There is a small restaurant with an area of ​​less than 20 square meters. The owner's surname is Li. He is a typical southerner who is hard-working and dedicated to starting a business. He is almost 30 years old and has not yet started a family. He works as a chef and a waiter an

There is a small catering shop with an area of ​​less than 20 square meters. The owner's surname is Li. He is a typical southerner who is hard-working and dedicated to starting a business. He is almost 30 years old and has not yet started a family. He works as a chef and a waiter. He only recruits A little girl helps.

Boss Li left a message to customer service in the background: "Many marketing concepts of are very advanced, but I don't read much and don't know how to use them. How can small restaurants like mine, which can be seen everywhere, use for low-cost marketing? has many models Make some money?"

Boss Li briefly described the business situation. The street where his shop is located is in an average location, in an alley in a residential area; the competition for restaurants is very fierce. Even in this small place, standing in front of the store, you can see seven similar restaurants shop. As you can imagine, the business was miserable. Everyone is making hard-earned money, where are the huge profits?

Do you remember the three sentences I once emphasized? Let me repeat it again: 1. Develop a large number of new customers; 2. Let new customers buy in large quantities; 3. Let old customers make repeated purchases.

These are the three marketing keys extracted by American marketing master Jay Abraham . I want to tell you how to achieve these three points.

So, let’s start with point 1: How to develop new customers in large numbers. The first tip for you is: add a sentence to your business card and turn your business card into a cash voucher.

Don’t tell me that your business still doesn’t have a business card.

A business card is the first written contact a customer has with your business. A business card can give the first impression about a business.

No matter how small your business is, please make a business card for your business. This business card is the vehicle to tell more people about your business. Without it, you will make 50% less money.

So, what should this business card look like?

Someone’s business card uses the most advanced materials and the best creative design, but what they get is the stupidest cost.

Who would like such a beautiful business card? Except for business card hobby collectors. But your goal is to make customers like your business. You need business cards to make more money for you.

Now, let’s change the question. The first question to think about is: Is your business card useful to customers? What is the use?

In today's business era, most people have already filled their cards with various business cards and are reluctant to add one more.

Therefore, only by designing your business card to provide valuable information can it be retained by customers.

From this perspective, in addition to your contact information and business products, your business card should also have one more thing: benefits. This benefit should make your target customers willing to save your business card, and even take the initiative to tell more people about your business card information.

The following example I believe can give you great inspiration.

Boss Li runs a home-cooked restaurant. Most of his customers come from residents of the surrounding communities, and the customer base is relatively stable. When it first opened, business was pretty good because there were relatively few restaurants around. However, as the area matured, the number of residents did not increase much, but many restaurants and snack bars appeared. The business gradually became deserted, and some old customers rarely visited.

Under this situation, Boss Li began to learn marketing courses anxiously, starting with the simplest business card marketing. Boss Li's first step was to think about how to make his restaurant business card bring real benefits to customers and keep customers longer.

When you start thinking in a direction, you will find many ways to solve problems.

These methods have always existed, hidden in your business world, just waiting for you to discover.

It's just that if you don't even think about it, they will never appear. It is important to think in the right direction, otherwise it will only lead to the opposite direction.

and provide real benefits to customers, this ideological direction is absolutely correct and will always be correct.

When the direction is correct, the rest is just a matter of technique.

Boss Li’s restaurant business card was made under this thinking direction. Boss Li’s store is not large, and sometimes it is full and there are no seats during peak dining times. Boss Li hopes to use business card marketing to increase the number of orders. Firstly, the additional customers will not cause crowding in the store, and secondly, customers can order unlimited meals. develop. This new business card took shape, including the following elements:

1. If a single order reaches 80 yuan, you will get 10 yuan of soup; if the total amount reaches 800 yuan, you will get a 100 yuan coupon.

Mr. Liu’s original restaurant business card only had the restaurant’s contact number printed on the front and the menu on the back. This is exactly how most people store their business cards. What are the benefits of this approach to holding customers? Without any appeal, customers will have little incentive to keep the business card. This kind of business card will not have much promotional effect.

But with this promotion title, it’s different. The promotion effect is very obvious. With the same business card and this sentence, the number of customers ordering food increased by more than three times.

However, because ordering requires a dedicated person to deliver the food, the cost will be much higher than when customers dine in the store. Therefore, a certain order amount must be required to make some profit. Mr. Liu found that customers in the community who had previously ordered meals concentrated in the 40-60 yuan range, so he encouraged customers to increase their single consumption by 80 yuan by giving away 10 yuan for soup. The accumulated 800 yuan is also to consolidate customers.

2. The business card uses a dedicated WeChat account for ordering. Customers can use WeChat on their mobile phones to order or receive menus;

Because Boss Li wants to expand ordering volume through marketing, he uses a dedicated ordering mobile phone number. This WeChat ID is specifically used for customers to order food, and it has many benefits. First, it is not interfered by other phone calls and is very clear; second, each customer's WeChat ID is automatically recorded, and customer information can be understood very quickly; third, WeChat communication is free, which is very convenient for low-cost promotions.

3. The front and back of the business card are pre-pasted with double-sided tape, so that customers can stick the business card on the wall and other places at any time;

Friends who have run restaurants know that the number of customers who order meals is often fixed. Many restaurant owners have never studied why these customers need to order food? Why did I stop ordering after ordering several times? There are many reasons for this, but one of them is: some customers can't find your ordering phone number. When Boss Li thought of this, he pre-pasted double-sided tape on the business card and told the customer that the tape can be easily removed and can be pasted on the wall or refrigerator.

4. Record the phone number and consumption amount of each orderer. I know that 99% of restaurant owners do not record customer information and calculate consumption amounts at all.

This is understandable, because the workload is very large. But if you want to do more business with customers, you have to do the work of trying. Not just restaurants, but any store business should do this work. Unless your store's business is facing mobile people (such as around train stations, etc.), if you observe carefully, you will find that your store's customer flow is often only a few groups.

Boss Li prepared a book specifically to record the phone number and consumption amount of each orderer. Through these simple data, his previously very vague customer groups suddenly became clear. He then developed some targeted dishes, such as soups customized on demand, family meals delivered on time, farm peanut oil dishes (for unscrupulous gutter oil, this will be detailed in a later article, it is very profitable), etc. .

The better you know your customers, the more money you will make.

With just a business card and a few simple steps, there is no need to expand the store area or spend money to renovate. All you need to do is treat every diner with care. Boss Li's restaurant business is more prosperous than before, and he almost monopolizes family ordering in surrounding communities. market.