Recently, the School of Mathematics at the University of Science and Technology of China issued an invitation. Students who come to the college to study basic mathematics for doctoral studies in 2020 will be provided with a guaranteed annual income of 100,000 yuan per person.

According to the official website of University of Science and Technology of China School of Mathematics, recently, the School of Mathematics of University of Science and Technology of China issued an invitation to provide a guaranteed annual income of 100,000 per person to students who will enroll in the school for doctoral studies in basic mathematics in 2020. Yuan RMB (research assistant fee + teaching assistant fee + scholarship). The details are as follows:

web page screenshot.

Students who come to the School of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Science and Technology of China in 2020 to major in basic mathematics will have benefits! Generous scholarships are waiting for you!

requirements: 1. Students enrolling in 2020;

2. Bachelor's degree from Peking University, Tsinghua University, University of Science and Technology, Fudan, and Zhejiang University;

3. PhD program in basic mathematics (specifically including mathematical physics, dynamical systems, algebra, differential equations, analysis, and differential geometry);

benefits: starting from the doctoral stage, each person will receive a guaranteed annual income of 100,000 yuan (research assistant fee + teaching assistant fee + scholarship).

According to reports, the Department of Mathematics, the predecessor of the School of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Science and Technology of China, was founded in 1958 by the famous mathematician Professor Hua Luogeng and served as the first dean of the department. In May 2011, the School of Mathematical Sciences was officially established with the first dean. He is an academician of Ma Zhiming and . The college is one of the first batch of national science talent training bases, a key training base for doctoral students of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a special post for Yangtze Scholars, and has been awarded the first batch of first-level disciplines in mathematics to award doctoral degrees. Knowledge innovation engineering construction discipline. It was selected into the list of "World-class Disciplines" in the national "Double First-Class" construction, ranked fourth in the Ministry of Education's fourth round of subject evaluation , and ranked third in the latest soft subjects.