In addition, you should pay attention to the changes in the dining environment around your store. Have the dining hot spots that were previously driven by the popularity of your store have shifted? Everything will have a cycle of ups and downs. In 7 years, a life goes from birth

In addition, you should pay attention to the changes in the dining environment around your store. Have the dining hot spots that were previously driven by the popularity of your store have shifted? Everything will have a cycle of ups and downs. In 7 years, a life goes from birth to the second grade of elementary school. Are there any new dining hot spots around your store now? If so, focus on checking whether there are restaurants similar to yours, and then consider how to deal with it.

Of course, there may be many other factors that have led to the current operating situation of your store. If my copywriting is adopted, I can also go to your store to have a look (I happen to be free during this time, and the cost is extra)! Just talk about the so-called specific promotional methods! Let’s play the family card first. After all, your store has accumulated a lot of popularity in 7 years, but now its popularity is dissipating. To find some ideas and gain popularity, you can find others or me to do the work!

How to increase popularity, the suggestions are as follows:

1. The sales of dry pot are really hot in winter, because the weather is cold in winter, and the end of the dry pot will get cold very quickly when it comes out. Many dishes do not taste good when they are cold. Moreover, it is really cold in winter, and customers also want to eat something warm. This way, the whole body will be warm, so soup pot products are very popular in winter. Therefore, it is recommended that your store add soup pot products in winter, such as mutton soup pot, cured pork ribs soup pot, and dog meat soup pot. Your store has been in business for many years. I believe these soup pots are not a problem for you. You can use your existing manpower to increase the dishes without adding other manpower, and at the same time it saves costs. In this way, the embarrassment of dry pots in winter can be avoided. At the same time, dry pots are also sold at the same time, which can meet the needs of different customers.

2. After the products are added, it is necessary to start planning promotional activities. Promotional activities are to let customers know what new dishes you have, and at the same time to achieve the purpose of attracting them to consume.

1. The theme of the promotion: Extraordinary Affordable + Delicious.

2. The content of the promotion is that guests who come to the first table will enjoy a 10% discount on the dishes, and guests who come to the second table will enjoy a 20% discount on the dishes. Discount; the third table's dishes will enjoy a 30% discount... and so on, the discount will no longer be available after the meal is full. The event lasts for at least one week.

3. Ways to promote promotional activities:

(1), hang a banner in front of the store to display the content of the promotional activities;

(2), display the content of the promotional activities on local TV station food programs. Lasts at least 1 week.

(3), mobile TV programs on the bus.

(4). Print the promotional activities into DM sheets and insert them into the newspaper. The quantity is 100,000 copies, just once.

3. Such promotional activities will undoubtedly bring you huge popularity and influence.

Part 3: Restaurant Promotional Activity Plan

International Business Major Class 1301 in the second semester of the 2013~2014 academic year

Background analysis: Catering promotions generally do not invest too much. Depending on the restaurant’s positioning and expected goals, the investment is generally between 5% and 10%. There are several misunderstandings in catering promotions. First of all, the more catering activities, the better. This concept is wrong, because catering promotion activities are to accurately position yourself in the market, give full play to your own advantages, and use this advantage. to marketing campaigns. The process of promotional activities is the process of constantly comparing advantages. It is a marketing promotion activity carried out to establish, develop, maintain, long-term and successful trading relationships. Promotional activities need to be coordinated by the entire hotel. To form an overall marketing environment, the second is that the promotional activities are lively and there are many people. This concept is not allowed. Catering promotion is to "consolidate old customers and develop new customers." There is a saying in the catering industry, which goes like this: "It is better to have a customer eat a thousand times than to have a customer eat once." Especially when promoting, it is even more important. Emphasizing the quality of dishes, catering culture, healthy eating, restaurant services, etc., catering promotion planning must seize the opportunity, select the right theme, implement solid content, and provide timely and sufficient training. These are all factors that must be considered in catering promotion planning. Promotional activities should not be held too frequently, but they should be meaningful and capture the hearts of consumers.Catering promotion activities generally include the following publicity methods: logo publicity, advertising, direct letters, advertising materials and material sales, hotel brochures, electronic materials and audio-visual materials, cooperation with travel agencies, and hotel sales representatives, agents and general agents Sales promotion, personal sales promotion, participation in tourism trade fairs, public relations promotions, telemarketing, promotion through chain groups or chain sales networks, online promotions, special promotions, etc.

