Previously, because Lin Zhijian wanted to "run away" from Hsinchu to run for Taoyuan, but Tsai Ing-wen stood alone and appointed Lin Zhijian not to replace him, public opinion had already exploded. As the "thesis scandal" broke out, the Democratic Progressive Party members "went

Netizens spoofed Lin Zhijian's plagiarism meme

[China Jingwei News] DPP Taoyuan mayor candidate and Hsinchu Mayor Lin Zhijian has recently been involved in plagiarism suspicions. From Taiwan's Chung Hwa University to National Taiwan University's master's thesis, both papers were Exposed for plagiarism. Previously, because Lin Zhijian wanted to "run away" from Hsinchu to run for Taoyuan, but Tsai Ing-wen stood alone and appointed Lin Zhijian not to replace him, public opinion had already exploded. As the "thesis scandal" broke out, the Democratic Progressive Party members "went one after another" Muddy Waters rescues Lin Zhijian, who is indeed a "little British boy", with caring eyes and plagiarism skills.

Tsai Ing-wen: Thank you for your hard work, Zhijian!

After Hsinchu Mayor Lin Zhijian was involved in plagiarism suspicions, Tsai Ing-wen left a message on his Facebook. (Picture/reproduced from Lin Zhijian’s Facebook)

Lin Zhijian’s “thesis scandal” has been fermenting for two days. Tsai Ing-wen, who is also deeply involved in the “thesis scandal”, expressed her views on the matter for the first time on the 7th. She said, “Thank you for your hard work, Zhijian! Any supervision Everything should be based on facts. Arbitrary smearing for the sake of elections is not the chaos that a mature democracy should have. I believe that Zhijian will be able to win more support with his best policy vision and outstanding governance experience, so that citizens can have a high quality of life. and a future we can look forward to."

Lin Zhijian then responded to Tsai Ing-wen, saying, "Thank you for your support and encouragement. I have always believed that democratic politics should use political achievements and political opinions to gain the support of the people. I believe in the wisdom of the Taiwanese people and malicious slander will not succeed. Let’s work together for Taiwan.”

Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin left a message under the same post and said, “Because they treat you as a copycat, is Lin Zhijian a superhero?”; Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Wang Hongwei also said, “You still dare to be here? Lying in front of God!" KMT spokesperson Li Mingxuan even criticized, "Is it plagiarism for Tsai Ing-wen to leave a message?"

In addition, Lin Huanqiang, a scholar in the United States who has been pursuing Tsai Ing-wen's "essay scandal", said in the "Independent Observation" fan forum today The page stated that Tsai Ing-wen and Lin Zhijian gathered at the "thesis gate" to support and cheer up, and questioned that this was a drama by a "fake doctor" to support the thesis "plagiarism of the mayor". He pointed out: "Lin Zhijian's thesis scandal" will destroy the Democratic Progressive Party, and "Tsai Ing-wen's thesis scandal" will make it difficult for the injured Taiwanese civilization to repair within a hundred years.

Screenshots of comments made by netizens on the island

Netizens on the island also responded, "How many people in the political circles have obtained degrees through this model? Or, in other words, how many people in Taiwan's academic circles have obtained degrees in this way?", "Discuss the visibility of this plagiarism incident. The degree is not low, and Professor Su Hongda, the host of the National Taiwan University Investigation Committee, should not protect the green." "So when I think of that poem, it is like sailing on the high beach. Do you think the time is coming?"

Chen Mingtong: It's Yu Zhenghuang? "Learning from" Lin Zhijian

In order to clear the suspicion of plagiarism, Lin Zhijian urged the instructors of Taiwan's Chung Hwa University and National Taiwan University to come forward to clarify and endorsed .

Professors from Taiwan's Chung Hwa University believe that "Lin Chi-kin participated in discussions, questionnaire distribution, recycling and data analysis, and he used relevant research content in his master's thesis. The professors think it is reasonable and reasonable." On the surface, it seems plausible, but in fact it is Full of loopholes. Lin Zhijian's paper is simply a copy of the paper jointly published by these professors. He copied the entire paper without even bothering to correct typos. Is it just "using relevant research content"?

