From July 21st to 22nd, the 3rd Healthy China Sinan Summit was launched in Huangpu, Shanghai. With the purpose of "keeping integrity, innovation, transformation and leadership", the summit will allow the government, academia, investment institutions, medical innovation enterprise

From July 21st to 22nd, the 3rd Healthy China Sinan Summit was launched in Huangpu, Shanghai. With the purpose of "keeping integrity, innovation, transformation and leadership", the summit will allow the government, academia, investment institutions, medical innovation enterprises, etc. to jointly discuss the importance of medical innovation. How to cope with changes and move forward hand in hand in fields such as , medical enterprises, and medical services. The display of

innovative achievements is a highlight of previous Sinan Summits. At this summit, two internationally influential Chinese medical transformation achievements were showcased. Among them, BrainCo Technology demonstrated the Kaixingguo social and attention rehabilitation system to help solve the treatment of autism in children.

Autism has always been a problem that has plagued the world's medical community. According to data released by the United Nations, as of now, more than 70 million people worldwide are suffering from autism. Children account for the highest proportion, with approximately 1 in every 160 children suffering from the disease. There are 13 million people with autism in China, including more than 3 million children under the age of 14. However, the cause of autism is still unknown. There are still no targeted drugs for the core problems of autism such as social interaction, language, and stereotypes. Only some central nervous system drugs are available for secondary symptoms such as anxiety and self-harm, and the side effects are relatively large.

Therefore, non-drug treatments such as brain wave neurofeedback training have always been a direction that autism clinicians and research scientists are striving for. At this summit, BrainCo's "StarKids Social and Attention Rehabilitation System" presented by BrainCo is an autism intervention product that uses brain neurofeedback training technology.

BrainCo Founder and CEO Dr. Han Bicheng introduced: StarKids has successfully applied neurofeedback training technology supported by scientific research and clinical evidence to educational intervention and home training for autistic children through its rich and precise closed-loop brain training courses. , help autistic Xingbao improve social motivation and social responsiveness, improve children's attention and interaction with people, improve the effect of behavioral intervention, and accelerate the progress of children's social, language and cognitive skills.

It is reported that this technology has been jointly developed and clinically tested with the China Rehabilitation Research Center/National Autism Rehabilitation Research Center and a number of hospitals and institutions, and has accumulated some successful cases of early intervention. It is hoped that with the development of technology, the combination of smart wearable brainwave devices and deep learning artificial intelligence algorithms can bring greater breakthroughs in autism intervention. (Liang Changyu)
