1. "The Lion King" "The Lion King" released in 1994 can be said to be the most serious work in Disney's history. The reason why classics become classics is largely due to the fact that the story patterns of these classics are in line with the development of human history and huma

. "The Lion King"

"The Lion King" released in 1994 can be said to be the most serious work in Disney history. The reason why classics become classics is largely due to the fact that the story patterns of these classics are in line with the development of human history and human nature.

. " Stranger in Disguise "

is the pinnacle of Jim Carrey's . When this movie appeared, it was just out of the blue, and it was absolutely unique and crazy for a generation. Jim Carrey's acting skills are indeed outstanding. It seems that the entire film is supported by his exaggerated and rich body language and expressions. With this film, Jim Carrey proved his status as the king of comedy.

. " Life and Death Speed ​​"

was one of the ten American blockbusters introduced that year. There is a hero and a beauty, and one person defeats the enemy and saves the common people. However, I still watched it several times. "Speed" has no big-name stars or amazing special effects, but it used an investment of 30 million U.S. dollars to earn more than 300 million U.S. dollars at the global box office, which is a commercial miracle.

. "True Lies"

The jokes of this film are no worse than its hot and thrilling plot and stunts. This film is a classic, not just because of the action and stunts. I think this is a good film that controls technology very well and prevents stunt alienation.

. " Forrest Gump "

This is a typical American anti-intellectual movie. Smart people may not necessarily succeed. Forrest Gump has a very low IQ, but a very high emotional intelligence. He always had a pure heart, did great things in the eyes of others, and tried his best to take care of the people around him. This is an inspirational film, a microcosm of American growth, and a classic film that makes people gain insights no matter how many times they watch it!

6. "The Shawshank Redemption"

The film tells the story of a young banker who was imprisoned for an unjust case and how he pursued freedom in prison. This is a must-see movie for men. "The Shawshank Redemption" breaks through the limitations of men's movies. The whole story is almost full of incredibly warm tone, and the greatest theme in the movie is "hope."

7. " the killer is not too cold "

had a great impact in Europe and the United States with its wonderful content and touching love when it was released. Among them, the performances of Jean Reno and Natalie Portman have always made movie fans talk about it. road. Jean Reno's leg-dropping pants and black trench coat became fashionable for a time. It seems that true love will always be the biggest attraction in the cinema.

8. "Westward Journey"

Whether I watch it for the tenth or twentieth time, I will cry at that lonely back. That lonely great sage is imprinted with all the dreams I had in my youth. We once thought that we would become an unparalleled hero, thought that we were the only ones in this world, thought that love exists only for ourselves, but gradually we found that we are no different from others. When you When you step into society, there will always be people looking at your back and saying: Look, he looks like a dog!

9. "Ashes of Time"

The combination of movie shots, music, and light gives people a misty and illusory sensory experience. There is almost no plot. Only the actors' performances and the cooperation of various external conditions highlight the theme and character personality, and bring out the emotions in life. Purely extracted and vividly expressed, true art originates from life and is higher than life. It deserves to be regarded as a classic.

0. "Fist of Heroes"

This film may be the best in the history of Jet Li Kung Fu . No matter in terms of action design, ideological expression, or understanding of martial arts and martial arts, it is worthy It is called an unparalleled model in Kung Fu movies.

1994 created unprecedented glory in the history of film. Many movie classics were born in this year. As time goes by, not only have they not faded, but they have become more and more important. The year 1994 was also a miraculous year in human film history. No other year produced as many classic films as 1994. 1994 is destined to be a year remembered by film history and movie fans.Just like the Cambrian explosion of life, this year's film world seems to be dominated by a mysterious force. A large number of excellent filmmakers and outstanding films have made a gorgeous collective appearance. The quality is high and the colors are colorful. I am afraid that in a hundred years, It is also unique in the history of movies for many years.