Of course, this time is not the "super blood moon" that everyone is talking about, but a normal "super moon", and it is the largest super moon this year. The height of the full moon is the lowest in 14 years, so the visual effect is very good.

There are still many astronomical wonders in July 2022, such as " Double Stars Accompanying the Moon ", " Jupiter Opposition ", " Saturn Opposition ", Aquarius Meteor Shower etc. It can be said that I like to see them in July. Friends can also see enough. The next astronomical spectacle to be staged is the " super moon ".

Of course, this time is not a "super blood moon" as everyone calls it, but a normal "super moon", and it is the largest super moon this year. The full moon has the lowest horizon height in 14 years, so the visual effect is very good.

Of course, it rains in some places and the sun shines in some places. We will talk about which places have the best viewing conditions. Let’s first look at the issue of the super moon, and then when it will go online and so on.

How is the super moon formed and what is the reason?

Super moons are not uncommon. They occur every year. The average number of occurrences is 4-6 super moons per year. The most we have seen may be 2015, with six super moons.

It’s just that the largest and smallest super moon of the year requires certain conditions. The full moon may occur on the 14th, 15th, 16th or even 17th day of each month of the lunar calendar. Therefore, everyone can seize this time to watch.

And in June 2022, we also saw a full moon near perigee-the "Super Moon". I don't know if you have seen it.

The reason why the super moon occurs is due to the change process of the earth, sun and moon. The point on the moon's orbit that is closest to the earth is called the "perigee", and the opposite point is the "apogee". Of course, the moon, the earth and the sun are aligned in approximately a straight line. At this time, the moon is the roundest, which means that we see the largest visual diameter of the sun. when.

The apparent diameter of the full moon at "perigee" is 14% larger than at "apogee", and its apparent area is 30% larger. Therefore, this state is the best time to see it.

Therefore, its formation mode is actually the same as that of the "Super Blood Moon", and there is nothing different about it.

The reason is that the moon revolves around the earth, and the earth is oval, so during the operation, there will naturally be times when it is closest, and a super moon will appear.

Of course, many people say that the super moon will cause extreme climate changes or other natural disasters. We will not go into that. We have said it many times. This is a normal astronomical spectacle.

It is generally accepted by the scientific community that the emergence of a super moon will only affect the change in the distance between the earth and the moon - it will affect the tidal phenomenon of rivers and seas, and this is the impact on the earth.

When will the super moon appear and be best observed? Where can it be seen?

A supermoon is a full moon at "perigee". The entire appearance time is relatively long. From 17:06 on July 13 this year, the moon moved to the closest "perigee" to the earth in the whole year, which was only 357,372 kilometers. At this time, the moon's apparent diameter was the largest.

At 2:38 on July 14 (look), the moon, the earth and the sun are aligned in approximately a straight line. At this time, the moon is at its roundest, and the apparent diameter of the moon reaches 33.7 arc minutes, which is larger than the apparent diameter of the sun in the entire year. Therefore, the status is very obvious and the effect is the most prominent.

Of course, the essence of the observation shows that there is no change. It is also a full moon. The full moon has a visual diameter of 14% and a visual area that is 30% larger at the "perigee" than at the "apogee". Of course, the diameter of next year's super moon will be larger than this year's super moon, so everyone can look forward to it.

The super moon on July 14 is the lowest full moon in the past 14 years when the moon is at the zenith, and it is also the best time to observe.

The zenith of the moon and its horizon height are as follows: Harbin at 23:35 on July 13, 18 degrees; Beijing at 0:17 on July 14, at 24 degrees; Shanghai at 23:56 on July 13, at 33 degrees; At 0:30 on July 14, the temperature was 41 degrees in Guangzhou; at 0:27 on July 14, in Shenzhen, the temperature was 42 degrees; and in Haikou, the temperature was 44 degrees at 0:43 on July 14. These are the basic conditions.

The super moon that appeared in our country this time can be seen across the country. However, there are opportunities in some areas, but it may not be possible to see it. Let's take a look at the distribution of rainwater. Where is the best observation condition ?

html Since July, large areas in our country can be said to be dominated by "high temperatures". Relatively speaking, the climate conditions are also very good, and there are quite a few "cloudless" areas.

However, when the super moon appears, my country's climate will undergo a new round of changes, especially in northern my country where there is more rainfall.

This is mainly due to the trend of cold air activity in the north. Therefore, intense rain may develop, which will inevitably affect the observation effect of the super moon.

Judging from the distribution of rainfall, rainfall is distributed in Northeast, East China, Southwest and other places. The main rainfall occurs in Shandong, Sichuan and other places, with heavy rain and heavy rain. Next, there are light to moderate rains in northern Jiangsu, most of Henan, southern Shanxi, southern Hebei, central Shaanxi and other places. Therefore, it is difficult to see the super moon in these areas.

However, it remains sunny in large areas such as the south of the Yangtze River in my country. Therefore, the super moon is best seen in the south, but worse in the north. Have you seen the distribution? You can choose a suitable place to watch, and that's basically it.


Generally speaking, super moons are indeed not a rare thing. However, as an astronomical spectacle and the largest super moon this year will be staged, the effect of seeing it is better. Therefore, you can observe it if you have the conditions.