In 2022, the college entrance examination results of Sichuan Tianfu New District Vocational School, a key vocational school in Sichuan Province and a provincial three-star prestigious school, reached a record high, with 125 undergraduate students enrolled, ranking second among Ch

In 2022, the college entrance examination results of Sichuan Tianfu New District Vocational School, a key vocational school in Sichuan Province and a provincial three-star prestigious school, hit a record high again. There are 125 undergraduate students online, and the number of undergraduate students online ranks second among Chengdu secondary vocational schools; junior college students are online 724 people, 534 of whom were admitted in advance by single-admission admission to higher vocational colleges; another 8 students were qualified to study in Japan.

After the results of Tianfu Vocational School were released, many parents raised questions, "Can secondary vocational students also take the college entrance examination?"

The answer is yes.


Secondary vocational school students are also bound to get into college.

Among the candidates taking the 2022 general college entrance examination in June this year, there are many secondary vocational students.

"Students in our school mainly take the corresponding college entrance examination. The exam time is synchronized with the ordinary college entrance examination. The total test score is the same, but the test questions are different." According to Kan Nengchang, director of the Academic Affairs Office of the Vocational School in Tianfu New District, Sichuan, "Compared with the questions of the ordinary college entrance examination It is understood that the "Counterpart College Entrance Examination" is a special project for the country to recruit college students from vocational middle school graduates in a purposeful and planned manner. Measures to meet the requirements for graduates from vocational high schools to continue their studies at university. Candidates can not only apply for higher vocational colleges, but also for undergraduate universities. At present, the counterpart college entrance examination has become the main way for secondary vocational students to enter undergraduate universities.

According to the "Sichuan Province 2022 Counterpart Enrollment Methods for General Colleges and Universities" issued by the Sichuan Provincial Education Examination Authority, the counterpart college entrance examination subjects are divided into two parts: cultural examination subjects and professional comprehensive subjects (or skills unified examination), with a total score of 750 points. The cultural examination subjects are Chinese, mathematics and English. The full score for Chinese and mathematics is 150 points, and the full score for English (without listening test content) is 100 points. Candidates in all professional categories are required to take cultural subject examinations, and candidates can fill in their corresponding undergraduate and junior college admissions preferences at the same time.

"The counterpart college entrance examination provides our vocational school students with a channel for further studies." Xu Wangyang, an e-commerce major at Tianfu Vocational School who scored 644 points this year and entered the undergraduate program, said that in September this year, she will enter university together with students who passed the ordinary college entrance examination and entered the undergraduate program online. Study, "There is no difference in the treatment we receive between graduation and employment. We just got into the same university through different learning methods and examination methods."

Secondary vocational school students have two "college entrance examination" opportunities:

In recent years, middle school students It has gradually become a trend for vocational students to advance to higher education. At present, Sichuan is improving the path of "secondary vocational school - higher vocational college - vocational education undergraduate or applied undergraduate - professional degree graduate ", which is the academic "promotion" path for vocational school students Getting wider.

"Secondary vocational students have multiple opportunities for further studies. While consolidating and strengthening students' cultural knowledge and improving professional skills, our school also helps students make different plans for further studies, allowing them to make full use of every opportunity to realize their college dreams." According to Kan Nengchang According to the introduction, in addition to entering university through the corresponding college entrance examination, students in Tianfu Vocational School can also participate in the separate admissions examination for higher vocational education in ordinary colleges and universities, the college entrance examination for arts and sports, and the five-year comprehensive training class ("3+2" higher vocational education). Dream of going to college. "This year, with the joint efforts of teachers and students of the whole school, Tianfu Vocational School has achieved a good result of 99.7% admission rate."

It is worth mentioning that for secondary vocational students, the higher vocational single-admission exam is different from the counterpart college entrance examination. Two "college entrance examination" opportunities for high school students in Pu. If you are not admitted to your ideal school in the spring higher vocational college entrance examination, you can choose to take the corresponding college entrance examination again in June (but those who have been confirmed by the higher vocational college entrance examination cannot take the college entrance examination again).

Secondary vocational school students have the opportunity to become general high school students:

Currently, the reform of the vocational general education model being promoted in Tianfu New District has also provided more junior high school graduates who failed the high school entrance examination with a second opportunity to choose general high school.

In 2022, the "Vocational Universal Integrated Class" organized by Sichuan Tianfu New District Vocational School, Sichuan Tianfu New District Fifth Middle School and Sichuan Tianfu New District Taiping Middle School plans to enroll 200 students. This is the only secondary vocational school in the city that is integrated with two ordinary high schools, giving students more choices.According to the high school entrance examination score line for Chengdu's "5+2" region released by the Chengdu Municipal Education Bureau, this year's admission guideline for general vocational general classes in the region is 485.

