Preface: To be honest, my movie posts haven’t been updated for a long time. Because more and more worthy friends share the good movies they have seen, the movies I share tend to appear repeatedly, which makes people feel a bit too watery. So I want to collect really good movies f

Author of this article: Xiaomuzi Lehehe

Creative statement: I hope that movies full of positive energy can help you fight off all the bad moods that have been brought about by using social software recently. Hope the epidemic will pass soon. . .


To be honest, my movie posts haven’t been updated for a long time, because more and more worthy friends share the good movies they have seen, and the movies I share tend to appear repeatedly, which feels a bit too watery. I feel that I want to collect really good movies for everyone. But relatively speaking, good movies are liked by everyone, so it is inevitable that there will be recurring movies, so I am relieved, as long as I feel that it is good to watch. , if you want to share it, just share it.

Let’s talk about my holiday. I will go back to my hometown on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. What will I do when I have nothing to do at home? See a movie. I returned to work on the fifth day of the first lunar month. During the quarantine period, my working hours were adjusted, and I had an extra week of vacation. What did I do at home? See a movie. Yes, the last two weeks have been spent watching TV shows and movies.

The new coronavirus epidemic has made this Spring Festival holiday so uncomfortable. There are too many things that appear in the circle of friends on Weibo , which makes many people call them: blue thin mushrooms. . .

Today we share some movies with overwhelming positive energy and good reputations to cure you of the bad mood caused by surfing social platforms.

, Million Baby

Plot summary:

The elderly Frankie (Clint Eastwood) is a famous boxing coach, and his apprentice has a brilliant record in the boxing ring. However, because he was too devoted to the boxing career and ignored the feelings of his family, Frankie's relationship with his daughter was frozen for a long time, and he fell into a long-term self-isolation and depression. One day, Maggie (Hilary Swank), a woman who has a strong interest in boxing, walked into the training hall and asked Frankie to be her disciple. Frankie's determination softened him, and he finally decided to train Maggie into an outstanding female boxer. Although the road was very difficult, the two got along with each other tacitly in training and competition, which made Frankie feel comforted by family affection, and Maggie also stepped into the boxing ring. Courage and dreams allowed them to let go of the pain of the past and gain new strength in their hearts.

Reason for recommendation:

A very healing story, an old man and a young man, both have their own stories, but through the bond of boxing, the two people gradually come together to change their lives. The soundtrack, editing, and narration make this movie very interesting. I feel the final ending is quite good. Letting go sometimes really changes a person. Now think about it, sometimes people's mentality really changes as they grow older. In the face of illness, loss, and suffering, we must learn to face it, be brave, and fight for things that can be changed, so that we will not Disappoint people in this life.

, Explosion Drummer

Plot summary:

19-year-old Andrew (played by Miles Teller) grew up in a single-parent family and wanted to become a top jazz drummer. One night while practicing at school, he was photographed by the devil mentor Fletcher (J.K. Simmons) and entered a regular band. At the same time, he began to pay the price for his pursuit of perfection. The harder Andrew practices, the more isolated he becomes from the outside world. The only one who understood him was Fletcher, but the latter's irritability and moodiness distorted the teacher-student relationship, which affected Andrew, and his own personality also changed. Finally, when Andrew finally stepped onto the stage of the New York Concert Hall, he was horrified to discover that Fletcher had been waiting to drive him into the dust... "Breaking Drummer" tells the story of a teenager who, under the supervision of a strict teacher, A passionate story about challenging one's limits through unconventional means and chasing the dream of being a jazz drummer. The protagonist loves playing drums, but his over-investment makes him lose his original intention for music, which then turns into a burden of life and an almost crazy duel between master and apprentice. The movie not only shows the pain of musicians, but also allows people to see the cruel truth behind traditional inspiration.

Reason for recommendation:

This is first of all a musical film, and many of the music effects in it are quite good. It is also aimed at one's own hobbies, and persistent love has turned into a kind of torture. A young man, a coach, and two people. What story will come out of running-in? I think people who have their own interests can take a look and see if you are really determined to turn your interest into your career or job, so that time can accompany your interest until you grow old. I think the combination of editing and soundtrack is a great combination. Anyone who is interested should check it out.

