Source: Reading Special "Golden Autumn October is refreshing, and Double Ninth Festival is celebrated. The sun and moon return together, and they complement each other for a long time." In October of golden autumn, we are about to usher in the annual Double Ninth Festival. In ord

Source: Read Special

"In October, the golden autumn is refreshing, and the Double Ninth Festival is celebrated. The sun and the moon return, and they complement each other for a long time." In the golden autumn of October, we are about to usher in the annual Double Ninth Festival. In order to carry forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation of filial piety and love for relatives, and create a good community atmosphere of respecting, respecting and helping the elderly, on the afternoon of October 12, the Fuhua Community of Futian Street carried out the "Smile Delivering, Gratitude" Double Ninth Festival Respect for the Elderly activity.

This event was hosted by Futian Street Office, Futian Street New Era Civilization Practice Office, Fuhua Community Party Committee, Fuhua Community New Era Civilization Practice Station and the social work team of Shenzhen Beidou Social Work Service Center in Fuhua Community Party and Mass Service Center , co-organized by 7 enterprises and institutions in Fuhua Community. More than 400 people, including community staff, property owners, shops, and residents in the jurisdiction, participated in the event.

While doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, Fuhua Community Sunshine Date Disabled Dance Team and Fuhua Community Elderly Association presented wonderful theatrical performances such as dance, Tai Chi, and poetry recitation. There are also booths on site for game interaction, creative promotion, free health clinics, food tastings, lucky draws and other booths. Respecting the elderly activities goes into the community and comes close to the residents, which better reflects the neighborly relationship of mutual help and allows young people to accompany the elderly at close range. It responds to the social policy of "caring for the elderly and caring for minority groups" and promotes respect for the elderly. The tradition of loving the elderly.

Cultural performance

Activity site

Stall site

"Ordinary Us" performed by the Sunshine Date Disabled Dance Team

Calligraphy and painting show by Fuhua Community Elderly Association

Smile delivery, thanksgiving

Editor Chang Hui reviewed Wang Xinlin

(Author: Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Reporter Peng Jun Correspondent Xie Jingyi)

This article is from [Read Special] and represents only the author’s views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information release and dissemination services.
