According to @People's Daily, from nightfall on April 7 to before sunrise on April 8, the largest #supermoon phenomenon of the year will be formed. On this night, the full moon will be visible almost all night long!

The super moon of 2020 is coming!

And it is the biggest moon of the year!

The topic of "Super Moon" has been on the hot search for many times ~

Last night, on the eve of Wuhan's unblocking,

even the super moon came to add to the fun!

This heroic city was lit up,

finally the clouds cleared and the moon shone brightly!

According to @People's Daily news,

From nightfall on April 7 to before sunrise on April 8,

will form the largest #supermoon# phenomenon this year.

On this night, the full moon will be visible almost all night long!

How beautiful is the moon?

Come and take a look!


△Photographed by Xing Zhengliang

▽Hubei Wuhan

▽Shanghai Bund

▽Guangdong Guangzhou


▽Tibet Lhasa

Zhejiang Taizhou



▽Jiangsu Nanjing

▽Zhejiang Hangzhou

▽Fujian Fuzhou

▽Zhaotong, Yunnan

▽Korla, Xinjiang

Have you photographed the moon?

If you missed the supermoon last night,

When will the next one be?

According to,

there will be four super moons in 2020,

occurring on February 9th, March 10th,

on April 8th and May 7th.

Although last night was the "biggest full moon" of the year!

Don’t miss it on May 7~

Netizen: I want to make a wish on the super moon,

I hope the epidemic will end soon,

I want to go out and enjoy the moon!

Source: People’s Tourism

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