, The Shawshank Redemption

Plot summary:

In the late 1940s, Andy (played by Tim Robbins Tim Robbins), a young and accomplished banker, went into jail on suspicion of killing his wife and her lover. prison. In this prison called Shawshank, hope seems illusory. The punishment of life imprisonment undoubtedly dooms Andy to a gloomy and desperate life. Before long, Andy tried to get close to the prestigious Red (Morgan Freeman) among the prisoners and asked him to help him get a small hammer. Taking this as an opportunity, the two gradually became acquainted with each other, and Andy seemed to find his own way of survival in a prison where fish and dragons were mixed, crimes were everywhere, and black and white were confused. He used his professional knowledge to help prison management evade taxes and launder money. At the same time, he gradually gained courtesy among prisoners by virtue of his association with Red. On the surface, he has changed from hating the high wall to being calm like Rhett, but his desire for freedom still pushes him toward the hope and goal in his heart. And the truth about his crime seems to make all this move forward...

Recommendation reason:

Douban top 1 movie, you know how many people really like this movie, the story will make your mood change a lot , if you really understand the meaning of the movie, your mood will change. If you don’t believe it, go and watch it. Although there is no beauty and love in the story, the power that friendship brings to you is equally huge. It is suitable to watch more A few times, maybe you will have different thoughts when you see him now and when you see him a few years later. This is the change brought about by your growth. When you are depressed, you can watch it and regain strength.

, Forrest Gump

Plot summary:

Forrest Gump ( Tom Hanks ) was born in a backwater town in Alabama in the south of the United States shortly after the end of World War II. He was born with mental retardation and an IQ of only 75 , but his mother is a woman with a strong personality. She often encourages A-Gump that "foolish people are blessed by fools" and asks him to strive for self-improvement. Forrest Gump went to school like an ordinary child, and met his lifelong friend and love Jenny (played by Robin Wright Penn). Under the love and care of Jenny and her mother, Forrest Gump started his journey with the "scud" given by God. A life of constant running. Forrest Gump became a rugby superstar, a Vietnam War hero, a table tennis diplomatic envoy, and a billionaire. However, he could never forget Jenny. Several hasty reunions and partings deepened Forrest Gump's miss. One day, A-Gump received a letter from Jenny, and they finally met again...

Reason for recommendation:

Children without umbrellas must learn to run. It seems that many people have read this sentence, and it is the same for Forrest. The memory of running hard is still fresh in his mind, and his experience has given him a lot of things. Sincerity, kindness, and integrity are all his praises. For those who like him, I believe that seeing him will affect their mentality and thoughts. Come on, you will get better if you work hard.

, Three Idiots Make Trouble in Bollywood

Plot summary:

This film is adapted from the debut novel "Five Point Someone" by Indian best-selling author Chetan Bhagat.Fran (R Madhavan), Radu (Sharman Joshi) and Rancho (Aamir Khan) are students of the Royal Academy of Engineering. The three of them live in the same room and get married. For friends. In a college known for its strictness, Rancho is a very unique student. He does not memorize things by rote, and even openly contradicts the principal "Virus" (played by Boman Irani) and questions his teaching methods. Not only did he encourage Fran and Radu to bravely pursue their ideals, he also persuaded the principal's second daughter, Biya (Kareena Kapoor), Kareena Kapoor, to leave her fiancé, who was full of stinky eyes. Rancho's maverick behavior aroused dissatisfaction with the model student "Muffler" (Omi Vaidya). He agreed to compete with Rancho ten years later to see which lifestyle is more successful. .

Reason for recommendation:

This drama is very long, enough for you to spend a morning, an afternoon or an evening, but after you watch it, you will feel that time passes very quickly, from beginning to end. The connection, editing, and soundtrack combination make you feel the changes and growth of Indian films. Can you be yourself? This question needs to be answered after you watch the movie. Sometimes it’s really hard to say, but I hope you will be in a happy mood after watching it and change the bad mood that has made you so depressed. .

