Recently, Apple has just released the latest iPhone 11 series, followed by iOS 13, which will be released on the 20th. But this time, maybe even Cook knew that his system had not changed much, and he didn’t say a few words about the system during the entire press conference.

Recently, Apple has just released the latest iPhone 11 series, followed by iOS 13, which will be released on the 20th. But this time, maybe even , Cook, and knew that their system had not changed much, and they didn’t even mention a few words about the system during the entire press conference.

On the previous beta version of iOS13, the spam text message problem that has plagued iPhone users for a long time has still not been solved. I believe that when you use iPhone, you will receive some spam messages inexplicably - today we will help you solve the problem of spam message harassment from several different angles:

01. iMassage spam messages : Sometimes, we will receive spam messages from Spam text messages with email address instead of phone number. The reason why this happens is because the other party sends us spam text messages through iMessage instead of through the mobile phone number. Understanding this truth, we can block spam text messages sent by iMessage with one click.

Turn off iMessage: Open Settings-Message and turn off iMessage (Although iMessage can help us send free messages, I believe everyone communicates through WeChat every day, so instead of keeping iMessage, it is better to turn it off save trouble).

Enable system filtering : If you have to use iMessage, we can also enable iOS system filtering, Settings - Messages, turn on unknown and filtered messages, so that when we receive messages from strangers, iOS will Automatically put it into the "Filtered Information" group for us.

Cancel mailbox reception: Since many spam text messages are sent through mailboxes, we can also turn off the mailbox reception of iMessage messages, Settings-Message-iMessage messages, and uncheck the mailbox reception.

02. Scam calls and text messages: In fact, operators can officially provide us with services to block harassing calls.

mobile users: If you are a mobile VoLTE user, you only need to send "ktfsr" or "Automatic interception of calls from high-frequency numbers" to "10086" to activate the automatic interception of calls from high-frequency numbers. (To activate VoLTE for free, you need to send "VoLTE" to "10086")

China Unicom users: Send the text message "KT" to "10655587", then China Unicom will let us confirm, and then send "Y" and you are done.

Telecom users: Since Telecom does not provide us with corresponding solutions, we can only implement harassment interception through software on the mobile phone. You can freely choose 60 Mobile Guard , Tencent Mobile Manager , Baidu Mobile Guard and other interception tools. Conduct harassment interception.

03. How to clean up a large number of junk text messages : If you have accumulated a large number of junk text messages and have not cleaned them up, due to the inhumanity of iOS, the iPhone can only delete past text messages by setting a time.

Step one: open settings-information-retain information.

Step 2: changes the retention time of the information to 30 days, and then click the delete button.

Step 3: Settings-General-Date and Time, turn off automatic settings, and adjust the time to 30 days later. At this time, all text messages have been deleted.

Warm reminder: In , for the sake of safety, we can adjust the time more - more than 30 days.

and above are all about iOS system garbage cleaning. If you have other skills you want to learn, you might as well tell me in the comments~ By the way, don’t forget that the iPhone is on sale for the first time today. Friends who are interested Don't miss it.

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