**Chapter 1 You are being watched all the time**. Ivana's family has been under surveillance. Since her father is a very talented senior engineer, the authorities do not dare to do anything to him or their family.

Text: Yuanluotu: From the Internet

Chapter 1 You have been monitored

In 1980, Ivana was entrusted by a designer friend to go to a fur fashion show. Afterwards, the friend asked her, are you not afraid? Attacked by someone from the SPCA?

Ivana responded domineeringly, there is nothing to be afraid of, days more difficult than this have been passed before.

She is right.

Ivana was born in Czechoslovakia , an Eastern European country before the collapse of the Soviet Union.

In Czechoslovakia, Ivana's family has been under surveillance because her father refused to join the Communist Party. Since her father was a very talented senior engineer, the authorities did not dare to do anything to him or their family.

just sends secret police to monitor them every day and tells them all their actions, what they eat, what they do, and what they are thinking.

Before Stalin came to power, Ivana's family had a very prosperous life. Her grandmother was the employer of the largest shoe factory in the area, her grandfather took care of the housework at home, her father was a senior engineer, and her mother was an operator at the shoe factory.

Logically speaking, this is considered a relatively well-off life, but since my father refused to join the Party, the family does not have any privileges and is struggling to afford food and clothing.

Even so, Ivana still had a good childhood. Her grandmother was still the head of a shoe factory, her father was a senior technician, and her mother was diligent and thrifty.

No matter how difficult it is, my parents love each other very much. The family is small and life is very poor, but my father loves my mother very much. Ivana has never been wronged in the slightest.

Ivana’s life was very monotonous when she was a child. She got up at around 6 a.m., her mother cooked breakfast for her, and accompanied her to do homework and go to school. I come back to work in the factory in the afternoon, practice swimming after dinner, go to bed at 7 o'clock, and learn to ski on weekends.

After Ivana became a mother, she also raised her children in this way. Make breakfast in the morning and eat with the children, make dinner after school in the afternoon, do homework, take a shower, and go to bed at 7 o'clock.

In fact, how each of us grows up will determine how we educate our children.

Ivana is very grateful to her father, who taught her how to swim and ski, and allowed her to go from the closed, forbidden, class-solidified Czechoslovakia to Canada.

Her father is a good swimmer. When Ivana was 4 years old, her father swam to the center of the lake on his back, a little ahead of her, and let her swim back by herself.

The stubborn Ivana refused, and no one could force her to do something she didn't want to do. Her father promised to reward her with $5 as long as she swam back.

From then on, Ivana often won awards in various swimming competitions, and her father bought her a lot of oranges.

In Czechoslovakia, oranges are a very rare fruit. They are imported and difficult to eat. However, in order to encourage Ivana to learn swimming well, my father would find a way to buy them for her no matter how expensive or difficult it was.

Ivana's father is very far-sighted and has allowed Ivana to exercise since she was a child. In his view, exercise not only allows Ivana to maintain a healthy body, but is also the only way out for non-party members.

At that time, the competition between the socialist camp and the capitalist political camp was fierce. They couldn't stand each other, and they couldn't wait to let the other party collapse.

While capitalist countries are relatively open, on the contrary, socialist countries are very closed, lacking in materials, monotonous in culture, and strictly guard against anything from the West.

In Czechoslovakia, everyone's living standards were similar. No one was very poor, and no one was very rich.

No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to live the life you want. Even if you have money, you cannot buy what you like. The country supplies according to quantity, and everyone buys by ticket.

In such a closed environment, the only chance to improve one's destiny is to be an excellent athlete, enter the national team, and participate in the Olympic Games; or be a talented artist, who can be sent to visit other countries.

Because her father taught her well and she practiced hard despite her talent, Ivana was very good at skiing and swimming and won numerous awards.

When he was 13 years old, the coach suggested that Ivana’s father focus on one development, either swimming or skiing.

Dad asked Ivana to choose. Ivana chose skiing because she could go to the United States, Canada, Austria and see exotic customs.

If you are swimming, no matter where you go, you will face four bare walls.

For many people, they are not yet independent at the age of 23 or 33. They still need their parents to decide where to work, what kind of people to live with, and whether to buy a house.

But 13-year-old Ivana knows exactly what kind of life she wants to live.

What is incredible to us, Ivana is very familiar with it. After all, she can ride a train alone at the age of 6.

At that time, during the school holidays, Ivana took the train to her grandmother’s house in the suburbs. Her mother put her on the bus and her grandmother picked her up on the other side.

Ivana said that her childhood was filled with self-discipline, determination, and loyalty.

It was precisely because of this kind of self-discipline that she was qualified to go to Austria to participate in the Olympic Games, and obtained Austrian citizenship. Later, she went to Canada to become a model.

also had the opportunity to go to the United States and meet Trump , the current President of the United States.

Yuanluo said: The cover picture comes from the Internet. Thank you to the creator. If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete it.