, Iron Fist Man

Plot summary:

In addition to being a has-been boxer, Bullock (played by Russell Crowe) is also the father of three children. When his boxing career went downhill, what followed was a tight life and a family that couldn't make ends meet. Fortunately, his virtuous and beautiful wife Mei (played by Renée Zellweger) understands and supports her. Her never complaining and diligent housekeeping keep the family from being lifeless. Bullock put aside his pride and queued up to receive relief funds, but he could not stop the approaching severe winter. There was a shortage of food at home and the problem of survival was imminent. Bullock finally decided to get back into the boxing ring. This was the only way he could save his family. His comeback attracted public attention and he became a civilian hero in people's hearts. He punched heroically in the game for the dignity of the man and the survival of his family.

Reason for recommendation:

What can you do for love and family? Some people give up a lot, and some people lose a lot. In a family, with you and her, the efforts of two people can change their lives. As long as their hearts are together, they will make themselves change. For example, the protagonist's wife is warm and loving, allowing him, a washed-up boxer, to fight again. , the changes we make for family, life, and ourselves are the same for each of us. We have to do something for something. You are a son, and you have to bear the responsibility of taking care of the elderly. You are a father, and you have to take good care of you. Her child, you are your husband, you have to learn to love her, this is also where you grow.

, Rocky

Plot summary:

Rocky Balboa (played by Sylvester Stallone) is a has-been boxer in Philadelphia. He has no enthusiasm for boxing, but he only gets involved in third-rate boxing matches. One day, he falls in love at first sight with the saleswoman Adelian (played by Talia Shire). Although this girl has ordinary appearance and introverted personality, it does not prevent Rocky from loving her passionately. When love is successful, career also begins to go smoothly. To celebrate the 200th anniversary of the founding of the United States, a boxing match was held locally, and the winner will receive a high bonus of $150,000. An American boxing superstar was injured during the game. The organizer selected Rocky to stage a "Cinderella"-style match. While the enemy was facing him, it was also a good opportunity for Rocky to turn his career around and show off his talents.Rocky struggled on the court for 15 rounds. When his face was swollen and bleeding, would a miracle happen?

Recommendation reason:

Stallone’s early works, Stallone not only made a lot of action movies, but also a lot of good dramas, such as this Rocky, a movie in the 1970s, but the spirit conveyed is still valid today. It was filmed from Stallone's own script and was considered an instant hit. I don’t know if you would think that although no one cares about you or cares about you, you have yourself and care about yourself, perseverance, hard work, and love, which is the foundation for success. Inspirational movies can always move you.

, The Spring of the Cowherd Class

Plot summary:

In the French countryside in 1949, the musician Clement (played by Gerard Junno) went to a boys' boarding school nicknamed "Tang Low" as an assistant teacher. . Most of the students in the school are children with difficult problems, and corporal punishment is common here. The principal of the school (played by Francis Berland) only cares about his own future and is cruel and high-pressure. Clement, who has a calm personality, tried to improve the situation in his own way. He re-created musical works, organized a choir, and decided to use music to open the closed hearts of the students. However, things did not go well. Clement discovered that the student Pierre Moinche (played by Jean-Barty Maurier) had extraordinary musical talent, but he grew up in a single-parent family and had an extremely sensitive personality. Being solitary and how to release Pierre's musical talent gave Clement a headache; at the same time, his relationship with Pierre's mother gradually became subtle.

Reason for recommendation:

French movie, there are no handsome men and beautiful women in it, but there is a sincere old man. The old man melted the hearts of many people in his way, and this movie has such effect. A person who loves himself will love others with his love. As a teacher, he communicates with his heart. Everything I do is really for you. If you are a person, you will feel the warmth. , watching this movie, you will find that there are really no students who cannot teach well, only teachers who cannot educate. Watching a movie can give your soul a bath, and it feels very comfortable.

