Today's real-time exchange rate of the Australian dollar against the New Taiwan dollar (updated at 2016-04-15 07:09): Currency conversion 1 Australian dollar = 24.9478 New Taiwan dollar 1 New Taiwan dollar = 0.0401 Australian dollar Australian dollar against the New Taiwan dollar

Australian dollar to New Taiwan dollar today's exchange rate real-time quotes (2016-04-15 07:09 update):

currency exchange

1 Australian dollar = 24.9478 New Taiwan dollar

1 New Taiwan dollar = 0.0401 Australian dollar

Australian dollar to New Taiwan dollar exchange rate trend chart (one week):

On April 15, 2016, the central parity rate of the New Taiwan dollar exchange rate in the inter-bank foreign exchange market was: 1 Australian dollar to NT$24.9478, and 100 Australian dollars to NT$2494.78.

ANZ provided its forecast for the dollar against major currencies. In addition to sterling, Australia and New Zealand expect the dollar to resume its upward trend in the second half of this year. Commodity currencies will be particularly hard-pressed, reversing the strength seen over the past six weeks. ANZ Bank predicts that the AUD/USD will be at 0.67 by the end of this year, about 1,000 points lower than the current level. The bank also predicts that AUD/USD will hit a bottom of 0.66 in the middle of next year.

Chinalco Cloud Copper (ASX: CYU) launched a private placement to Beijing Jincheng Chengxin (603979), a large Chinese mining engineering company, and received A$1.18 million to advance its activity plans in the Republic of Congo. Jin Chengxin holds 19.9% โ€‹โ€‹of CYU's shares and nominated two directors.

and above Australian dollar to New Taiwan dollar exchange rate Today's market information is provided by the CICC Market Center for reference only. If you want to know more about the Australian dollar to New Taiwan dollar exchange rate trend, you can follow the CICC Financial News Channel Daily financial reports.

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