Riding to School Alone Our Reporter Chen Yang Text/Picture The road to and from school is the connection between school and family, and is also a high-risk area for traffic accidents. Recently, reporters conducted a survey on the transportation methods of students in many schools

2024/07/0118:52:33 hotcomm 1325

Riding to School Alone Our Reporter Chen Yang Text/Picture The road to and from school is the connection between school and family, and is also a high-risk area for traffic accidents. Recently, reporters conducted a survey on the transportation methods of students in many schools - DayDayNews

Riding to school alone

Reporter Chen Yang Text/Picture

î—„î—„The road to and from school is the connection between school and family, and is also a high-risk area for traffic accidents. Recently, reporters conducted a survey on the transportation methods of students in many schools in Bacheng. After randomly visiting multiple classes, the results of the survey found that the transportation methods chosen by students also changed due to different ages. Primary school students chose to take a bus. There are more students, and middle school students walk more. There are also many students who choose to walk or ride electric vehicles or bicycles to and from school for long periods of time, all of which pose traffic safety risks to varying degrees.


80% of students in a class walk to and from school

Some students walk for more than 30 minutes

“I didn’t expect that so many students in the class walk to school every day, and many students walk to school for more than half an hour.” Yesterday A junior high school teacher at the Yunping Campus of Bazhong Middle School introduced that among the nearly 50 students in the class, 8 people go to and from school by bus (including buses and taxis) on a daily basis, and only 2 people are picked up and dropped off by their parents on a regular basis, and the rest of the students They all walk to and from school by themselves. Students who live in Zhongba, Nanba and other places usually walk for more than half an hour each way.

î—„î—„A second-grade head teacher at Xiaonan Campus Affiliated to Basin Normal University said that in the lower grades of elementary school, parents will take the initiative to pick up and drop off students. However, in the upper grades, the number of parents picking up their children will gradually decrease, and students who have long distances will choose to carpool or take a car. To and from school. It is understood that many parents in the same direction will regularly carpool to pick up and drop off their children. Generally, each car carries 4 students, and they pick up and drop off their children once a day. The monthly carpooling fee per person ranges from more than 100 yuan to more than 300 yuan.

◎Hidden dangers

Overloaded pick-up and drop-off, "black car" carpooling

Safety hazards on the way to and from school

î—„î—„In-depth analysis found that in students' travel patterns, major hidden safety hazards include the risk of walking long distances, leaving early and returning late, Traffic safety hazards on the road, etc.

î—„î—„"I live in Nanba, and my parents don't have time to pick me up when I go to school every day. It takes about the same time to take the bus or walk, so I just walk." A girl in the second grade of Bazhong Middle School said that she usually goes to school at 7:40 in the morning. Rushing to school before meant that she had to get up at 6:30 every morning. "If it's winter, it's still dark when you go out in the morning, and it's already dark when you get home at night." Many students said that they walk to school very early every day, and when walking through small alleys such as Nanchi and Tongfo Road, they "feel" Very weak."

î—„î—„Those who choose to take a car or have an adult ride a bicycle to pick them up are also at risk. Some parents use overloaded electric vehicles to pick up and drop off, while others choose "black cars" for carpooling without operating qualifications, or even suburban tricycles that are illegally used to carry passengers on the road. Some students ride bicycles and walk freely in the motorway.

◎ Why is

so common?

Taking a taxi is too expensive and the bus is too time-consuming.

î—„î—„Walking is too far, time-consuming and has hidden dangers. Why not choose to take a taxi to and from school? Many parents said that it was mainly due to economic considerations. If you take a taxi to and from school every day, you will have to spend more than 300 yuan per month, which is a lot of money throughout the year. In addition, parents feel that frequently taking taxis is not conducive to the development of their children's habit of saving, so except for special circumstances, parents generally do not ask their children to take taxis.

î—„î—„Although in the compulsory education stage, students are required to enter schools nearby, due to the acceleration of urban construction in Bacheng, the urban framework has expanded, and it is very common to walk to and from school in 20 or 30 minutes. Although there are certain safety risks in letting children walk long distances alone in urban areas, due to family vehicles and time schedules, many parents can only let their children choose to walk to school.

◎ It is recommended that

departments increase their rectification efforts

Parental cooperation is the key

“Parents are more cooperative in picking up and dropping off in kindergarten and lower elementary schools. However, in upper elementary schools and junior high schools, there are very few parents who can maintain daily pickup and drop-off in a class. Not much. "Many head teachers said that although students go to school alone, they can exercise their ability to be independent, but they are insufficient in dealing with emergencies.For example, a lot of underage bullying occurs in hidden sections on the way to and from school; there are also individual students chasing and fighting on the road, which requires parents and schools to work together to train students in safety knowledge. Many teachers recommend that parents accompany them on the way to and from school so that they can learn about their children's learning that day.

î—„î—„At present, the Bacheng traffic police department is also carrying out in-depth activities on civilized transportation into campus. According to Gao Dacheng, captain of the first team directly under the municipal traffic police detachment, parents riding electric vehicles to pick up students, especially overloaded pick-ups, pose a major traffic safety problem. Hidden dangers, currently, the traffic police are working with the education department to carry out in-depth traffic order improvement, starting with students and allowing parents to participate.

■ Extended reading

National school bus offices issue early warnings to crack down hard on "black school buses" and severely punish them

î—„î—„The reporter learned from the Ministry of Education website that in recent years, Fuzhou City in Fujian Province, Linqing City in Shandong Province, and Panzhou City in Guizhou and other places After many overloading incidents of "black school buses" were exposed, the School Bus Safety Management Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Office issued the No. 4 warning in 2019, requesting the local school bus safety management coordination mechanism offices to further increase the investigation of "black school buses" and school bus illegal activities. The intensity of the crackdown reminds students and parents to resolutely resist riding "black school buses" and effectively ensure the safety of primary and secondary school students and young children going to and from school.

î—„î—„Early Warning emphasized that the local school bus safety management and coordination mechanism offices should make ensuring the traffic safety of primary and secondary school students and young children to and from school a priority, resolutely implement the requirements of the "School Bus Safety Management Regulations", and actively coordinate with all member units to coordinate and solve the problem of students' transportation to and from school. Learn about traffic safety issues, ensure work responsibilities are compacted, daily supervision is in place, and make every effort to ensure student travel safety.

î—„î—„Early warning pointed out that local public security traffic control, transportation and other departments should do a good job in traffic safety inspections and road safety monitoring in key periods and key sections, increase patrol and law enforcement on the roads around schools, and crack down on "black school buses" operating on the road and overloading We will carry out "heavy crackdowns" and "severe punishments" for illegal behaviors to ensure that they are discovered, investigated and punished, and held accountable together.

î—„î—„Early Warning emphasizes that the education department should work with the public security, traffic control, transportation and other relevant departments to integrate school bus safety publicity into daily work, focusing on the dangers and typical accident cases of riding "black school buses" and "non-dedicated school buses". Schools must fully Give full play to our advantages and effectively use class meetings and parent-teacher meetings to teach traffic safety knowledge, guide students and parents to effectively improve traffic safety awareness, and consciously resist taking overcrowded and unqualified vehicles to and from school.

î—„î—„(According to "China Youth Daily")

Editor: Yu Xiaolin

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