However, taking over "Meng Hua Lu" also put a lot of pressure on this drama. "Brilliant Star" tells the story of Cheng Shaoshang, who was left by his parents to live with his grandmother since he was a child due to the war and became a "left-behind child". In order to survive, he

" Xinghan Brilliant " starring Zhao Lusi and Wu Lei has started broadcasting! The configuration of traffic niche and floret has made many people look forward to it. However, the follow-up to " Menghualu " also put a lot of pressure on this drama.

"Brilliant Star" tells the story of Cheng Shaoshang, who was left by his parents to live with his grandmother since he was a child due to the war and became a "left-behind child". In order to survive, he concealed his edge and grew up with grievances. After getting to know and fall in love with the new emperor's adopted son Ling Busuo, he continues to change. A story that reconciles with the family and resolves the national crisis together, creating a great story.

The first thing many viewers pay attention to when watching this drama is the clothing issue, because in the trailer and makeup photos released by "The Star" before the broadcast, netizens caught the issue of "Japanese style" clothing, which triggered a lot of public opinion . The knotted decoration on the protagonist's belt is not a traditional Chinese combination, but it has a Japanese style feel.

After the problem was pointed out, the crew of "Brilliant Star" also responded quickly. They immediately edited the released video and removed the controversial parts. At that time, there were rumors that the post-production was being processed overnight to remove all the Japanese-style costumes in the play. Eliminate or cover it up so the audience won’t see it again.

Judging from the content of the first broadcast, it is indeed a non-controversial scene. I don’t know if it is the result of post-production efforts. However, the overly obvious cutout is really embarrassing, and it doesn’t seem to be a difficult scene to achieve, so why bother?

The filter in "The Shining Star" is also very thick, and the protagonist's face under the lens is so smooth that it cannot be polished any more. But even so, Wu Lei's appearance still caused a rollover accident.

I don’t know if it is due to excessive weight loss. Wu Lei’s face is very sunken. He looks tired and lack of vitality. It is completely different from the youthful image in the past. It seems that he has aged many years out of thin air.

The skinny appearance also makes the lines of his face look strange, and there is a "hollow" feeling at certain angles.

Even in some death angles, Wu Lei looked completely lifeless, with a crooked face and no upper lip line. It seems that a weak person who has just recovered from a serious illness is a little less powerful for the character setting of a general.

Not only that, the performances of the two leading actors have also been questioned a lot. Their acting skills are not surprising, and their lines are also very awkward. Many of Wu Lei's shots look too "upright" and the neck is stretched very unnaturally. Zhao Lusi was criticized for her weak speech and unclear voice. The volume was also much lower than that of other actors.

On the contrary, some of the supporting roles are very surprising, such as Xiao Yuanyi, played by Zeng Li, the beauty's stunning feeling is very well mastered, and it makes people's eyes light up as soon as they appear, making people say "mother is much younger and more beautiful than her daughter".

and Xu Jiao who have not been seen for a long time, just look at the inexplicable vicissitudes of life.

From the plot point of view, "Brilliant Star" also has many flaws. The first thing that has been criticized by netizens is the rhythm issue. The pace of the plot is too slow. After watching the whole episode, I felt that there was very little information and there were too many slow motions. It really consumed people's patience.

The parts that I thought were funny actually made many viewers feel embarrassed, and the overly childish house fights became more and more boring. Such a different presentation style has made many people question: What style does this drama want to take?

Of course, some viewers expressed their approval of "The Star". After all, everyone has different aesthetics and tastes.

However, in general, judging from the feedback from netizens, "Brilliant Star" should not have reached the expected level. I don't know whether the reputation can be reversed in the future. We will wait and see!

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