, Coach Carter

Plot summary:

"Coach Carter" is also known as " Iron-Blooded Coach " and "Winter in the Cowherd Class". It is adapted from the true story of high school basketball team coach Ken Carter. The Richmond High School basketball team has never won originally in any competition. It is a team that fights on despite repeated setbacks. All these changed after coaching by Coach Carter (Samuel L. Jackson). He believed that this team could become the best basketball team under his leadership, so he asked the players to sign an agreement with him, agreeing that if the team was not united or performed poorly, they would not continue to participate in any competition. Under his leadership, this team began to embark on an uphill journey, and finally became the unrivaled victorious king. But at the 1999 National Championship, the players' performance was extremely unsatisfactory, which frustrated Coach Carter so much that he actually closed the training gym and prohibited the team from continuing to participate in any competitions. This move caused great repercussions, and he became the focus of public discussion for a while. Some people praised his character of treating basketball as his life, but more people expressed confusion and even criticism about his move.

Reason for recommendation:

A coach who is good at discovery has brought a group of children to victory fields one by one, but the coach's self-control and strictness made him make an unusual decision. The basketball coach's final approach made many people dissatisfied. I like it, but some people also agree with his persistence and his insistence on his own quality and integrity, which gave this movie a different ending. After watching it, were you disappointed or enlightened?

0, Little Miss Sunshine


Seven-year-old Olive, who wears glasses and has a small belly, dreams of becoming famous overnight and firmly believes that she can one day be elected Miss America. Dad, a lecturer who promotes success courses, believes that "there are only two kinds of people in the world, winners and losers" and sells his "Nine Steps to Success" everywhere; brother, an autistic man, worships Nietzsche and wants to be admitted to the flight academy. He swore a mute oath and did not speak to his family for nine months; his uncle, who claimed to be the best Proust scholar in the United States, was gay, his lover and colleagues ran away, he lost his job, he attempted suicide, and his life was chaotic; Grandpa (played by Alan Arkin) ), an old gangster who was kicked out of the nursing home, swears and takes drugs; his mother is the only normal person in this crazy family. With the support of her family, Olive participated in the "Little Miss Sunshine" beauty contest, and the family embarked on a collective journey to pursue their dreams. Can Olive be elected as she wishes? How can family members survive their respective crises?

Recommendation reason:

To be honest, this is a movie that the whole family can watch, but although it is a popcorn movie, you have to feel the harmony of the family from it, which allows this family to truly come together on the road to pursuing their dreams. , although the ending is not as perfect as you thought, it does not prevent you from pursuing a better life. Regarding the final ending, do you think it is in line with what you had in mind, or do you want to adapt the ending? Let’s watch this movie together. Sometimes the beauty in the process is also the final luck.

1, Deserted Island

Plot summary:

Chuck (Tom Hanks) works for FedEx. His career as a systems engineer determines that his life is busy, disciplined and full of time urgency. And Chuck can always arrange all the work in an orderly manner in his daily schedule, and time is under his control. All he has no time to care about is his girlfriend Kelly (Helen Hunt). A plane crash changed everything. Everyone thought Chuck died in the disaster, but in fact he survived and was stranded on an uninhabited island. Life on a desert island is even problematic for eating and drinking, and Chuck becomes a modern Robinson. But on the other hand, because of his dependence on nature, fighting against danger, companionship with loneliness, and fighting against hunger, he gained feelings that he had never experienced before. When he returned to modern society, his life had a new beginning.

Recommended reasons:

2, Pentium Era

Plot introduction:

During the Great Depression, everyone had to hold on to a dream to get through the darkest times. The frustrated car manufacturer Charles Howard (Jeff Bridges) Jeff Bridges (played by Jeff Bridges) is no exception. He bought a small racing horse named " Seabiscuit " and gathered a group of people who also had dreams with the intention of entering the horse racing circle. The first person to discover Seabiscuit's talent was trainer Tom Smith (Chris Cooper). He believed that although this horse was short in stature and had weak legs and feet, it was full of stubbornness and stubbornness hidden in its nature. , which has the potential to make it the king of the horse racing circuit. They recruited former boxing champion Rhett Pollard (Tobey Maguire) as Seabiscuit's jockey, and the three of them and one horse rediscovered the direction of their lives on a common journey.

Reason for recommendation:

If you are a Bole, you need to discover a thousand-mile horse. If you are a thousand-mile horse, you need to discover a thousand-mile horse. This is how the story begins. An old man discovered the advantages of a horse, but not many people became interested in it. Believe this fact, then only the old man uses actions to prove that his discovery is correct, and the story begins. A weirdo, a bad horse, and an unruly person formed a team. It was these people with different personalities who realized their potential and finally reached the pinnacle of success. Struggles, difficulties, and fearlessness are all things we encounter when we grow up. The final outcome is also good, they succeeded.

