First the ultimate move, then the next skill. When a teammate is caught, when should he give the ultimate move: 1. There are only two people dueling each other and they are already fighting. 2. If the other party grabs one of the two, the teammates still have health. They can jum

skill is used to play top lane with flash (compared to auxiliary, Liu Bang has fewer control skills, and Liu Bang cannot use his lane advantage when playing auxiliary, so it is not recommended to play auxiliary):

1, flash can compensate for damage compared to beheading, for me personally For example, when I push 41 points and see a warrior tank, I will leave. The output depends on the situation to decide whether to duel. Moreover, when using Liu Bang's duel output, I feel that there is no need to kill

2. When pushing 41 points, it is easy to be defeated. Caught (when there is no time to return to the city), you can escape and try not to use the ultimate move to send back (wasting the ultimate move, the ultimate move can be interrupted by others, the basic GG, Liu Bang's ultimate move and second skill will be interrupted), Liu Bang's The second skill needs to be charged to jump farther, and it is easy to be interrupted, so you can use flash with the second skill to escape through the wall in the jungle

3. When you don’t have the second skill, you can flash to kill people.

In general, flash is better than slashing. The harvest of kills can leave people to chase and escape. It is more cost-effective for tanks that do not need kills.

As for the equipment, I think everyone has their own way of playing. A little knowledge is that Liu Bang can trigger Ice Mark twice in a row with 0CD. Hold the passive [Skill 2 goes to A (passive for the first time), then skill 1 explodes and goes to A again (passive for the second time)]. When the wind is downwind, you can use it like this

When turning on the ultimate move, how to give the shield to teammates or to yourself

Self: First a skill and then a big move

To teammates: First a big move and then a skill

When should a teammate be given a big move when he is caught (always pay attention to the map and teammate’s health):

1, only two people are in a duel and they are already in When you start playing

2, one of the two opponents will be captured, and your teammates still have health. You can jump over to counterattack or delay to let your teammates escape. Then you can decide based on the situation whether you can fight two against one. If that doesn't work, you can cooperate with Flash to escape (in most cases if your teammates are disabled) Don't go there)

There are still many situations where you have to rely on your own awareness after playing for a long time.

Who should be bigger when playing in a group? ! ! ! Jump to the jungle and cooperate with the jungler to directly kill the two C positions on the opposite side.

There are many situations where you have to rely on your own awareness after playing for a long time.

Heroes that can cooperate with Liu Bangshen (pay attention to these heroes in group games because they may lose if they cooperate. team battle comeback)

Liu Bang + Nezha (beat Huang Zhong and Ju Shuang without displacement)

Liu Bang + Gao Jianli (double injury-free, high Jianli explosion output plus Liu Bang control, second c position is relatively simple)

Liu Bang + Diao Chan (free of damage) Damage and shield allow Diao Chan to show off at will)

Liu Bang + Monkey (Monkey has a very high counter-kill rate after being caught)

Liu Bang + Kai (Kai's big move plus Liu Bang's big move can avoid damage by 75 if I remember correctly)

Liu Bang,

play This game is so good that there is no such thing as single combat. It’s disgusting (why do you need single combat when you can fight in groups)

If you can’t play well, it’s brittle and has no output. If you can’t jump, you can buy one and get one free ( It’s just a joke)

So Liu Bang’s early development is very important.

Liu Bang also likes his friends, but he should play with himself first