A group of cars, a group of people, a warmth and a love form a beautiful landscape - this is the Qingdao Hunan Chamber of Commerce Women's Committee's series of visits and condolences. The spring breeze blows everywhere, everyone laughs, and every home is warm. Sneaked into the n

A group of cars, a group of people, a warmth and a love form a beautiful landscape - this is the Qingdao Hunan Chamber of Commerce Women's Committee's series of visits and condolences.

The spring breeze blows everywhere, everyone laughs, and every home is warm. Sneaked into the night wind, moisten things silently. In recent years, the construction of chambers of commerce has achieved gratifying results. Half the Sky has worked hard to build chambers of commerce that are not inferior to men. The natal family has found a unique way to harmonize the family society and consolidate the rear. They enter families and businesses as caring "native family members" who are good women's sisters and warm their hearts. Who can be like the whisper of the spring breeze? It is better than thousands of silver and true gold. All of this is to implement the mandate of "two health", to enhance the understanding and communication between female members of the Chamber of Commerce and their families, to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of women and children, to harmonize thousands of families, and to contact fellow residents of Qing Dynasty to jointly support the Chamber of Commerce. Construction and development.

On April 6, 2021, the Women's Committee of Qingdao Hunan Chamber of Commerce carried out visits, surveys and condolences activities in Qingdao and Changsha respectively, expressing sincere care and greetings to female members and members' families.

In the Qingdao area, the team was led by Qin Beibei, director of the Women's Committee, and composed of deputy secretary of the party branch Zhang Li, deputy director Huang Tingting, members of the Women's Committee Zhan Sha and Chen Li, and Finance Minister Zou Jinxiu of the Chamber of Commerce. During the visit, the condolence team expressed the various work plans, contents and goals formulated by the Women's Committee as the natal family of Hunan women in Qingdao with the support of the party branch and the chamber of commerce, and gained an in-depth understanding of the members and their families. needs as well as work, life and family situations.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the Women's Committee and its delegation gathered at the Wensheng White-collar Apartment on Taitung 1st Road. The first stop was to visit member Ms. Tang Qiongfang. Ms. Tang came to Qingdao in 1996. In 2010, she started her own business and built the first duplex long-term rental apartment: Huangdao Aijia Boutique Apartment. In 2012, she built the first space capsule hotel in Shandong Province. In 2014, she founded Wensheng White Collar in Taitung. apartment. In 2020, we have experienced the dual pressures of the epidemic and fierce competition. Currently, the two apartments in Taitung City and the West Coast have maintained a stable occupancy rate of 70% due to their careful management, affordable prices, and complete configurations! Ms. Tang's two apartments have nearly 300 rooms and are available for long-term rental to office workers, corporate employees and long-term business travelers. In the future, she hopes to develop team customers from large companies and better expand the apartment service business. Through communication and understanding, we have truly realized the difficulty of Ms. Tang’s entrepreneurial journey. The sisters of the Women’s Committee have encouraged Ms. Tang from different angles. After the storm, there will be a rainbow! Zou Jinxiu said: Forget the ups and downs of the past, light up your youth, and start over. As long as you have a good heart, you will definitely gain great success in your career and sweet love. Everyone’s encouragement made Ms. Tang confident. Come on, sisters!

