#numberoneweekly# Today, a piece of shocking gossip news spread. Canadian Xia Keli, who once appeared in the variety show "Where Are We Going, Dad" with his daughter in the summer, and his wife Huang Jiaqian, a Taiwanese artist, applied to the court for divorce. Divorce requires

Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli

Some people have analyzed that the biggest difference between the two of them is the custody of their daughter Xia Tian. I guess it is about whether Xia Xia will study and live in Canada or Taiwan in the future.

Looking back, Xia Keli and Huang Jiaqian used to be an enviable foreign screen couple who often showed off their affection in front of the camera. In the past, they often watched " Kangxi is Coming " together and chatted about how to get along as a couple. Most people in China know them basically because they watched "Kangxi Is Coming".

Their family's living atmosphere has always been very good. They are well-known as a model couple in Taiwan's entertainment industry. They have always taught Xia Tian a loving education, combining the best of both Chinese and Western styles. So when I appeared on "Where Are We Going, Dad" in the summer, I got a lot of love from my friends and parents, and gained a lot of fans.

It’s just these beauty and happiness that are unexpected, and suddenly tell us on this day that everything is over...

The once happy family of three

According to insiders, divorce proceedings is Huang Jiaqian raised, one can’t help but wonder what kind of thorny issues prevented the couple from peacefully separating in the end.

Although Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli were born from different races and countries, they have one thing in common. They both come from a devout Christian family. This makes them share the same beliefs and close values. They are all people who value mutual respect and communication.

It is hard to believe that years of harmonious coexistence and friendly communication failed during the final divorce negotiations. To be honest, in the eyes of outsiders, this is both a slap in the face and a sigh. It can only be said that as sweet as the beginning is, the ending will be disgusting.

Especially after the news of Huang Jiaqian and Xia Keli's marriage break came out, some friends in Huang Jiaqian's circle seemed to have posted support, insinuating that Xia Keli was "trash", which made people even more imaginative.

Friend Dou Zhikong posted a suspicious article teasing Xia Keli

Now we really can't figure out what problem caused them to get divorced. However, in recent years, the divorce cases of celebrities have emerged one after another, and the divorce rate in society has been rising, which makes people think about what marriage has achieved in this materialistic modern society, apart from realizing its most primitive reproductive function.

Just as some netizens commented under the news about Xia Keli and his wife's divorce, "They looked so good at first." Yes, no couple was good at the beginning, and then their relationship gradually deteriorated, and in the end they both looked bad at each other.

Every time news comes out about the divorce of famous people, many people lament and sigh, saying that they no longer believe in love or marriage, blah blah blah... In fact, there is no need to be so pessimistic. What you need is to use A healthy and developmental mindset to view gender relations.

First of all, you must form a realistic understanding in your mind: marriage is sacred, but marriage is not eternal. "There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies" and "all the banquets in the world come to an end". It can be seen that no relationship in society is eternal, including marriage.

Furthermore, no matter how old you are, never get married just for the sake of getting married. Your life is yours to live, and no one else can help you live it, not even your closest relatives.

Marriage without emotional foundation is destined to fail. This is an old saying, but there are still many people who are not afraid of death and go on to marry one another, just for the short-term face.

Finally, it’s about staying awake. Don't think that when you get married, you will get a long-term meal ticket, and you will no longer have to work hard or have any worries. That is because you are too naive.

Parents' Marriage Change in Summer

Whether single or married, women should have their own jobs and hobbies, maintain financial independence and personality independence, and must not rely on their partner for anything, put the other half first, and gradually lose themselves in marriage.

China has experienced a long history of feudal society dominated by patriarchy. Our tradition has determined our education and lack of establishment of independent personality for women.

Women have long been in a position of dependence on men. Women are accessories of the patriarchal society. They have no personal freedom, no right to education, no right to make decisions, and no legal protection.

Why did the old society have such sayings as "It is virtue for a woman to have no talent", "Follow your father at home and your husband when you get married", and "Water thrown out by a married daughter". Aren't they all meant to imprison women physically and mentally?

Although feudal society has withdrawn from the stage of Chinese history for more than a hundred years, there are still many decadent and backward ideas that are deeply ingrained in the hearts of the Chinese people, and it is not easy to remove the cancer of these feudal ideas.

Therefore, women must form an awareness of cultivating independent personality. If fate comes to an end, you can have the confidence to stop at any time and then turn around and leave.

If you don’t have this awareness yet, please learn immediately and start educating your next generation; if you have ended a marriage now, I believe you understand the importance of independent personality better.

The breakdown of a marriage is essentially a change in the relationship between two people. They are no longer suitable for each other to go on together. This cannot be simply attributed to who is right and who is wrong. There must be problems on both sides.

Just as Huang Jiaqian said in his statement on the divorce: "The decision and process of divorce are very difficult, and this decision is also a last resort. I sincerely do not want innocent children to be harmed due to media reports."

I hope Xia Tian's parents can properly handle the relationship between adults. Don't let her suffer unnecessary harm at such a young age, and let her continue to be a happy child.

What are your views on marriage and love? Welcome to leave a message for discussion~