According to relevant regulations, students in the general vocational general class take the final survey examination for the first semester of the general high school uniformly organized by Chengdu City, and their cultural scores are above the mid-line defined by the Chengdu Academy of Educational Sciences for that year, and they are ranked from high scores to low scores. , the top 60% of students can voluntarily apply to transfer to ordinary high schools. After approval by the Community Governance and Social Affairs Bureau of Tianfu New District, Sichuan, students can transfer to the corresponding ordinary high schools. In the first vocational general integration experimental class jointly opened by Tianfu Vocational School, Tianfu No. 5 Middle School and Taiping Middle School in 2021, more than 80% of the students have successfully transferred to ordinary high schools this spring.

According to Kan Nengchang, 4 vocational general-level integrated classes will be opened in 2022. In addition to connecting general high school courses, there will also be additional professional, skill, interest and specialty courses to improve students' artistic literacy and prepare students for their careers. Plan education to cultivate students' life skills, vocational skills and innovative abilities. At the same time, Tianfu Vocational School will also strengthen student exchange visits with Taiping Middle School and Tianfu No. 5 Middle School, allowing high school students to go to vocational schools to participate in vocational experience, carry out vocational enlightenment education, enhance vocational awareness, and truly realize the vocational high school and The mutual integration of ordinary high schools promotes students' diversified development and diverse talents.

Which students are more suitable for vocational education?

Today, the state is increasing its support for vocational education. With the official implementation of the new vocational education law in May this year, society, schools, parents, and students have a new understanding and understanding of secondary vocational education .

Which students are more suitable for vocational education? Vocational education can better help students with outstanding technical scores but not outstanding cultural scores to become talents.

Zhan Weiyi

Zhan Weiyi, a student majoring in electronic technology application at Tianfu Vocational School who entered the undergraduate program with 546 points this year, is a typical example of "counterattack" through professional skills. He is also a representative of "low entrance, high exit". Zhan Weiyi, who scored only 458 points in the high school entrance examination, had mediocre grades when he first entered the school. At first, he did not even have any hope of enrolling in an undergraduate degree.

"In the first semester of my senior year of high school, I participated in the secondary vocational school secondary and higher vocational transition skills competition held in Chengdu with the mentality of giving it a try. Unexpectedly, I won first place in the applied electronic technology basic professional competition of this skills competition. Award." Zhan Weiyi said that he was surprised by the sudden honor. When he was hesitating whether to pursue an undergraduate degree, the school's subject teachers gave him great encouragement and help. After a year of hard work, Zhan Weiyi scored 546 points in the college entrance examination and successfully entered the undergraduate program.

"The moment I found out the score, I jumped up with excitement. It was actually about 40 points higher than I expected." Thinking of that moment, Zhan Weiyi is still very excited. He said, "To achieve today's results, I think it is 30% luck and 70% hard work. If I hadn’t chosen Tianfu Vocational School, if I hadn’t chosen the electronic technology application major, I might not have been able to pass the exam. This major does not require much talent, as long as you work hard to study the technical skills. As a result, the results of "

" low entrance and high exit" are also the result of countless efforts of teachers. Wang Li, the head teacher of Class 1 of Tianfu Vocational School’s 2019 Early Childhood Care Major, said, “In view of the generally weak learning foundation and lack of self-confidence of secondary vocational students, Tianfu Vocational School has launched appreciation education . That is, our teachers must pay special attention to making the best use of the situation and be good at it. Discover students’ strengths, give them encouragement and praise, let them regain their confidence, and stimulate their interest in learning. "This year, 26 of the 27 students in the class led by Teacher Wang Li have gone on to pursue undergraduate studies, and the undergraduate enrollment rate is the highest in the history of this major. new highs.

In the past seven years, under the development concept of "equal emphasis on further education and employment", the quality of the college entrance examination of Sichuan Tianfu New District Vocational School has steadily improved, and it has continued to write a counterattack legend of "lower advancement and higher advancement". The number of undergraduates in Tianfu Vocational School has increased from the earliest 7 to 125 in 2022, earning it the title of "Chengdu Vocational High School's 'Four Seven Nine'" with its remarkable ability to enter higher education.

He Jiyong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Principal of Sichuan Tianfu New District Vocational School, said that in the future, the school will continue to adhere to the cultural concept of "sincerity" and devote itself to running schools to help more students in the new district realize their colorful university dreams and lay the foundation for students' happy lives!

Source: Tianfu Education releases