During World War II, Japanese imperialism committed numerous war atrocities in Asia and forced 200,000 women from various countries in Asia to serve as comfort women for the Japanese army. After the end of World War II, 350,000 U.S. soldiers were stationed across Japan. In order

How many women became comfort women after Japan's defeat, these photos reveal their existence

During World War II, Japanese imperialism committed numerous war atrocities in Asia and forced 200,000 women from various countries in Asia to serve as comfort women for the Japanese army. Perhaps good and evil will eventually be rewarded. After the end of World War II, the Japanese army, with the tacit approval of the United States, provided approximately 70,000 comfort women to the U.S. military stationed in Japan, specifically to provide services to the American soldiers stationed in Japan.

After the end of World War II, 350,000 American soldiers were stationed across Japan. In order to stabilize these situations, the Japanese government authorities took the initiative to provide comfort women services to the US military.

This move by the Japanese government was very welcomed by American soldiers. When the first comfort station was built, American soldiers poured in continuously. There were 500 to 600 American soldiers standing in the street, waiting in a long line to enter the comfort station. American officers, on the other hand, had little control over their own troops.

You need to pay a small fee to enter the comfort station, and you can enter after receiving tickets and condoms. Each Japanese woman in the comfort station received 15 to 60 American soldiers every day. One Japanese woman recalled that they were locked in the house, like a prison, with American soldiers lining up outside, and they had no time to rest.

In order to recruit more comfort women, the Japanese authorities used the entertainment association to provide jobs as bait, and coaxed and deceived women from good families into a pit of fire.

Due to the unwillingness of US soldiers to use condoms, sexually transmitted diseases spread among these women and US soldiers. The US military command finally had to close all comfort stations due to huge domestic public opinion pressure. Although Japan and the United States are silent on this matter, these photos reveal this unknown history.