In the recently popular Korean drama "The Sister Who Always Invites Me to Dinner", Korea's top goddess Son Ye-jin returns to the screen and causes a big hit! Debuted in 1999, she has appeared in many TV series and movies that depict the population of South Korea, and is known as

In the recently popular Korean drama "The Sister Who Always Invites Me to Dinner", Korea's top goddess Son Ye-jin returns to the screen, causing a huge hit! Son Ye-jin is a Korean female star actress who debuted in 1999. She has appeared in many TV series and movies that mapped the population in South Korea. She is known as the pure goddess of Korea: including the TV series "If Love Is Divine", the movie "Day Walk" and "I" "The Eraser in the Brain" and other well-known Korean romance movies and TV series. Her pure and flawless appearance is known as the top pure Korean goddess in the eyes of fans.

Son Yejin is now

. The recent hit "The Sister Who Always Invites Me to Dinner" has set off a trend of older sisters and little girls (sister-brother romance). Many girls want to find a handsome, pure, and good at dating. The little puppy (brother) who takes care of the sister is a couple. In the drama, Son Ye-jin, the leading actor, is 6 years old, but there is no sense of disobedience on the screen, making everyone feel extremely beautiful watching it! Her skin is clear and crystal clear, and her beautiful facial features make her younger brother fall deeply in love with this sister. This film also tells us: as long as you can take care of yourself, no matter what the ups and downs of life, you will always be good to yourself and your family. The future is still full of expectations and confidence, and perhaps a better love than before is waiting for you!

There is no sense of inconsistency between Son Ye-jin and the male protagonist who is 6 years younger than her in the drama

Son Ye-jin’s fair skin and beautiful profile in the drama

Son Ye-jin’s stills in "The Sister Who Always Treats Me to Dinner"

Her sister’s gentle and lovely smile instantly warms the heart Drawing the heart of a little milk dog

Finally, a lover finally gets married

In the drama, the 35-year-old leftover girl played by Son Ye-jin and her younger brother who are several years younger finally fell in love.

Stills of "The Sister Who Always Treats Me to Dinner"

Son Ye-jin in reality From ordinary photos in daily life, you can see that she is very natural.

However, the editor accidentally discovered that it was reported on the Internet that our goddess Son Ye-jin actually had micro-plastic surgery on her nose, which she also admitted personally. She once said: "I think plastic surgery is a cultural phenomenon. Girls in many countries around the world are happy to have plastic surgery, not only in Korea. Plastic surgery is not a scandal in Korea. Some artists have become more popular after disclosing their plastic surgery experiences. But I I think the reason why fans like me is not because I am particularly beautiful, but because I am natural.” The editor searched for comparison photos of Son Ye-jin in the past, and it can be seen that Son Ye-jin’s nose was indeed bigger when she was young than now. Slightly flat, but still beautiful in other features. .

Photos of Son Ye-jin when she was young

Comparison of Son Ye-jin’s nose before and after plastic surgery

You can see from the photos that after micro-plastic surgery, Son Ye-jin’s profile is more refined, and the bridge of her nose is straighter and more shapely than before! In any case, plastic surgery is so common among Korean celebrities. Countless celebrities have had plastic surgery, and Son Ye-jin only had her nose slightly changed, but the rest of her foundation is very good! So what if she just moved her nose slightly? It still does not affect her status as the top pure goddess in Korea! What a real star cares about is the overall temperament, character and the quality of the works she performs. Once Son Ye-jin stars in a work, it almost immediately becomes popular in Asia, and they are all high-quality products with great influence! So what are these micro-plastic surgeries?

Son Ye-jin’s profile

Son Ye-jin’s profile and beautiful nose line

No matter what, Son Ye-jin is currently unmarried. We wish her the most beautiful love in real life. If it is a sister-brother love as beautiful as a little puppy, Then we will be even happier! ! !