Author: Kimmo Yesterday, Apple updated a new web-based online tool for iMessage, which is used to unbind iMessage from your mobile phone number. As early as 2011, not long after iMessage was launched, the disappearance of many people's messages became a noticeable problem.

Author: Kimmo

Yesterday, Apple updated a new online tool for iMessage on the web page to unbind iMessage from your mobile phone number.

As early as 2011, not long after iMessage was launched, the disappearance of many people’s messages became a noticeable problem. When a user no longer uses an iPhone, switches to another phone and does not turn off the iMessage function, other friends use iPhones and send you messages via iMessage, and you may not be able to receive them. In the end, the user can only unregister the previously used device from the account. This is a nuisance for users who no longer use iPhones or those who temporarily switch to other phones.

Not only that, iMessage is a product that has been abandoned by many people since its high-profile release in 2011. What happened in the middle?


At the 2011 WWDC conference, iMessage appeared in front of the world with iOS 5. Through iMessage, iOS users can send text, photos and even videos to each other.

iMessage This product has two big differences from previous services: on the one hand, iMessage is completely free, and as long as there are two iOS devices with iMessage enabled, they can send messages without any restrictions, and the content of the messages is sufficient. Rich: videos from text to pictures. The second difference is that iMessage has been deeply integrated with the SMS application at the system level. There is no need for an additional application to manage iMessage information separately. Ordinary users do not need to deliberately understand Apple's new features, because the gameplay of iMessage is different from that of ordinary users. The text messages are exactly the same, except that the information is transmitted through Apple's services through the network, rather than through the operator as in the past. Since iMessage is turned on by default, users will naturally discover such a useful new feature when communicating with other iOS users.

iMessage is free and deeply integrated with text messages in the system. It has been praised by almost all iOS users. You don’t have to spend money to communicate with other iOS users like text messages. You can also send photos and videos without affecting communication with Android or feature phones. User communication.

In fact, iMessage is indeed subverting the traditional SMS business of operators that relies on calculating the number of messages sent. In 2012, affected by iMessage, the volume of text messages sent in the United States was also declining. In the third quarter, the volume of text messages sent in the United States It dropped from 696 to 678.

Why users began to abandon iMessage

In China, if you are an iPhone user, then 80% of you have received false product advertisements sent through iMessage. Unlucky, you can receive such messages almost every day, without even Same thing. These messages are sent to a different account each time. If one account is blacklisted, a brand new account will continue to send you spam messages tomorrow.

Merchants of counterfeit goods love it because iMessage is free and unlimited. The cost of sending a message is extremely low. You only need an iPod Touch and register a bunch of Apple iDs. You don’t even have to get the user’s phone number, carpet bombing it via iMessage is enough. Users can only turn off reminders for messages not in their address book, but they cannot completely block spam messages in iMessage.

On the other hand, the number of WeChat users is constantly increasing, and even our grandparents are starting to use WeChat. More importantly, WeChat is cross-platform, also free and even has more functions than iMessage. At least in China, if there is no network or the mobile phone has no data, there are not enough people using text messages, let alone iMessage, which is a garbage dump that contains a lot of spam.

iMessage's free and deep integration with the system is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it brings real benefits and high enough security to ordinary users, but it also leaves a hole for spam text messages. However, Apple still does not pay enough attention to its services and software products. Just like the iMessage loss problem that occurred in 2011, Apple has only provided a truly convenient solution today.Apple may have to keep users waiting to fundamentally solve spam messages on iMessage.