3, Never Compromise

Plot summary:

Erin Brockovich (Julia Roberts) is a typical unlucky person. She married twice, but each marriage did not bring her happiness. Instead, she became a single mother with three children. Unfortunately, after she was involved in a traffic accident, she even lost the compensation lawsuit she was determined to win. Ed (Albert Finney), the lawyer who defended her, partly sympathized with Erin and partly felt guilty for helping her lose the lawsuit, so he took Erin in to work as an oddball in his law firm. Erin's life is somewhat secure. While investigating a sewage complaint case, Erin accidentally discovered that the sewage contained highly toxic substances, but the water company did not do anything about it. The weak woman Erin decided to use her weak shoulders to shoulder the burden of seeking justice for hundreds of contaminated residents!

Reason for recommendation:

Big-mouthed beauty Julia Roberts’ movie. For women, this movie is really touching. A single mother has to bear too many things, but she also works harder to make herself a figure. I think that in the current society, there are really many single mothers. Each of us can work hard for our own goals, find our own goals, change ourselves little by little, and eventually we will have a different life.

4, The Pursuit of Happiness

Plot summary:

Chris Garner (played by Will Smith) used up all his savings to buy a high-tech treatment device and sold it to hospitals everywhere, but the price was high and not many people accepted it. many. No matter how hard he tried, he was unable to provide a good living environment for his wife and children, so his wife (Thandie Newton) finally chose to leave home. From then on, he and his son Christopher (Jaden Smith) depended on each other. Chris finally got an internship opportunity at a stock investment company. Even though he was not paid and had only a 5% chance of success, he still worked hard. His son was his strength. He looked down upon him and hid with his son in a public toilet in a subway station, living in a church shelter... He firmly believed that happiness would come tomorrow.

Recommendation reason:

Will Smith's movies and literary drama movies are also very good to watch. Although the story, characters and era in the play are stories from a long time ago, but for now, we have the same mood. We Tomorrow will definitely be better. He encountered too many setbacks and failures, but he did not give up because he had a goal. He set an example for his son and he had to work hard for him. When you firmly believe that you will succeed , you will put in more effort. It is this idea that makes him happy. By the way, inspirational movies are really touching.

5, Scent of a Woman

Plot summary:

Charlie (Chris O'Donnell) is an ordinary middle school student. He faced a difficult task because he witnessed a prank but did not want to betray his friends. Multiple choice question - confess or be kicked out of the school. And Sphalan (Al Pacino) is a retired military officer. Due to accidental blindness, his life fell from the peak of glory to the bottom.Since the two people's lives intersected, the turning point of fate has gradually become clear. Sphalan planned to end his meaningless life, so accompanied by Charlie, he enjoyed the last trip of his life. He eats the most delicious food, buys a flashy car, drives on the narrow streets, lives in a luxurious suite, follows the scent of a strange woman's perfume, dances an elegant and sexy tango... After the blissful madness, he takes a gun Aiming at his head. However, Charlie's hoarse dissuasion changed everything, and the dawn gradually rose again in the old man's heart, and the two were as deeply in love as father and son. Sphalan delivered a passionate speech in the school auditorium, saving Charlie's future and satirizing the school's hypocrisy. The two were reborn through mutual encouragement.

Reason for recommendation:

The soundtrack, costume design, and storyline in the drama are really beautiful. You will find that the old man is really handsome in fashion, and the performance of the young man is also very good. The two of them depend on each other. The ending is a really good story. I really like the tango dancing scene. The beautiful old man is really good-looking.


often recommends movies. You really need to watch them before you can have more of the same feelings. So I really hope that everyone can watch the movies if nothing happens. Those movies can help us get through difficult times and make our lives better. The heart is comforted.

We don’t know when the new coronavirus epidemic will be over, but our hearts should always be full of hope. There are too many people helping us carry the burden forward. Doctors, soldiers, and volunteers are all lovely people. I wish them all the best. Well, all is well with our country.