National Day restaurant promotion plan1

With the arrival of every holiday, Catering and hotels have their own plans. Here I will share with you the planning of hotel and restaurant promotion activities during the 2014 National Day! So that each restaurant can better carry out its own promotion activities!

Theme of the first activity: "Celebrate seven days of fun, discounts and delicious food are waiting for you"

The second activity time: October 01st ~ October 7th The third activity purpose of

(increase the unit price per customer, promote the achievement of sales targets)

The fourth theme activity content (As long as consumers spend 66 yuan or more between October 1 and October 7, they can add one yuan to exchange for any one of the many products we have carefully prepared for consumers. Note: 1 A single receipt does not accumulate . Gift requirements: How many products should be selected as event products? It is required that the product sells for more than three yuan. Some products with large gross profit losses can also be limited, but it must be guaranteed to be more than eight products per day.

Five, introduce the activity , event date and product activities.

Six, atmosphere layout. In-store atmosphere layout: entrance display board, atmosphere creation at the event site, in-store posters.

Seven, event execution and division of labor: Planning department: responsible for event publicity, planning, operation and follow-up. . Purchasing Department: Responsible for the organization of goods. Finance Department: Responsible for the placement of funds. Store Manager: Responsible for supervising the work of various departments.

Food promotion content:

1, dishes, restaurant promotions, many merchants. Corresponding packages and dishes will be launched for consumers to choose

2. Production: allowing consumers to participate in the entire production process, which can better satisfy consumers' sense of accomplishment and desire for experience.

3. Viewing: in consumers' Prepare food in front of you to attract consumers' attention, and also add invisible signs to the restaurant.

4. Price: Attract consumers through price. Don't lower the price while also lowering the restaurant's brand.

5. Gifts: Provide some festival-related gifts. It can attract certain consumers. For example, if you book in advance, you can get gifts. If you spend a certain amount, you can get some gifts. The gifts should correspond to your own restaurant brand style.

Catering off-season promotion methods

1. Extend around the main products. Develop and launch a series of products suitable for seasonal consumption. For example, if the main product is live fish hotpot, you can introduce some special dishes with fish as the main ingredient as a supplement to the restaurant;

2, develop products suitable for the current season. Seasonal consumption varieties create selling points, such as ice cream hot pot, light hot pot, etc. in summer hot pot, giving customers more choices. At the same time, new varieties can also create new selling points and publicity points for restaurants to attract a wider range of consumers. Groups participate in consumption;

3, launch a series of snack cold dishes suitable for seasonal consumption, sell them at low prices on the premise of ensuring profits and even costs, and use points to make customers feel affordable, thus driving up popularity;

4, seize the seasonal trends For fruits, we recommend a series of freshly squeezed juices and fruit plates. You can even consider adding fruits to dishes to increase the uniqueness of the dishes.

Environment atmosphere promotion

Warm service promotion

The proactive greeting of the waiter plays a great role in attracting customers. For example, some customers walk into a restaurant and are considering whether to choose this restaurant for dinner. At this time, if a smiling waiter comes forward to say "welcome" and invites the customer to take a seat, under normal circumstances, even if the customer is not familiar with the restaurant environment, I won't quit if I'm completely satisfied. Of course, taking the initiative to say hello is not the same as deadlifting. Pushing hard will only cause customers to feel disgusted and avoid you.The service staff should be familiar with the dishes and services provided by the restaurant, such as food ingredients, cooking methods, taste characteristics, nutritional ingredients, historical allusions to the dishes, services provided by the restaurant, etc., so as to make timely introductions to guests, or serve as guests Able to give satisfactory answers when asked. If we can understand the market and the psychological needs of customers as well as customs and habits, taboos, taste preferences, etc. in advance, we can recommend some products and services that suit their psychological needs in a targeted manner.

Service skills promotion

Waiters should take the initiative to provide various suggestions to guests when accepting orders, so as to encourage guests to consume more or consume higher value dishes and drinks. Generally, the following methods can be used:

Image anatomy method: Waiter in When guests order dishes, use descriptive language to concretize the image and characteristics of high-quality dishes to make the guests feel good. Thereby inducing appetite and achieving the purpose of promotion. Interpretation techniques: Eliminate doubts about the dish through friendly debates and explanations with consumers. Overweighting technique: For some dishes with controversial prices, the waiter can gradually bring out the characteristics of the dish when introducing it, and give guests appropriate discounts. Addition technique: Continuously deepen and emphasize the characteristics and advantages of the dishes, so that consumers can form a deep impression and create a desire to buy.

