However, judging from the old series such as "NBA2K", "WWE" or "COD" in recent years, the game content is sometimes good and sometimes bad. Even if many players give negative reviews in the media and store evaluations, the game has been cultivated for many years. The die-hard fan

What kind of game is a good game? When the Internet was not developed more than 10 years ago, game sales could be said to be the most direct information disclosed by some game media. For players at that time, didn't the more people buying it mean the more fun the game was? After all, at that time, every player's opinions were not expressed through platform stores, personal blogs, and comprehensive evaluation websites like they can now. Therefore, the most important way to judge the quality of a game was sales, followed by the media. Comment.

Basically, the sales or revenue of modern games cannot be used as an absolute reference.

However, as time passes, the rise of personal reviews, the increasing number of sequels to well-known series, and the popularity of smartphones, several different interesting phenomena have emerged. Let’s start with personal reviews. There are many ways for players to express their personal opinions on a game in modern times. The collection of thousands of huge data on the Internet makes game sales and media reviews no longer the only indicators. Everyone can make a judgment by referring to multiple reviews. This review method has even indirectly become the basis for many independent games or unpopular works.

, the great master, was initially well-received but not popular. It was not until modern times that the HD version was launched crazily.

There are hundreds of millions of gamers around the world. Sometimes, small reviews and sharing actions can pull out those buried independent games and unpopular works from the sea of ​​games, even if the final sales cannot compare with those 3A games with huge resources. level game has become an existence that is both popular and popular. But the accumulation of fame has become a big opportunity for them to grow in the future. Just like the "Dark Souls" series was just a super difficult hardcore game in the eyes of ordinary people at the beginning, and only a few people liked it. But as those few players spoke highly of it, others gradually began to pay attention and began to follow the trend and buy new games. Even many developers today have turned back to imitate the combat style of this game whose sales volume cannot match that of other 3A action games.

Even though the Soul series is now famous, its sales are still not as good as those New Year products.

The second phenomenon occurs in those well-known series that have developed sequels for more than 10 consecutive years. Each of these games did have very good content at the beginning, and the sales results were unimaginable by other generations. They were launched steadily. The model has even attracted a lot of fan support. However, judging from the old series such as "NBA 2K", "WWE" or "COD" in recent years, the game content is sometimes good and sometimes bad. Even if many players give negative reviews in the media and store evaluations, the game has been criticized for many years. The die-hard fans who have been raised will still choose to buy it and play it while criticizing it. Even if the game has a low evaluation, the sales volume will be in the millions, and the game company will also be very happy, causing many players to start thinking The idea that "best-selling games are not necessarily good games" appears.

Putting aside the issue of neutrality, the player score of a work that has sold millions of copies is very different from that of the media.

The third phenomenon is the continuation of the second one, and it must be the one that all current players can relate to most, which is the popularity of smartphones or mobile devices. For the gaming industry, a platform with a higher market share than PCs and game consoles, coupled with low development costs, is simply the best way to make money. Many game companies continue to copy the same games to attract consumers by using some well-known IPs, art styles favored by players in some regions, and the same gameplay of drawing cards to push copies. Unscrupulous things will create high revenue in a short period of time. Then it went bankrupt, and the conscientious or the best manufacturer in this group will continue to launch new character pools and activities to retain players. A single order is more than the price of a 3A masterpiece, and a large number of players The revenue generated from the investment is naturally very considerable.

But do you think these mobile games that rely on IP to set high revenue records are good games? This is not necessarily true. Perhaps according to past game standards, those dungeons that can only be cleared if the combat power reaches the standard, the evolution of characters that require a lot of money to develop, and the time-consuming farming of materials cannot be said. It's the gameplay, just the addiction to the growth of values ​​and the love of the characters.However, in the end, the author still has to say that the true essence of returning games is actually the purpose of entertainment. If this krypton gold game (and time as well) can really attract players and make players willing to spend money to continue playing and feel happy about it, then It is indeed a good game in other aspects, but more aspects are biased towards the manufacturer.

As long as you like it or are happy, then maybe a certain game is really a good game for certain players.