A few days ago, after 38 rounds of the CBA regular season, the Zhejiang team ranked third in the standings with 26 wins, with a winning rate of 82%. In the latest training list of the national men's basketball team, three people from the Zhejiang team are on the list, Wu Qian, Lu

A few days ago, after 38 rounds of the CBA regular season, the Zhejiang team ranked third in the standings with 26 wins, with a winning rate of 82%.

In the latest training list of the national men's basketball team, three people from the Zhejiang team are on the list, Wu Qian, Lu Wenbo, and Yu Jiahao are all on the list. Previously, the Zhejiang Chouzhou Financial Rent Men's Basketball Team, which performed well in , even received praise for from the People's Daily.

The phenomenon-level performance of the youngest CBA team

attracted the attention of the central media.

Since the team was established in 1995, the Zhejiang team’s best result in the professional basketball regular season in the past years was fifth place in the 2010-2011 season. The Zhejiang team performed well in the regular season this season. It started the first stage with ten consecutive victories, creating the best start in team history. In the second stage, the Zhejiang team achieved 14 victories in 18 games, with an overall winning rate of over 80%.

In fact, as early as the beginning of the new season, when the Zhejiang Men’s Basketball Team achieved 5 consecutive wins and 10 consecutive wins, it had already received continuous reports from the People’s Daily and CCTV News.

Sometimes in the league, foreign players play a role in determining the outcome of the game, but the local team in a team is the "trump card" . The main reason why the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team continues to thrive is that it attaches great importance to cultivating local players.

As one of the CBA teams that attaches most importance to youth training, the Zhejiang Men’s Basketball Team has devoted itself to youth training in recent years. Last season, the Zhejiang Men's Basketball Team returned to the playoffs after three years, marking that their youth training has entered a harvest period.

The current Zhejiang team is very young. The leading players in the team are all "post-90s" players . The core of the team Wu Qian was born in 1994 and is already the eldest brother of the team. The main rotation players include who was born in 1993. Zhu Xuhang, Lai Junhao born in 1995, Lu Wenbo born in 1997, Cheng Shuipeng, Wang Yibo, Liu Zeyi, and Lin Xiaotian were all born in 1999.

Wu Qian was born in Cangnan, Wenzhou . He is a native of Zhejiang. He entered the provincial team from Wenzhou Sports School and is 100% made in Zhejiang. As a local defender, he has long been the top local scorer in the CBA, averaging more than 15 points per game for 4 consecutive seasons. So far, Wu Qian has averaged 20.4 points, 3.8 rebounds and 7.9 assists per game. Although his performance is not stable, he is one of the few local pitchers with strong shooting ability. Once Wu Qian found the shooting feeling, it was a series of three-pointers that were impossible to guard against.

However, Fang Jun, general manager of Zhejiang Chouzhou Basketball Club, said: "The Zhejiang team now has the ability to attack strong teams, but it is not yet a truly strong team. A truly strong team performs steadily in the game, and we still have a lot to do. Some background."

The tradition of the Chinese men's basketball team reappears

The foundation of the team of "small, fast and smart"

Why can the Zhejiang team perform at a phenomenal level in the CBA starting from last season?

Fans commented that the Zhejiang team can not only win the game, but also often win beautifully - the quick transition between offense and defense and skillful cooperation make people see the charm of team basketball. The Zhejiang team has attracted the attention of CCTV and "People's Daily" many times before, and they all won in the first stage with the "All-China Class" lineup. In the Zhejiang team, people seem to see the reappearance of the Chinese men's basketball tradition of "small, fast and smart", and the spirit of team basketball makes fans shine..

