[I am on the front line of the anti-epidemic] "I am the director"! When the COVID-19 epidemic hit, the public security charge went retrograde. How many comrades-in-arms did not look back and how many comrades worked hard regardless of their own safety. Tao Biaojin, director of th

[I am on the front line of the fight against the epidemic] "I am the director"!

The new crown epidemic is coming

The public security charge is retrograde

For a time

How many comrades have never looked back

How many comrades are working hard without regard for their own safety

Tao Biaojin, director of the Biem Police Station of the Yushan County Public Security Bureau, A brave soldier who always remembers "I am a party member" and "I am the director" in the prevention and control work of the new crown epidemic and puts it into practice!

I am the director and I am fine, but I am afraid that my younger brothers and sisters will worry

"Sun's son came back from Wuhan. At this sensitive and critical time (fighting against the new coronavirus epidemic), we cannot tolerate any luck and must not let their family go. I went shopping everywhere. I just didn’t expect that woman (Sun) to be so crazy and dare to bite people. Both me and deputy director Gan Quanbin were bitten with blood!”

html On January 31, Tao Biaojin led the civilian auxiliary police to . Sucun Village in Bimu Town was dealing with a case of refusing to implement a government order and was violently attacked by Sun's family. He and deputy director Gan Quanbin had their fingers bitten. Director Tao Biaojin did not care about his injuries, but He always cared about the feelings of his lover who was also injured.

"I'm fine because I'm the director! I'm just worried that Xiao Gan's lover will feel distressed. As the director, when colleagues in the station are injured on duty, what I'm most afraid of is that their families will worry. But fortunately, our police wife They are very aware and are immune to such things! Thinking like this makes me feel at ease," said Tao Biaojin.

At about 2 pm on January 31, 2020, because the son of Sun from Sucun Village, Bimu Town, was a returnee from Wuhan, their family refused to implement the orders issued by the government during the state of emergency for the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic and unconsciously stayed at home. Despite being in isolation, he still moves around every day and insults and threatens the staff who come to persuade him. In this case, Tao Biaojin led the civilian auxiliary police officers of the Biem Police Station and planned to send Sun's family of four to forced isolation for refusing to comply with the government's order. During this period, they were violently attacked by Sun's family. Director Tao Biaojin and deputy director Gan Quanbin took the lead. When controlling the most agitated Sun with their bare hands, they were accidentally bitten by Sun on their fingers, causing blood to flow. Currently, the case is under investigation by the Criminal Police Brigade of the Yushan County Public Security Bureau.

"I hope that this legal handling will serve as a warning and a deterrent, so that this situation will not happen again. Even if we encounter such a situation again, I am the director and I will be the first to go!" "Director Tao Biaojin said, "Patients who need to be isolated may resist or even resist excessively when faced with law enforcement by the public security agencies, no matter how flexible we are. Therefore, when we dispatch the police, risk assessment is very important and must be carried out. Make full preparations for prevention," Tao Biaojin said with great experience.

I am the director and I will go up first and set a good example for others to follow.

During the Spring Festival this year, the new crown epidemic suddenly struck. Tao Biaojin recognized the seriousness of the situation from the beginning. In accordance with the deployment of the bureau’s party committee, he quickly mobilized and led the whole team. The civilian auxiliary police officers gave up their Spring Festival vacation and remained on the front line of the fight against the epidemic. In the prevention and control of the new coronavirus epidemic, the police station has a lot of work to do. It must not only coordinate with relevant departments to set up checkpoints, but also carry out epidemic-related security inspections, crack down on epidemic-related crimes, and carry out in-depth publicity on epidemic prevention and control... They can only Using continuous rotation to make up for the lack of police force, everyone charged into battle day and night and never had a good night's sleep. Even after Tao Biaojin and Gan Quanbin's fingers were bitten, they still continued to work despite their injuries...

"The more urgent and dangerous the situation, the more capable they are. Test the original intention and mission. At this time, Communist Party members and unit leaders must take the lead and take the lead! "

This is not an empty talk, Tao Biaojin has been practicing it with practical actions.

During the joint prevention and control period of the new crown epidemic, an epidemic detection point was set up at the Yushan West Exit of the Deshang Expressway in the jurisdiction of Bimu Town, Yushan County, where people with Tao Biaojin could be seen no matter day or night. figure. When the epidemic detection point was first established, the facilities were very simple, with no tents or heaters. It was rainy and very cold at that time.Under such circumstances, Tao Biaojin always insisted on commanding from the front and took the lead in doing his job. He gritted his teeth and persisted with his comrades, so much so that his hands and feet developed frostbite...

"The young police officers are inexperienced and must practice with them. Continuous progress. The most important thing is that I am the director and a party member cadre. The more difficult the time, the more I must take the lead and take the lead. Only in this way will everyone believe that I, the 'leader', can work in a difficult environment. Next, inspire the team to burst into high morale!" Tao Biaojin said about his way of leading troops.

I am the director and I take action. If you don’t listen to dissuasion, you will be severely punished.

In the fight against the new coronavirus epidemic, as the director of the police station, Tao Biaojin is not only fighting at the checkpoint, but also maintaining the overall social security of the town. Stability and ensuring the implementation of orders and decisions issued by the people's government during emergencies are also the top priorities of his work.

"We focus on persuasion. The police and town and village cadres are working very hard. They go to the streets day and night to carry out publicity and education to the villagers, telling them not to visit, not to gather, and not to go out to pay New Year greetings. There are also those who do not listen to the dissuasion. They secretly gathered together to play cards and mahjong. In response to this situation, our police station took decisive action, severely punished, and educated and warned others not to act willfully. "

In the face of the severe epidemic situation, Tao Biaojin resolutely worked with the party and the government. Resonate frequently and be united with the people. However, for a very small number of people in the jurisdiction who refuse to change despite repeated admonitions and refuse to implement government orders and decisions, they will be resolutely severely punished and educated and reprimanded. During the prevention and control period of the new crown epidemic, a total of 9 people with epidemic-related violations were administratively punished and 16 were educated and reprimanded.

"At that time, I felt that the people at the police station were so cruel. We were just playing mahjong during the Chinese New Year. How could they be so harsh? Later, after listening to Tao Suo's education, I realized how terrible and serious the pneumonia epidemic was. Later, when I thought about it, I felt sad. "I'm sorry, what Taosuo did is completely right. They are responsible for the lives of our people. I was convinced by the admonishment!" said Ms. Dong, a member of the public who had been admonished.

I am the director and I stick to it, and my wife works hard to take care of the family.

"I made an appointment with my lover years ago and asked for leave from the bureau. I planned to accompany her and the children back to their hometown in Wannian County on the second day of the first lunar month, but faced with Due to the increasingly serious epidemic situation, I took the initiative to cancel my leave to the political commissar of the bureau. I have not returned home from New Year's Eve until now. As for my plan to return to my hometown of Wannian, I naturally gave up. My wife also understands and supports my work. He called me to tell me to pay attention to my safety, but he didn’t mention going back to his hometown to see his parents.” Speaking of family, Tao Biaojin’s words revealed his gratitude and guilt for his lover.

"My child is 11 years old this year and is in primary school. Due to the severe situation of the COVID-19 epidemic, the education department decided to postpone the start of school and open online classes. If you expect me, a father who is a policeman, to take care of your child's study, it will definitely not work. It makes me feel Fortunately, my wife has organized everything so that the children will not miss school and don’t have to worry about falling behind others. Speaking of which, I am really grateful to my wife. Other couples help each other run their families. She gave everything for me!”

Source: Jiangxi Public Security Bureau, Yushan Public Security Bureau