division technology method: is used for some higher-priced dishes. Some customers will have doubts, and the waiter should explain patiently. This will make the customers feel that it is not expensive and create a desire to buy.

provides two possible methods: is aimed at some customers who want expensive or cheap products. Provide them with two dishes at different prices for guests to choose from, thus meeting different needs. Use the third-party opinion method: that is, use the evaluation of a certain dish by well-known people in society to prove that it is of high quality, reasonably priced, and worth buying. Valet decision-making method: When a customer wants to order a dish, but is still a little hesitant and can't make up his mind, the waiter can say: Sir, I will ask the chef to make this dish better to ensure your satisfaction, etc. . Make use of the contradiction between guests: of the two guests at the dinner, one of them wants to order this dish, but the other does not want to order it. The waiter should use the opinion of the guest who wants to order it, agree with his point of view, and make the other A guest changes his or her opinion. Achieve the purpose of making customers purchase. There are many catering companies that don’t pay much attention to the innovation and development of dishes during promotions, or they don’t invest enough. Carefully study the needs of customers. "Special dish" marketing is a sharp sword to win unexpectedly. Starting from the taste of customers and exploring aspects such as color, aroma, taste, shape, nutrition, etc., your catering business will be evergreen. Chapter 4: Catering Store profit reward plan

Catering store profit reward plan

1. Purpose

In order to fully mobilize and motivate the work enthusiasm of the company team, this reward plan is specially formulated to take into account the personal interests of employees while achieving sustainable development of the company.

2. Reward objects: store managers, operation area managers and operation managers of directly operated stores and controlled joint venture stores.

3. Prerequisites for receiving rewards

1. The store manager himself has no serious warning (including) the above violations stipulated in the employee handbook, and all employees in the store have no cash disciplinary violations, and no violations of the relevant provisions of the "Storage Financial Management Manual" , (the violation statistics are based on the written notice provided by the company's supervision, internal audit, external third-party verification agencies and other audit departments)

2, store manager: No less than 10 months out of 12 months, a single store will reach the rating of 4.5 stars or above (inclusive) are considered qualified. Operation Area Manager and Operations Manager: No less than 80% of the qualified stores under their jurisdiction will have an evaluation of 4.5 stars or above (inclusive) on in the year under their jurisdiction. Stores without in this area will not be included in the assessment.

3. The above conditions must be met at the same time.

4. Specific standards for rewards In this plan, the starting data for are calculated based on the August store report published by the financial department. The definition of profit in this plan is the store's cash flow profit (excluding depreciation and amortization), which is based on the store's profit and loss statement provided by the monthly finance department.The specific indicators are as follows: 1) For store managers

profitable stores (two situations):

1. Sustainably profitable stores, the monthly profit part is multiplied by the respective proportions of bonuses. 2. A profit-making store turns into a loss-making store.

a store (sustained profit store) will be rewarded based on actual profit: if

a makes a profit of 10,000 yuan in August, the bonus reward base for August will be 10,000 yuan. If the profit in September is 20,000 yuan, the bonus reward base for September will be 20,000 yuan. ...

If the profit in December is 5,000 yuan, the bonus reward base in December will be 5,000 yuan. By analogy, store B (profit turns into loss), if there is no reward for the profit of 20,000 yuan in August in the month of loss, the bonus reward base in August is 20,000 yuan. If there is a loss of 5,000 yuan in September, if there is no reward, the loss will be 10,000 yuan in October. If there is no reward, there will be a profit in November. 2000, then the bonus reward base in November is 2,000 yuan. If there is a loss of 5,000 yuan in December, there will be no reward...and so on? Non-profit store: From non-profit to flat, the lower part of the month's loss will be recorded as the reward base . August is the starting data, and the monthly assessment base is based on the lowest historical monthly loss data. Once a store starts to make a profit that month, it will be calculated as a profitable store. For example: Store C (a non-profit store, turning losses into profits): August is the starting data, and the loss will be the lowest in history. Then the loss in September will be 10,000 yuan more than in August, and there will be no reward in September. If the loss in October is 5,000 yuan less than the historical minimum loss of 10,000 yuan in August, the reward base for October will be 5,000 yuan. The historical minimum loss becomes -5,000 yuan. If the loss in November is 4,000 yuan less than the historical minimum loss of 5,000, the reward base for November will be 4,000 yuan. If profits start in December, the reward base for December will be the previous lowest loss to balance of 1,000 yuan plus the profit of 5,000 yuan, for a total of 6,000 yuan. And starting from next month, the assessment will be based on the method of profitable stores. If profits turn into losses in January, no rewards will be given in loss-making months. Rewards will not start until the store makes a profit... and so on. For example, the district manager and operation manager are as follows. Based on the data in August, one district manager manages 7 stores, and the total loss of the 7 stores is 100,000. yuan, then the total loss of the seven stores in September was 40,000 yuan, a profit increase of 60,000 yuan compared with August, and the reward base was 60,000 yuan. -40,000 yuan is the lowest amount in history and will be used as the basis for assessment in the coming months. The total loss in October was 60,000 yuan, which is higher than -40,000. The profit in November will not be rewarded. The reward base ranges from the lowest loss in history - 40,000 to the flat + 40,000 plus profit + 10,000. The total reward amount is 50,000 yuan, and from the following Starting from March, the profit in December will be assessed based on the profit area. The reward base is 6,000 yuan. In January, profits will turn into losses, and no rewards will be given in the loss months. It is not until the total number of stores under his jurisdiction is profitable that the operation manager will start to be rewarded.

