society, especially the majority of party members and cadres, must take action to actively participate in anti-fraud propaganda and guide the broad masses of the people not to be deceived or participate in fraud. Form a nationwide anti-fraud situation.