As we all know, the Zhejiang team has always been the team that uses double small foreign aid in the CBA league , not just because it follows the footsteps of the champion Guangdong team, but because the Zhejiang team has found a way to play that suits them. The Zhejiang Men's Basketball Team is the youngest team in the CBA. The average age of the local lineup is only 22 years old. The young players are full of physical fitness, good at rushing and grabbing, and have excellent running and jumping abilities. They are very suitable for fast-paced play, and they are shooters, spatial insiders, and athletic. All types of internal wiring are available. Although there is a big gap between the small ball tactics of the Zhejiang Men's Basketball Team and that of the Guangdong Men's Basketball Team, it can be considered that it has its own characteristics and achieved good results.

The Zhejiang team’s style of play and attitude were also praised by the Guangdong team’s head coach Du Feng: Zhejiang team’s main defender Wu Qian “is a down-to-earth, hard-working and humble player who is worth learning from.”

Beikong team coach Coach Marbury said: "(Team basketball) is a style of play that I have been emphasizing and advocating. Just like the Zhejiang team, a team is growing, which is also a positive change for the secondary vocational basketball team and Chinese basketball. "

In this regard, Zhejiang team head coach Liu Weiwei said that the current development trend of international basketball emphasizes speed, especially the speed of offense and defense transition. "Our players are relatively young, have good physical fitness, and have the conditions to speed up. But the skills and tactics are not formed in a day or two, but are accumulated bit by bit in daily training."

In fact, has always been "small, fast, and smart" The foundation of the Zhejiang team is . Wu Xiqin, a basketball player in Zhejiang in the 1970s, once said that the Zhejiang team once had an influence across the country by virtue of its "small, fast and smart" play. Therefore, in recent years, Zhejiang has insisted on building a youth training system and team basketball play, reviving the tradition of "small, fast and smart", allowing "post-90s" players to take the lead, emphasizing hard training and repeated breakthroughs in performance.

Firm team building ideas

Local players build the cornerstone of the team

Before the start of the 2020-2021 season, Zhejiang Chouzhou was the quietest team in the CBA league. The CBA League's domestic player registration information for the 2020-2021 season has been updated. Among the 21 players submitted by Zhejiang Chouzhou, all are trained by their own youth training. The 6 players who have been raised are all from Zhejiang's second team!

"Most of the players are from Zhejiang, and they are the best among their peers." In Fang Jun's view, it is natural for Zhejiang young players to perform well in the league. Lu Wenbo, Cheng Shuipeng, Wang Yibo, Liu Zeyi, Lin Xiaotian and the "post-00s" players in the team were all personally recruited into the youth team by Liu Weiwei.

In the past five or six years, this group of players have won championships in the national men's basketball competitions for under 15, under 16 and under 17 years old, and also won the 16-year-old title at the Second National Youth Games in 2019. The following achievements include the champion of the club group and the third place of the under-18 youth group in the 2017 Tianjin National Games.

At the Second Youth Games, the Zhejiang Men’s Basketball Team narrowly lost to the Shenzhen team and won the runner-up place. In the 2020 National U17 Youth Men’s Basketball Competition, the Zhejiang Team finally won the championship.. The current head coach of this team is Zhejiang basketball legend Yu Leping, and the core is his son Yu Jiahao, who is also on the national men's basketball training roster this time.

Focusing on local players is the Zhejiang team’s idea of ​​building a team. Even foreign players must be integrated into the team’s technical and tactical play .

Among the younger teams, Zhejiang Sports Vocational and Technical College cooperated with Zhuji Hailiang Junior High School to build the Zhejiang Hailiang NBA Elite Training Center, working together to create a national benchmark for the integration of education and sports, and at the same time responsible for the third team of the Zhejiang Men’s Basketball Team. Talent training tasks. The team's coaching team has been committed to exploring and researching the most scientific and high-quality methods to teach and develop students' basketball skills. Basketball is also integrated into the daily study life of "Haichu" students.

Only by calming down and building our own youth training system can the youth army bring us surprises. With youth training blossoming and a stable system in place, the Zhejiang Men's Basketball Team is already on the right path. As young players continue to grow, the Zhejiang Men's Basketball Team has a promising future!

Producer: Guo Biwen

Reviewer: Tang Yihong

Sports News reporter: Yi Longyin