[Aimu] Recently, many friends have left messages asking: What is the future of e-commerce operations? Is e-commerce operation worth a lifetime? Today, the editor of Jingtao will have a good chat with you about the development prospects of e-commerce operations. If there is anythi

[Aimu] Recently, many friends have left messages asking: What is the future of e-commerce operations? Is e-commerce operation worth a lifetime?

Today, the editor of Jingtao will talk to you about the development prospects of e-commerce operations. If there is anything wrong, I would like to express my personal opinions. First of all, the number of companies in the e-commerce industry in the entire Hangzhou area has exceeded tens of millions, and most of the top anchors have also settled in Hangzhou. Due to the upward trend of the e-commerce industry, what is really lacking is the mid-to-high-end talents for e-commerce operations . According to data analysis, China's Internet users have maintained a steady growth. You must know that if there is demand, there will be a market. For this reason alone, the status of the Internet is still unshakable.

Now the editor will tell you about the prospects of e-commerce operations in detail, hoping to help you ~

1. The development prospects of e-commerce operations → Becoming a mid-to-high-end talent

An excellent e-commerce operation , in addition to basic skill operations , but also to exercise the sensitivity to data and analysis capabilities , the ability to position the market and people , the ability to diagnose and solve problems, as well as the ability to deploy and control the overall situation, and another important thing is marketing ability. To put it simply, excellent operations must understand product planning, industry characteristics, product analysis, promotion, data analysis, management, customer communication, PS, visual aesthetics, and supply chain. There is indeed a lot to know, after all, it is a job that relies on strength to make a living.

Some suggestions for newbies to get started with e-commerce operations:

1. You can first go to some companies to do customer service. Unless it is a company that is developing relatively quickly, there are relatively few transitions from customer service to operations positions .

2. Apply for the position of operations assistant . The assistant also requires a certain amount of experience in Taobao stores (there are companies where only novices can be assistants, but there are very few).

3. You can first learn to do projects without source of supply, and (someone needs to be responsible). After knowing the store's operating model, you can then apply for an operations assistant. Basically, it will be easy to get accepted.

4. Systematically participate in various skills training for e-commerce operations. This is the fastest way to improve operational skills.

Warm reminder: This road of operation is very hard, but the effort and reward are directly proportional. Usually read more books and study, learn more from others and learn from experience. Be a little harder in the early stage and be more diligent. After you get started, a lot of it will be programmed. of work.

2. What is e-commerce operation? Where can I learn e-commerce operations?

Here are two simple learning methods. I hope it will be helpful to you:

(1) Self-study: Read and explore by yourself, take notes, and practice. But this requires strong self-learning ability. It is recommended that you start from the beginning.

(2) Find a training institution: If you want to learn more systematically, it is recommended that you find a school that specializes in e-commerce operation training for systematic learning. It is recommended that you consider: Jingtao Education.

Jingtao Education focuses on the research of e-commerce job-based skills, combined with advertising knowledge, content operation knowledge, in-depth research and development from four courses: basic, skill-based, technical and management-based, and developed Douyin E-commerce professional courses such as operation classes, anchor training classes, PS graphic design classes, e-commerce operation promotion classes, and bidding advertising classes combine theoretical learning with practical project training, and combine scientific and rigorous theoretical knowledge with practical exercises. Keep up with market demand and apply what you learn.

Finally, in the initial stage of operating this position, the focus is on learning and exploration. The most important thing is to continuously accumulate experience in this industry. I hope today’s sharing can be helpful to everyone.