The entire condolence team of the Women's Committee then rushed to Chengyang and paid a visit to Executive Vice President He Jiasheng and his wife, Ms. Chen Haiyan. Director Qin expressed his intention to come and conveyed the work spirit of the Women's Committee. Chairman He also expressed high recognition and appreciation for the work of the Women's Committee. He said that since the establishment of the company, his wife Chen Haiyan has played an indispensable role and is a good helper at home and abroad. In recent years, with the further development of the company and the arrival of their children's puberty, it is inevitable that there will be some differences between the two. Now that the Women's Committee is here, he hopes that his wife will have more opportunities to communicate with outstanding women. He believes that she will have a better understanding of future career choices and Family harmony has a better promotion effect. Mrs. Chen Haiyan is gentle and restrained, and also tactfully expressed the confusion caused by her son's education. In this regard, Zhan Sha from the Women's Committee expressed some opinions using herself as an example. She said that men should know how to master methods, such as "pillow teaching", and women should know how to turn around, not just be tough, and speak well when expressing their opinions. Continuously learn and communicate, find common topics, and strive to resonate with the same frequency, and the problem will be solved naturally. Zhan Sha's wise life experience and simple words attracted bursts of admiration and applause at the scene, and were deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Finally, the Qingdao condolences team came to the root carving hall of Executive Vice President He Qin and visited his wife, Ms. Lu Yiyang.As soon as you walk into the Root Carving Museum, you will be greeted by the pleasant fragrance of wood, which is quiet and peaceful! The hostess Ms. Lu, with a smile on her face, led everyone to visit the huge exhibition hall, which is full of dazzling root carvings, including the lifelike Maitreya Buddha with a smile to welcome guests, the original Bodhidharma Patriarch with both divine and divine shapes, and vivid flowers, birds, fish and insects... Each piece is natural and lifelike. When you are here, you can appreciate the majestic momentum of root carving art and freely feel the unique charm of root carving art. You can't help but sigh what kind of person can have such good luck to accompany you every day? Then Ms. Lu invited everyone to have a cup of tea. After a slow chat, we learned that Ms. Lu is a devout Buddhist. She reads scriptures, chants Buddha's name every day, and cultivates her moral character. At first glance, she can tell that she is a kind, compassionate and hard-working woman. Ms. Lu said that Master He Qin is responsible for playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting on weekdays. She is responsible for both the home and the outside. Although life is not easy for a middle-aged person, she is full of tenacity, which makes every member of the Women's Committee awe-inspiring. Finally, the Women's Committee sincerely suggested that Ms. Lu spend more time while being busy. Give yourself some time to relax and embrace yourself.

Wu Yan, deputy director of the Women's Committee, who was on vacation in her hometown in Hunan, was entrusted by the Women's Committee to go to Ningxiang, Hunan, more than 100 kilometers away, to visit He Ting, the wife of fellow villager Sun Ding. Sun Ding is a national defense personnel who has served in the army for many years and dedicated himself to national defense and stayed on the front line. He planned and directed Chamber of Commerce basketball games, singing competitions, Bay Day celebrations and other activities. They have two twin daughters, and his wife is also a capable and independent hot girl. Because her husband was very busy in the army, as a military wife, she returned to her hometown for the convenience of taking care of her two children. She asked her mother-in-law to help take care of the children during the day. She and her mother opened a health center focusing on weight loss in Ningxiang County. , rushed back to take care of the two children after get off work.

Wu Yan came to He Ting's health center at eight o'clock in the morning on April 6. There are a lot of customers, and it looks like business is good. She is positive and optimistic, always thinking about her family and husband, and hopes to contribute to her family and children through her own efforts. Her husband, who is in the army, has very little time to go home, so she takes care of the whole family in her hometown. The health center didn't invite anyone, so if you need a massage, you have to do it in person. Speaking of children, there are endless topics to talk about. Wu Yan happened to be a family education and psychological counseling teacher. She gave her a lot of advice on raising children and gave her some books on children's education. She said that she was very happy to have met many fellow villagers through the Hunan Chamber of Commerce during her several years in Qingdao. They all cared about her and gave her a lot of warmth and care. She was grateful that people from the chamber of commerce could visit her in her hometown. Through this visit and condolences,

not only had in-depth exchanges and learning with members of the Chamber of Commerce and their families, but also allowed the members to truly feel the deep care from the Women's Committee of the Chamber of Commerce. In the future, the Women's Committee will continue to actively carry out various tasks, implement every detail in the construction of family civilization, and work hard to help women of Qingxiang origin play half the role in ensuring women's health and family harmony!