Liu Bang in Honor of Kings is a hero suitable for playing in the global mainstream. His ultimate move can be directly teleported and the damage of the first and second skills are all calculated based on the percentage of health. In other words, the more fleshy Liu Bang is, the hi

Liu Bang in Honor of Kings is a hero suitable for playing in the global arena. His ultimate move can be directly teleported and the damage of the first and second skills is calculated based on the percentage of health. In other words, the more fleshy Liu Bang is, the higher his damage will be. Today I will give you a review Let’s talk about the heroes who restrained Liu Bang.

Top5 Su Lie Su Lie's control skills are too many for Liu Bang to teleport at all, and Su Lie's damage is also high and can break the shield, making Liu Bang unable to deal shield damage. Su Lie's passive is to lose double resistance after death and gain a certain amount of blood. If he does not die again within a period of time, he can be resurrected. He has a skill CD. The first skill strengthens the basic attack and can knock the enemy away for the third time. The second skill can collide with the enemy and cause continuous damage. It has the effect of retreating. It can stun the enemy when it hits the edge of the terrain. The ultimate move can charge up and knock the enemy away to cause damage. All of Su Lie's skills can interrupt teleportation and Liu Bang cannot defeat Su Lie because of the online consumption.

Top4 Nezha Nezha and Liu Bang are both world-class heroes. Liu Bang's consumption power and team battle damage are not as good as Nezha's. Nezha's passive is to damage and add a mark to the enemy. The mark will continue to cause damage to the enemy. The first skill can cause damage to surrounding enemies and increase his own movement speed. The movement speed can be superimposed. The second skill is to temporarily control the enemy and gain movement speed and With a percentage damage-free effect, the ultimate move can select an enemy hero, fly to the hero after a period of time to cause damage, and form a circle of continuous damage. Nezha can fly to the C position protected by Liu Bang and give him the final blow, or he can use his second skill to interrupt Liu Bang's teleportation.

Top3 Guan Yu Guan Yu can break many of Liu Bang's skills with one sword. He finally teleported and was interrupted. Guan Yu's passive is to accumulate yellow bars to increase his movement speed and when the passive is full, he can change his direct skills. The first skill is to rotate in a circle to cause damage. The passive skill is to slash forward and repel the enemy to cause damage. The second skill can release the control and be short-lived. Acceleration, the passive one is to repel the enemy and cause damage, the ultimate skill is to increase the passive charging time, and the passive one is to charge forward to repel the enemy and cause damage. One of Guan Yu's skills can split the shield with one strike, and any passive skill can interrupt Liu Bang's ultimate move, making him unable to support.

Top2 Xiahoudun Xiahoudun's skills can also interrupt Liu Bang's ultimate move, and it is easy to gain an advantage online with adc. Xiahou Dun's passive is to restore a percentage of his health when his health drops below a certain level. He has a skill CD. The first skill is to release a wave to slow down the enemy. If the hero is hit, he can release a second wave to knock the enemy away. The second skill is to gain a percentage of health. Shield and the next three basic attacks will cause real damage. The ultimate move can move in one direction, and the enemy hit will be stunned. Xiahou Dun has strong online control ability and can cooperate with ADC to gain advantage, and his knock-up and stun can interrupt teleportation.

Top1 Sun Bin Sun Bin's consumption ability is very strong, and his ultimate move collective silence can cooperate with his teammates in a short period of time to deal a fatal blow to the opponent. Sun Bin's passive is that using skills will temporarily accelerate himself. The first skill can release a bomb in one direction. When it encounters an enemy, it can attach to the enemy for a period of time or explode after the enemy dies. The second skill can accelerate himself and his teammates and recover after a period of time. The damage caused during this time is a percentage of the blood volume. The ultimate move can throw enemies in a large circle of silence and slow them down. After a period of time, the enemy will explode and cause damage. Sun Bin's second skill has strong protection ability, and Liu Bang's big move the moment the teleport lands is absolutely fatal.

Liu Bang is afraid of heroes who can interrupt teleportation, knock back, stun, etc. What other heroes can restrain Liu Bang? Everyone is welcome to comment.