Taiwan's Academia Sinica issued a press release on the 5th confirming that Yu Yingshi, a generation historian and academician of the Academia Sinica, passed away in his sleep at his residence in the United States on August 1 at the age of 91.

[Comprehensive News from Overseas Chinese News Network] Taiwan's Academia Sinica issued a press release on the 5th confirming that Yu Yingshi, a generation of historians and academician of Academia Sinica, passed away in his sleep at his residence in the United States on August 1. He was 91 years old.

Yu Yingshi (Photo source: Central News Agency data map)

According to reports from Taipei Zhongshi News Network and Central News Agency, the Academia Sinica stated that Academician Yu Yingshi is a very influential master of history in the world. He has conducted in-depth research into the history of Chinese thought, politics and culture, and has covered ancient and modern times, which is very rare in today's academic circles. In particular, research on intellectual history and cultural history has played a pioneering role and raised many thought-provoking issues.

According to reports, Yu Yingshi was born in Tianjin in 1930 and his native place is Qianshan, Anhui. First, he studied under the master of history Qian Mu, and then went to Harvard University to obtain a doctorate. He specializes in interpreting traditional Chinese thought with modern academic methods. He is the most influential Chinese intellectual in the contemporary era. He is very important in Chinese history, especially the history of thought and culture. His research on history has played a pioneering role, and Western academic circles have praised him as a leading figure in Chinese history in the 21st century.

In addition to academic research, Academia Sinica mentioned that after Yu Yingshi won the first Tang Prize Sinology Award in 2014, in order to encourage young scholars to invest in the field of humanities research, the Institute of History and Linguistics of Academia Sinica entrusted the Institute of History and Linguistics to set up the "Mr. Yu Yingshi Humanities Research Award" to support the underachievers. No effort is spared.

Academia Sinica stated that Yu Yingshi is an honorary professor at Princeton University, a former associate professor at University of Michigan, and a professor at Harvard University. He also received many academic honors at home and abroad throughout his life, including the Executive Yuan Culture Award in 1991 and the 2004 Academician of the American Philosophical Society, the 2006 John W. Kluge Prize in the Humanities and Social Sciences from the Library of Congress, the 2014 First Tang Prize for Sinology, etc., and was elected to Taiwan in 1974 The 10th academician of Academia Sinica. (End)