Five. Bonus standards

The following are the bonus standards and calculation methods for each position:

Six. Assessment time and review

Directly operated stores and controlled joint ventures Store managers, operation area managers and operations managers are evaluated monthly. During the

assessment and settlement cycle, the Finance Department will provide the settlement profit and loss statement before the 15th of the following month, the Operations Department will verify the information of the personnel involved in this assessment and provide assessment results, and the Human Resources Department will calculate the results.

During the assessment and settlement cycle, if employees are transferred between stores, the operation department needs to propose it in advance. This is to ensure that new stores are transferred to new stores at the beginning of the month without any profit sharing. This assessment plan is tied to stores rather than people. Therefore, changes in management personnel at all levels or changes in the number of stores under jurisdiction require the continuation of the store's historical assessment data and will not be affected by any personnel changes. At the same time, in order to facilitate the reward statistics and assessment of the financial and personnel departments, the operations department is required to make personnel changes after the end of a full month.

7. Bonus Distribution

Bonuses are distributed in two installments. 60% of the bonus will be distributed before the 30th of the next month after the assessment and settlement cycle, and the other 40% will be fully distributed in March and September one year later. The bonus part will be deducted from personal income tax in accordance with national laws and regulations.

8. Right of implementation and interpretation

This plan has been approved by the chairman and will be implemented from September 1, 2014. The company will adjust this plan based on the actual situation.All financial data in this plan are defined based on the store profit and loss statement provided by the finance department. The right of financial interpretation belongs to the finance department, and the final right of interpretation of the plan belongs to the human resources department. Part 5: Analysis of Promotional Activities of Specialty Restaurants There are many types of market in the catering industry, so the competition pressure between industries is also very high. In order to successfully attract consumers, many special restaurants will hold some promotional activities from time to time to increase their popularity. At the same time, it can also drive the operating profit of the store. So today, some good ideas for starting a business to make some money will be analyzed below for everyone on the promotional activities of specialty restaurants.

1. The purpose of catering promotion

This must be clear, that is, the so-called "a teacher must be famous". "Maintaining old customers and attracting new customers" is what many specialty catering brands say every time they do promotions, and this is just one of the purposes. We can be more diversified and broaden our horizons, such as caring for a certain disaster area, creating a certain cultural base, etc. Because often "curve" can "save the country".

2. Planning of catering promotion content

Planning of promotional content for specialty restaurants is also a very deep knowledge. Now in basic knowledge, we can often see draws, discounts, discounts, etc. Now, the most fierce battle emerging in the market is "strength", such as getting as much as you spend, daily specials, etc. However, we still ignore the issue of diversification of consumer group preferences. What kind of groups have what kind of characteristics and needs. Not blindly price war can attract all consumer groups.

3. Catering advertising and promotion

Advertising and promotion of special restaurants will promote the activities. Then, we have to consider how to promote? Through what promotion? At this point, the author will remind everyone, who are you going to promote to? What will they pay attention to? This is also the consistent thinking of our advertising industry. You must first find the right group of people, understand this group of people, and then think about what to do. 4. Evaluation of catering promotion effects Evaluation of promotional effects of specialty restaurants is the end of the entire activity and the beginning of the next activity. We need to be good at summarizing that failure is the mother of success. The organization of each of our activities is not done once it is held, because our restaurants have to continue to operate. We do not summarize what kind of activities are more attractive, what kind of media is more suitable for promotion, and what kind of image is more suitable. In what season, etc., it will always be a standstill.

