After the death of cover news reporter Zhang Jie Jinyong, millions of people mourned him. On the evening of October 30, a cover news reporter contacted Ni Kuang via email. He expressed condolences to his old friend for his passing. He replied that when people reach a certain age,

cover news reporter Zhang Jie

After the death of Jin Yong, millions of people mourned him. In addition to the general readers, many celebrities who had dealt with him before also recalled the past on the Internet to express their memory. Among Jin Yong's many literary friends, Ni Kuang is one with outstanding style. On the evening of October 30, a cover news reporter contacted Ni Kuang via email. He expressed his condolences to his old friend for passing away. He replied that when a person reaches a certain age, he must face death and "there is no need to be overly sad." This shows that Ni Kuang has always been a humane person. Broad-minded and straightforward style.

Jin Yong and Ni Kuang

The friendship between Jin Yong and Ni Kuang is a good story. When he was young, he became acquainted with Jin Yong because of his writing work. The two later became good friends and have known each other for nearly 60 years. Jin Yong had to go to Europe for several months while he was writing " Tian Long Ba Bu ", so he asked Ni Kuang, who was borrowing the office of "Ming Pao Monthly" to write the manuscript, to ghostwrite for a month. Before leaving, he specifically told Ni Kuang not to "write to death" any character. Because Ni Kuang always hated the character Azi in the novel, he blinded her when writing the novel. There was also a story about an unrecognizable You Tanzhi falling in love with Azi, which "surprised" Jin Yong when he came back. Jin Yong had no choice but to write "The Eight Parts of the Dragon" "behind closed doors" and spent a lot of time cleaning up the mess. It is said that he will never find anyone to write for him again. However, Ni Kuang clarified many years later that he had no likes or dislikes for Ah Zi, but admitted that he had "bad intentions". He also pointed out that Jin Yong asked him not to "kill people" before leaving, but he only "hurt people" and "beat them." Killing will definitely hurt you."

Ni Kuang and Jin Yong have been friends for many years and have close contacts. In recent years, Mr. Jin Yong has lived in seclusion. If the outside world wants to know about Mr. Jin Yong's current situation, they always like to ask Mr. Ni Kuang. In 2013, Ni Kuang revealed Jin Yong's physical condition at the time, "He had some hearing problems, and he refused to wear hearing aids. But we would go out to eat together, and he had a better appetite than me." But half a year before Mr. Jin Yong's death, because of Mr. Jin Yong's Due to their physical condition, the two rarely see each other. On October 30, news of Jin Yong's death came, and some Hong Kong media called Ni Kuang. When asked how long it had been since the two of them saw each other, he said: "It's been a long time, half a year." Why didn't they contact each other for so long? Ni Kuangtan said: "He has always been sick. He is an old man's disease. He is in his nineties. A while ago, he could not speak or write. He has been sick for many years. Old people are bound to get sick."

Ni Kuang also wrote an article "The Great Master of Martial Arts Novels—Jin Yong" has a deep understanding of Jin Yong's temper and character. Ni Kuang highly praised Jin Yong's literary achievements, and even summarized Jin Yong's martial arts achievements as "Jin Yong's novels are the best in the world, unparalleled in ancient and modern times, at home and abroad". In addition to ghostwriting Jin Yong's novels, Ni Kuang also serialized Wesley's science fiction novels in "Ming Pao" founded by Jin Yong. Ni Kuang admitted in an exclusive interview in "Jin Yong Album" that although he had been old friends for decades, Ni Kuang felt that Jin Yong had brilliant ideas, broad knowledge, and unfathomable thoughts, and he could only understand less than one ten thousandth of him. "Some people say that what I write has no structure or organization, and some people criticize me in person at a lecture that my novels are not as good as Jin Yong's. I said: 'You praise me too much. The dust should not be far away.' ”

Ni Kuang and Gu Long

Speaking of the friendship between Ni Kuang and Jin Yong, it is easy to think of the friendship between Ni Kuang and another martial arts writer Gu Long. Ni Kuang and Gu Long met in 1967 and soon became sworn friends. When Gu Long first debuted, he was ostracized by Taiwanese writers. Ni Kuang, who was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Martial Arts and History" at the time, not only found Gu Long to write novels, but also went through a lot of hard work and constantly recommended it to the great directors Chang Cheh and Chu Yuan . Gu Long's novels were made into movies, and eventually many of Gu Long's martial arts novels were adapted for the screen, and Gu Long became famous in one fell swoop.

After the death of Mr. Jin Yong, the famous martial arts master Wen Ruian of "Jin Gu Liang Wen" wrote in handwriting "Dugu is immortal, Linghu is invincible" to express his condolences. Immediately, he wrote: Unparalleled in the world, immortal as a dream, Jin Yong is smiling and proud, martial arts is at its peak. Deep condolences.

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