National Taiwan University Honorary Professor He Defen angrily choked Chen Mingtong

As for Chen Mingtong, Lin Zhijian's supervisor at National Taiwan University, he claimed that this was a "misunderstanding from the outside world" because Yu Zhenghuang's paper was published earlier and Lin Zhijian's paper was published later, so it was suspected that there was "plagiarism" in the "similarities". suspicion; in fact, it was Lin Zhijian who finished writing it first and "generously provided" the relevant information to Yu Zhenghuang. Chen Mingtong's move turned the tables, and the "plagiarizer" became the "plagiarized" person. The golden cicada escaped from its shell and turned against its customers.

Lin Baochun, a retired professor from a public university on the island, commented bluntly in Taiwan's "China Times" that these professors firstly want to protect their own image, and secondly, they are eager to protect others, avoid the important and ignore the important, and even confuse right and wrong. In fact, this really highlights some of the current academic circles. The disadvantages should be condemned.

Zhang Jingsen: It is not necessary to write a thesis for a master's degree.

Zhang Jingsen, the "Political Affairs Councilor" of the Taiwan government's administrative agency, yesterday said directly in order to protect Lin Zhijian: "It is an outdated and pedantic concept that a master's degree must write a thesis"!

According to Taiwan's "Convergence News" report, Zhang Jingsen said that writing a thesis is academic training. Unless you want to enter a doctoral class to engage in academic research in the future, you can graduate after completing the credits in the master's class, and you do not have to write a thesis! As for the purpose of the master's degree in-service class, it is for further study, and there should be no requirement to write a thesis at all! Zhang Jingsen also said that this is the norm in Europe and the United States. For some reason, Taiwan's higher education has never been clarified. "We should no longer have such an outdated and pedantic concept that master's classes must write a thesis!"

The education authorities of the Taiwan authorities also responded, "We will consider whether to write a thesis for the master's degree based on the opinions of all walks of life."

caused a burst of ridicule from netizens on the island: "Everyone has misunderstood! You also need to look at the party card ! If the party card is green, there is no need to write an essay. If you don't have a party card or the party card is not green, then the review will be strengthened. The paper Double the oral committee and double the comparison system standards. Only in this way can we have the value of Taiwan and truly love Taiwan.” 11.8%

Picture source: Taiwan’s “Zhongtian News” video screenshot

After Lin Zhijian was involved in the paper plagiarism scandal, some media disclosed an internal poll of the Green Camp. In terms of the support of the Taoyuan Mayor, Lin Zhijian was 41.6%, and Zhang Shanzheng was 29.8%. %; Lin Zhijian led Zhang Shanzheng by 11.8%. Lin Zhijian also insisted that "the poll is original", and public opinion was dumbfounded.

In fact, according to statistics from the island's "Internet Thermometer", in terms of online favorability, when the "Zhu-Zhu Merger" was proposed, Lin Zhijian's online favorability was 0.89; after deciding to elect Taoyuan mayor, the online favorability dropped to 0.47; thesis After the plagiarism incident broke out, the online favorability score was only 0.26.

Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin directly exposed that the polling company commissioned by Lin Zhijian is "Exquisite Public Opinion Poll Consulting Co., Ltd.", which is also the polling company used by Green Camp. In 2016, the labor department of the Taiwan authorities commissioned this polling company to conduct a survey on ", one case, one holiday", and unexpectedly obtained the conclusion that 85.8% of the people supported "one case, one holiday". It was criticized as not in line with the actual public opinion, and it was simply out to help the Democratic Progressive Party. Propaganda about the land-clearing by the authorities.

In addition, Zheng Junsheng, the general manager of the polling company, served as the director of the Democratic Progressive Party Polling Center. During the period when former Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou was in power, he often cooperated with the green camp to take the lead in attacking Ma Ying-jeou.

In fact, not only Lin Zhijian himself knows exactly how Lin Zhijian's thesis was completed, but also the Democratic Progressive Party. Tsai Ing-wen, who is also deeply involved in the "thesis scandal", knows even more clearly! Such a rush to appear and escort cannot change the fact that Lin Zhijian's paper is suspected of "plagiarism".

It is a pity that this drama has shown us that the DPP people can do anything for the political power without any lower limit. We have also seen that people in the academic circle do not cherish their reputation, collude with politicians, and are willing to be the minions and lackeys of the political power. , this can really be said to be "the shamelessness of scholar-bureaucrats and the shame of Taiwan."