The promotion intensity of specialty restaurants is a factor that directly affects the promotion execution of specialty restaurants, the effect of catering promotions, the effect of catering advertising, and finally the realization of the purpose of catering promotions.

It is not necessary for the specialty catering industry to always engage in promotional activities, but each event must leave a deep impression on consumers and employees, allowing them to experience the culture and humanistic spirit of specialty restaurants. Over the long years, human beings have created a rich and colorful music culture. From ancient times to the present, from the East to the West, Chinese culture and art have a long history.

The earliest songs in our country can be traced back to primitive society, such as the legendary "Song of Wangju" during the reign of Fuxi, and "Guan Guan Pheasant Dove" in the Book of Songs. Both ideological content and artistic form have developed to a very high level. level.

Our Chinese music has a long history and a unique style. In the world, Greek tragedy and comedy, Indian Sanskrit opera and Chinese Peking Opera are known as the "three ancient dramas in the world", and Peking Opera is a national treasure. , is the pride of us Chinese people and the brightest pearl in the world.

Do you know the story of meeting a close friend in high mountains and flowing water? Do you know the story of Zhuge Liang living in an empty city, drinking wine and playing the harp in the face of enemy troops?

Lenin once said: I want to listen to wonderful and extraordinary music almost every day. I often think proudly, perhaps naively, how can human beings create such miracles? Why is a great proletarian revolutionary so crazy about music? What exactly can music bring to us?

Tagore said: I raise my eyes and look everywhere, enjoying the beautiful world. Wherever I can see, it is filled with music that permeates the sky and the earth.


 Music is the wandering of the soul, the narration of the heart, the flow of feelings, and the wandering of life. It can make loneliness bloom into a flower, make time graceful into a poem, and make the years condense into a poem. A river flows through mountains, streams, and into your and my wheat fields...

I believe that all people have been touched by a song, either by its melody, or by a certain line of lyrics, or There is no reason, just touching. Sometimes, what we like about a song is not how good the song is or how well the lyrics are written, but because the lyrics are like ourselves. When we are happy, we listen to music, and when we are sad, it is music. As time passes, you slowly understand the lyrics, and what really touches you is not the lyrics, but the story about that song in your life...

Perhaps, deep in the heart of each of us, there is With a smoke-like past, without sunshine, rain or dew, covered by the moss of the years, suddenly, at a corner or in a coffee shop, you suddenly heard a song or a familiar melody , in an instant, you burst into tears. Even if you don't want to recall it, it instantly touched the softest place in your heart and caused ripples in the deepest part of your soul. This is the magic of music, the charm of music!


German composer, Viennarepresentative of classical musicBeethoven, was completely deaf at the age of 49. However, his famous song "Symphony of Destiny" shocked the world and shocked our hearts. In his music world, you can feel the pathos of life, the waves of time, and the struggle with fate. This is the power given by music!

Beethoven said: Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and all philosophy. Whoever can penetrate the meaning of my music can transcend the suffering that ordinary people cannot extricate themselves from.

In fact, life is a long journey, a difficult trek. No matter what kind of scenery we encounter, after the prosperity, it will eventually become dull. Whether we meet or say goodbye, gathering is also parting. We should be grateful and treat life well. Be kind to yourself...

Every song is a story, and every piece of music is a piece of the past. I wonder which song is filled with your story? Which piece of music has your most beautiful memories? Is it a quiet night when you miss someone? When you are sad, do you sing a song on a loop? When you are happy, do you dance to the music?

I like music for no reason. Music is my soul mate and my confidant in life. It can understand my joys and accompany my sorrows. Along with the faint melody, it blends into my life and permeates my soul. soul.

I like music. Music is not only a kind of artistic enjoyment, but also enriches my life and brings me creative inspiration. A song or a lyric is the material for my writing and the source of my inspiration. It flows like a trickle and gurgling, making my thoughts fluttering and making my images thick...

When I am sad, I like to walk in the music. When I am happy, I like to walk in the music. Dancing in it, when I am confused and confused, only music is my best companion...


 The world is noisy, the world is vicissitudes, three thousand fireworks, time is blurred, we are walking in the world , trivial matters in the world will always trouble my heart. I have become accustomed to hiding my shallow thoughts in words and releasing my faint sadness in music. The euphemistic melody surrounds my ears and the poignant lyrics linger in my heart. When I am tired, tired, I just want to be in the ocean of music, forget the world, forget the hustle and bustle, and listen to a song quietly...