Sister Lang 3 was renamed "Riding the Wind and Waves" and was broadcast last month. The popularity continues. The results of the first performance of "Riding the Wind and Waves" were announced. Na Ying and Ning Jing led their respective teams to PK, while Na Ying's alliance faile

Sister Lang 3 was renamed "Riding the Wind and Waves" and was broadcast last month. The popularity continues. The results of the first performance of "Riding the Wind and Waves" were announced. Na Ying and Ning Jing led their respective teams to PK, and Na Ying's alliance failed.

The two sisters ranked lowest in terms of personal preference Wu Mochou and Huang Xiaolei were eliminated.

Before the second and third performances were aired, the audience revealed that the person eliminated at the second performance was Zhao Yingzi with an embarrassing physique.

Eliminated from the third performance are Aya , Huang Yi, Liu Lian

Si Gong has been recorded today. Lang Jieyi’s sister Jin Chen, Meng Jia, Li Sidani return to the show Support Team Serenity. Lang Jie 2 Joey Yung , Jike Junyi , Jiang Yingrong helped Na Ying. After all, they have the deep friendship formed in the first two seasons.

According to Reuters, which paid attention to the audience at the fourth performance of Sister Lang 3, it is said that Mao Junjie and Qixi were eliminated from the Sigong stage. All members of Jessica Jung and team were promoted.

It is said that the competition format this time is not a duel of wave 1, wave 2, wave 3. After voting, many viewers found out that the sister in the first two seasons was not an assistant but the sister who eliminated her own wave 3. This competition system was complained by many viewers.

And Olympic champion Xu Mengtao may retire after the fourth performance due to personal reasons. I wonder if it is true...

We still have to wait until the show is broadcast to find out.