A 37-year-old man surnamed Lin had an argument with two people a few days ago. They met in a narrow street on Daming Road in the neighborhood at 11:58 pm on the 30th. The other party fired 6 shots with a modified pistol. Lin was shot in the leg and abdomen, and a 39-year-old man

China News Service, July 31. According to Taiwan's " China Times Electronic News " report, a shooting occurred in Zhushan Town, Nantou County, Taiwan late at night on the 30th. A 37-year-old man named Lin had an argument with two people a few days ago. At 11:58 pm on the 30th, They met on a narrow street on Daming Road in the neighborhood. The other party fired six shots with a modified pistol. Lin was shot in the leg and abdomen. The 39-year-old man named Chen who was traveling with him was seriously injured in the head and was in critical condition. The police quickly solved the case at 5 a.m. on the 31st.

2 suspects escaped on an unregistered motorcycle. Reporter Shen Huisheng of Taiwan's "China Times" took a photo of

. After receiving the report, the police went to Daming Road where the shooting occurred. The scene was a supermarket and found two injured men. They immediately assisted in sending them to the hospital. The assailant had fled the scene, and police investigation revealed that the two suspects fled on an unregistered motorcycle.

The police reviewed the scene and nearby video monitors overnight, and after screening relevant clues, they identified two suspects named Zhang and Lin. They immediately persuaded their parents, relatives and friends, and at 5 a.m. on the 31st, the two suspects were accompanied by their parents to the case.

Preliminary investigation revealed that the two suspects Lin and Zhang were suspected of carrying a grudge due to a recent quarrel with the victim, 37-year-old Lin, and then committed the murder. Based on his confession, the task force found a modified gun suspected of committing the crime and a motorcycle without a license plate on the flood control road next to Dongpu River in Zhushan Town. After interrogation, he was charged with intentional homicide and violation of firearms and ammunition control regulations. Transfer 2 people to court.

At the time of the incident, the suspect surnamed Zhang was riding a motorcycle, and the suspect surnamed Lin was shooting with a gun in the back seat. The police will continue to trace the source of the bullets, and the detailed reasons for the dispute between the two parties are still under investigation.

It is understood that the victim surnamed Lin, who was shot in the leg and abdomen, was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment and was out of danger; Chen, who was shot in the head, is in danger of life and has been transferred to the hospital for emergency treatment.