The right to veto trade, also known as the "overlord clause". If a player has this overlord clause during the contract period, and the player himself does not agree, then the team cannot trade him. In other words, the player has the right to choose his own club. This is a It is a

The right to veto transactions, also known as the "overlord clause". If a player has this overlord clause during the contract period, and the player himself does not agree, the team cannot trade him. In other words, the player has the right to choose his own club. This is A kind of privilege. The conditions for obtaining this privilege are also very demanding. You must play in NBA for 8 years, play for a team for 4 years, and you must be an unrestricted free agent. Under multiple conditions, there are only ten players in the entire NBA. This article will take you through the ten players who have had the right to veto trades.


Bill joined the Wizards as a draft pick in 2012. In his rookie season, Bill performed brilliantly and won the recognition of the team. After Wall was injured, Bill carried the team, forged ahead and played A very good performance, supporting the team's appearance.

Although many people suggested that Bill leave, Bill has repeatedly stated that he loves the Wizards deeply and will not leave. He has completed a contract extension with the Wizards. According to reporters, Bill has the right to veto transactions in this contract, which means that, Bill can choose a club for himself. If Bill doesn't want to leave the Wizards, the Wizards can't trade him for anyone else. Among active players, Bill is the only player who still has the right to veto transactions.


Wade joined the Heat in 2003. With his outstanding personal performance, Wade quickly changed the Heat and became the leader of the team. In his third grade, Wade performed particularly well in the finals. He led the team to win the championship and was elected FMVP.

Wade profoundly changed the Heat, allowing the Heat to join the ranks of the few championship teams. After Wade met the conditions for having the right to veto trades, Wade signed a contract with the Heat that included the right to veto trades. , this allows Wade to ensure that he is not traded by the Heat to a place he does not want to go, and to avoid falling into the trap of many heroes, who are sold off after their peak period.


Kobe was spotted by the Lakers during the trial. In order to get him, the Lakers sent out the team's quasi All-Star center. After Kobe came to the Lakers, he helped the Lakers with his wonderful performance and made the Lakers Recreate the glory of the 1980s.

Kobe’s contribution to the Lakers is obvious to all fans. Kobe has also adapted to life in Los Angeles. When negotiating a new contract extension, Kobe asked for the right to veto transactions, and the Lakers are also a very humane team. After agreeing, Kobe became another player in NBA history with the privilege of vetoing trades. In the end, Kobe completed his NBA journey with the Lakers.


Garnett joined Timberwolves as a high school student. In order to keep him, the Timberwolves offered him a large contract, and Garnett did not live up to the team's trust in him, playing A very good performance, making the Timberwolves a playoff team.

After spending the first eight years of his career, Garnett has obtained the conditions to sign a contract with overlord clauses. He decisively requested that the new contract include the right to veto transactions. The Timberwolves saw what Garnett has done for the team. Contribution, agreed to this condition, which gave Garnett the privilege of choosing his next club, laying the foundation for him to join the Celtics to win the championship in the future.


Anthony started his NBA career in Nuggets . After leading the Nuggets to the Western Conference Finals, the Nuggets failed to go further, so Anthony was sent to Knicks . In the Knicks, Anthony became the team The leading star.

Anthony, who came to the Knicks, is already a first-line star in the league. When signing the contract with the Knicks, Anthony not only had salary requirements, but also required that he have the right to veto transactions to prevent himself from being traded by the Knicks at will. The Knicks They agreed, but not long after the two sides cooperated, they broke up. The Knicks wanted to send Anthony away, but fortunately the next buyer was not bad, so Anthony gave up his right to veto the transaction and left the Knicks.


James was selected by the Cavaliers in 2003. Clevelanders had high hopes for him and hoped that he could win the championship. However, after playing for many years, James failed to achieve this goal and had to leave. After winning two championships, He returned to the Cavaliers and continued to lead the Cavaliers to the championship.

After James returned, he was stronger than when he left. In the 2016 Finals, James led the Cavaliers to make a comeback from a 1-3 deficit and win the first championship trophy for his hometown. After James' contract expired, the Cavaliers added an overlord clause to the new contract, making James a player with the right to veto trades. The Cavaliers were not allowed to trade him at will. In the end, James joined the Lakers in a sign-and-trade manner.


Nowitzki joined the Mavericks in 1998. In the Mavericks, Nowitzki grew up and made the Mavericks a strong team. He was awarded the MVP and used his phenomenon in the 2011 Finals. Super performance helped the Mavericks defeat strong opponents and win the championship.

For the Mavericks, Nowitzki is a rare leader, and Nowitzki also loves the Mavericks deeply. He had many opportunities to leave, but he never wanted to leave the Mavericks. This not only made the fans Moved, the Mavericks' boss, Cuban, was also moved, and added the right of trade veto to Nowitzki's contract, making Nowitzki a player with this privilege.

David Robinson

Robinson has good talent, solid skills, and elegant playing style. Because he served in the Navy, he was called " Admiral ". He started his NBA journey with Spurs and ended with the Spurs. In his career, he has contributed everything to the Spurs.

When he was the leader of the team, Robinson went all out to win the championship for the team. Although he did not achieve his goal, everyone saw his efforts. After Duncan joined the team, he decisively gave up. As the boss of the team, Robinson did what he could for the Spurs. In the contract, the Spurs added the right to veto the transaction. This is both a guarantee and a commendation.


Stockton was selected by the Jazz in 1984. At the beginning of his career, due to his average talent, Stockton was not very recognized by people, but with his performance, he gradually became the Jazz's court conductor. Guan, along with Malone, led the Jazz to rise.

The Jazz are in Salt Lake City . This is a very boring place. Most stars are not willing to play here at all. However, Stockton loves this place very much. He likes life in Salt Lake City. When he signed a contract with the Jazz , he requested to add the right to veto the transaction, and the Jazz agreed. In the end, Stockton played for the Jazz for 19 years. After using up the last drop of oil in the tank, Stockton chose to retire.


Duncan became famous in the United States when he was in college. After graduation, he joined the Spurs and performed at a star level, becoming the core of the team. He led the Spurs to successfully win the championship and realized the team's long-cherished wish. Duncan also It became the cornerstone of the Spurs.

When Duncan and the Spurs negotiated a contract extension, there were conflicts between the two parties. Duncan also thought about joining other teams, but the Spurs were very sincere and offered better conditions for Duncan to stay. Duncan's contract included There was also the right to veto trades. Even if the Spurs wanted to send Duncan away, Duncan had to agree. In the end, Duncan did not leave, and the Spurs never thought of trading Duncan. The two sides created a good story.